The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 809: I am a woman who worships gold (46)

  Chapter 809 I am a woman who worships gold (46)

  Ling Xian'er had a great sense of anxiety in her heart. She stared at Su Qinghuan's eyes tightly, for fear that Su Qinghuan would refuse.

  However, Su Qinghuan just glanced at her lightly.

   "Okay, it doesn't matter if Miss Ling wants to compete with me, just as entertainment for everyone."

Seeing Su Qinghuan agreeing so happily, Ling Xian'er was relieved.

  She glanced suspiciously over the Hanoverian horse Su Qinghuan was riding, with a little dissatisfaction in her heart.

   "Miss Su agreed, but you ride brother Jing's horse. This horse is pure blood from Hannover. Isn't it unfair? You can get another one that is similar to mine."

  Ling Xian'er looked at Su Qinghuan with a smile, as if she didn't think there was any problem with what she said.

  Su Qinghuan swept over Ling Xian'er's pure white Orlov horse, and the curvature of her lips and smile remained unchanged.

   "Since Miss Ling thinks it is unfair for me to race with Mr. Huo's horse, how about the exchange between us? I can ride your Orlov horse. Is this fair?"


  The smile on Ling Xian'er's face suddenly stiffened at the corners of her lips.

  How dare she approach Huo Jingzun’s Hummer!

  As we all know, except for Huo Jingzun, that pure black Hanoverian horse has always been a no-face in the racecourse, and even feeding it with horse grass is at risk of injury!

  I don’t know how Su Qinghuan managed to make this horse obedient.


Ling Xian'er looked very embarrassed, she looked at Huo Jingzun as if asking for help.

   "Brother Jing, this..."

  But the man didn't pay attention to Ling Xian'er's intention. Huo Jingzun, who was in a suit and leather shoes, narrowed his eagle eyes, looking at Su Qing joyfully as if asking.

   "Do you want to use my Hannover horse to race? If you like it, you can also lend it to you."

  As for fairness and unfairness, where is Ling Xianer's turn to speak.

  Ling Xian'er's own Orlov horse has been used for many years, and the relationship and familiarity of one person and one horse have also been cultivated for such a long time.

Even if that horse is slightly inferior to Huo Jingzun's horse, Su Qinghuan is the first time to ride his horse. In terms of running-in, it is really inferior to Ling Xian'er and the Orlov horse, so the person who really has the advantage is obviously It was Ling Xian'er.


   Seeing Huo Jingzun not selling Ling Xian'er face like this, Gu Chubai looked very embarrassed.

  In fact, he didn't want Su Qinghuan and Ling Xian'er to compete on this occasion, after all, it would be bad for anyone to hurt.

  At this time, Gu Chubai couldn't tell whether he cared more about the safety of his current girlfriend Ling Xian'er, or because he felt guilty for Su Qinghuan and didn't dare to let the matter go on.

  Gu Chubai hesitated for a moment, and soon stood up.

"Qinghuan, are you really going to compete with Xian'er? You just learned to ride a horse? What's more, Mr. Huo's Hanoverian horse is too brave, I'm afraid you will be injured. Or, you should retire? In fact, there is nothing ashamed of not playing."

  Su Qinghuan originally thought that Gu Chubai really cared about herself, but now seeing Gu Chubai’s cowardly rhetoric, she suddenly felt very ridiculous.

  She raised her eyebrows.

  "Mr. Gu, since you think I’m not very good at riding with Ms. Ling, should you play instead of me?"


  The surrounding rich second-generation son brother did not expect Su Qinghuan to be so against Gu Chubai.

  Especially the atmosphere between the two of them is very subtle, obviously as if there has been something, for a while, those who have something good started to make a fuss.

   "Yes, Actor Gu, haven't you been with Miss Xian'er? Why don't you worry about your girlfriend, but worry about Su Qinghuan?"

   "Do you guys compete or not? I'm bothering here again, I'm afraid it's going to be dark."


  Gu Chubai's face became stiff, and Ling Xian'er was anxious when he saw his silly look. The girl stomped her foot and almost wanted to shake off Gu Chubai's hand.

   "Gu Chubai, what the **** do you mean?! Aren't you on my side?"

   "Xian'er, I..."

   Seeing the girl in the white riding outfit flushed and weeping eyes, Gu Chubai's heart was in a mess.

  He subconsciously looked at Su Qinghuan, but saw her caressing the hem of his black velvet skirt in a leisurely manner, with a relaxed look, even watching him and Ling Xian'er play.

  At that moment, Gu Chubai couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

  He naturally didn't want to lose Ling Xian'er. Compared with Su Qinghuan, Ling Xian'er was the woman who could really give him a lot of help in the entertainment industry.

  Don’t think that Ling Xian'er is not the genuine eldest of the Huo family, but because of the Huo’s deathbed instructions, most of the Huo’s contacts in the entertainment industry can be used by her, even with Gu Chubai.

   Gu Chubai figured out the important joints, immediately turned his head away, gritted his teeth and stopped looking at Su Qinghuan’s eyebrows, and instead coaxed gently at Ling Xian'er.

   "Xian'er, I didn't mean that, don't be angry, of course I care about you the most."

   "This is pretty much the same."

  Ling Xian'er pouted squeamishly, feeling that she had beaten Su Qinghuan in Gu Chubai's attitude, Ling Xian'er finally had a bit of confidence in her heart, and she provoked the little fox.

   "Miss Su, are you sure you want to use Brother Jing's Hanoverian horse? Even if you win, you can't win."

   "Okay, since Miss Ling is so persistent, let me change one."

  Su Qinghuan chuckled, she rolled over and got off her horse, and her slender fingers pointed at a few thin and weak mares not far away from the racecourse.

   "Just the bay red horse at the far end."


  For a moment, everyone's eyes followed Su Qinghuan's words and looked towards the maroon horse.

  I saw that the horse was lowering its head and gnawing on the turf. Compared with Huo Jingzun’s four-hoofed, windy black Hanoverian horse, the maroon mare looked dry and pitiful.

   Ling Xian'er twitched the corners of her mouth.

  Su Qinghuan, what vision is this?

  This is clearly the worst horse in the world, okay? !

   Ling Xian'er glanced at Su Qinghuan with disdain.

  "...Miss Su, are you sure? The bordeaux blood is inferior to my Orlov horse. I don’t want to be said that I forced you to choose a lower class horse."

   "Just use it, I can win."

  Su Qinghuan smiled slightly, and suddenly walked towards the grazing red horse, his eyes were extremely proud.

  Those rich kids saw this scene, they all whistled.

   "I can't see that this girl surnamed Su is so arrogant! Why don't we place a bet? I bet Miss Xian'er will win!"

   "I also bet Miss Xianer will win!"

  And when Huo Jingzun saw that Su Qinghuan was so proud, he smiled suddenly.

  He slowly released the Patek Philippe watch between his wrists.

  "Since there is a gambling game, how can it be fun without a bet? I bet Miss Su wins. If I lose, this Patek Philippe will be given to you."

  (End of this chapter)

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