The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 810: I am a woman who worships gold (47)

  Chapter 810 I am a woman who worships gold (47)

  The man casually removed the Patek Philippe from his wrist. The faint dial made his slender jade fingers more attractive.

  But when he heard Huo Jingzun's words clearly, everyone took a breath.

   "Huo Shao, your bet is a bit too big, right?"

  Everyone is a good-knowing person. Although they were born rich or expensive, they were nothing more than spending time at home. They did not inherit the life of the family business. Except for Huo Jingzun, it is usually impossible for the people present to use such precious watches.

  Hey, you know, this watch is worth ten million!

The supercars they usually drive are basically one or two million, and they can get a three million sports car. They are already enviable in the rich second-generation circle. As for the tens of millions and above, the family will not give them squandering. .


  And Ling Xian'er was almost mad!

  She looked at Huo Jingzun in disbelief, and almost wanted to throw the horse whip in her hand to the ground and trample it!

   "Brother Jing, are you so confident in Miss Su's riding skills?"

   "Even if she knows how to ride a horse, the horse she chose is such an inferior claret horse, which is nothing like your Hanoverian horse!"

  Anyone can see that the little red horse that Su Qinghuan picked is better than her docile temperament. It is suitable for taking pictures of all the obedient girls. As for the horse riding competition, it is simply whimsical!


  Huo Jingzunyun glanced at Ling Xian'er lightly, and then slowly moved towards Su Qinghuan.

   "I believe Miss Su, she won't let me down, right?"


  Su Qinghuan nodded proudly. She turned on her horse. The black velvet skirt was like a blooming dahlia, spreading layer by layer on the edge of the maroon horse mane.

  Ling Xian'er looked at the beautiful woman in Hanover and immediately smiled, only feeling that Su Qinghuan’s stunning eyebrows would almost stab her.

  ——The most painful thing in this world is not that the person you like has other people’s favorites, but that when you meet a rival in love, you have to admit that your rival is more eye-catching than you.

  Even if Su Qinghuan stood there and did nothing or say anything, it was enough to hook the man's soul away.


   Ling Xian'er's eyes flushed rapidly, she gritted her teeth tightly, and made up her mind to herself.

  ——If you rode an Orlov horse and lose to a bordeaux horse that is used to check in for the rich daughter's rewards, that would really be a laugh!

  In any case, she will win!

  Ling Xian'er took a deep breath, and simply followed Su Qinghuan's appearance, and quickly turned on her horse.

  I just don’t know why, she has been training for many years, and even among the people who taught her is a senior British horse trainer, but her movements are still not as graceful as Su Qinghuan, and she even seems to be a little bit of effect.

  When everyone saw this scene, they were a little bit sorrowful.

  It’s just that no one dared to say anything to Ling Xian'er.


   Soon, the referee stood at the starting line. After a sound, Ling Xianer took advantage of the Orlov horse's innate blood, took the lead and rushed ahead.

  Gu Chubai heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Ling Xian'er had taken the lead.

  There is no shortage of rich second generations who applaud Ling Xian'er in the crowd, because they will win Ling Xian'er.

  Of course, the bets they gave were not as big as Huo Jingzun's. They were basically sparse, mostly in cash, and the most expensive was a bracelet that cost more than 400,000 yuan.

  But the sum of all of them is enough for two million.

  They are all waiting to use these small bets to take the opportunity to split up Huo Jingzun’s more than 10 million Patek Philippe watch.

  According to Huo Jingzun's meaning, as long as Ling Xian'er wins in the end, they can divide the value of this table according to the ratio of the bet.

  Everyone is very excited and excited. Who has seen such a good thing?

When    came out and was invited to ride a horse by Miss Ling, he could earn hundreds of thousands or even more than one million by the way, which is nothing but profitless!


   However, in the face of everyone's restlessness, Huo Jingzun always smiled calmly, his eyes just staring at Su Qinghuan who was temporarily behind, and there seemed to be a faint pool of water under his eyes.

  Gu Chubai saw Huo Jingzun like this, he felt a little unspeakable.

  He never thought that after leaving him, Su Qinghuan could be seen by other men, and this man was not only not inferior to him in appearance, but also much higher than him in terms of his worth.

  Not to mention things like family temperament.


   Gu Chubai suddenly thought darkly in his heart, if Huo Jingzun was just playing with Su Qinghuan, then maybe Su Qinghuan could change his mind and like herself.

   "Mr. Huo...Are you not afraid that Qinghuan will lose? The bet is so big? It's not a pity."

  Huo Jingzun turned his head indifferently, he glanced at Gu Chubai, only to think that this cautious man was very ugly, and very contemptuous.

  The man was holding the reins not far away, and looking at the woman driving the red horse, she was like the most brilliant cloud, which made people look at it and couldn't let it go.

  Huo Jingzun's heart suddenly became dark and indescribable.

  ——I don’t know how Su Qinghuan fell in love with this man.

  Huo Jingzun slowly rolled his eyelashes, his gaze locked on Gu Chubai's body again, and the man's voice implied contempt.

   "I am pressing a man, not a horse, even if Miss Su loses in the end, what's the problem?"


  Such an atmospheric sentence made Gu Chubai staggered.

  For a moment, he only felt that in Huo Jingzun’s thin eyes, he was humble as an ant that could be trampled to death at any time.


   And Su Qinghuan over there is already driving the horse like flying, she is holding the reins, and she doesn't know what magic power she has, the maroon little mare that has always been warm, chasing Ling Xian'er's figure, is getting closer and closer!

Ling Xian'er was anxious and didn't want Su Qinghuan to surpass her at all.

"damn it."

  Ling Xian'er's eyes are slightly cloudy.

  At the corner of the racecourse, she didn't notice for a while, Su Qinghuan actually gave it a slip, and instantly passed the Orlov horse of Ling Xian'er straight across the horse!

  Ling Xian'er's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe the fact that she was left behind.

  She chased her desperately, but it didn't work at all. Instead, Su Qinghuan fell a half of the distance.

  Seeing that there is only half a circle from the end.

  Ling Xian'er's eyes turned black, and she clenched her teeth tightly.

  No, she can never lose.

  Even if you lose, you can’t let Su Qinghuan win so easily!

  She was so cruel, she jumped off the horse suddenly, and in a place where no one else could see, she took a jewelry brooch and plunged it into the pure white Orlov horse's ass!

  Suddenly, the horse lost control, and ran all the way under severe pain, desperately crashing into the laurel horse that Su Qinghuan was riding!

  (End of this chapter)

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