The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 815: I am a woman who worships gold (52)

  Chapter 815 I am a woman who worships gold (52)

  Ling at the wicked and handsome young man in front of him, Ling Xian'er in a white skirt trembled inwardly, and at the same time there was an indescribable feeling of vain.

  She glanced at Gu Chubai awkwardly, and then slowly spoke to Qu Chengze.

   "Chengze, why are you here?"

   "Why, can't I come?"

  Qu Chengze smiled slightly, and the shiny diamond earrings became more dazzling under the reflection of the villa's crystal lamp.


Gu Chubai saw that Ling Xian'er was uncomfortable. He had heard Ling Xian'er vaguely mention a few words of Qu Chengze before, saying that she had met Qu Chengze since she was raised in the Huo family. .

  Qu Chengze once pursued him, but because Qu Chengze is a playboy, Ling Xianer refused without hesitation.

Gu Chubai had no doubts about this, because anyone with a discerning eye could see that there were a large group of beauties around Qu Chengze. If it weren't for the handsome skin and generous family background, I'm afraid that people would have been sprayed madly. Scumbag.

  Of course, for the little fans of Qu Chengze, it is a good thing that idols love to talk about "fast food love" so much, what if it's your turn?

  Even if the spring breeze is once, it's not bad!

  Therefore, no one blames Qu Chengze at all. Anyway, Qu Chengze does not have a real girlfriend who clearly recognizes her identity. As long as the bed-partner exchanges quickly, there is no sadness but love.


  Because of Qu Chengze's overly aggressive eyes when he looked at Ling Xian's childhood, Gu Chubai frowned, and subconsciously blocked the petite beauty in white skirt.

   "Teacher Qu, so are you also an invited guest of this "Adventure in Love" reality show?"


Qu Chengze nodded proudly, and his enchanting peachy eyes looked towards Ling Xian'er with a smile. He seemed to be covering his heart with an injury. He did this kind of damsel action, but it did not appear artificial, but rather more. It was a bit of an indescribable ecstasy.

  "Xian'er, I am here for you to participate in this season's reality show of love. Are you really not going to change the movie emperor Gu? Isn't it fun to switch to a CP to fall in love?"

  Ling Xian'er smirked awkwardly. The last time she sent a message to Qu Chengze and his ambiguity had not completely passed away. Ling Xian'er was only on an impulse at that time.

   But now when the evil star rushed to her, Ling Xian'er suddenly regretted it.

  After all, Qu Chengze, like his father who abandoned his wife and children, is a snake-like disease, not reliable at all.

   Gu Chubai is still more reliable and warm.

  Ling Xian'er raised her delicate eyelashes, soft and weak.

  "Chengze, but I have already promised Brother Chubai to partner with him. In the second season of this love adventure, many new guests have come. Maybe there will be your favorite female celebrities as CP with you?"

"Is it?"

  Qu Chengze stared at Ling Xian'er with his eyes tightly. When he saw the girl shrinking into Gu Chubai's arms uncomfortably, the man's jealousy surged involuntarily.

  It's just that there are a lot of cameras in this villa, and it is impossible for Qu Chengze to get angry with Ling Xian'er and Gu Chubai in front of so many cameras.


   Just when the atmosphere was embarrassing, a voice that was as high as water fell into the eardrums of everyone.

   "Am I late?"

  The smiling female voice made Gu Chubai raise his head in disbelief.

  His hand trembled slightly, his eyes opened, and a charming and graceful face appeared almost in the next instant.

   "Qinghuan? How did you... come here?"

  I saw a slender figure standing at the gate of the villa not far away.

  The woman wore a long-sleeved rose red velvet skirt, which outlined her slender figure very well. It was obvious that no trace of skin was exposed, but the hot curve was enough to catch everyone's eyes.

   "Why, can't I come?"

The corners of Su Qinghuan’s lips deepened, her eyes patrolled the people in the hall unhurriedly, paused briefly on the figure of Gu Chubai and Ling Xian'er cuddling closely, and then slightly towards the numerous staff and guests. Nod.

  At the end, it stopped on Qu Chengze's body.

   "Shao Qu, I met again. Last time I said that I was cooperating with you on a golden song on an album. Did you seem to forget to contact me?"

  Qu Chengze turned his back to Su Qinghuan. He was already extremely annoyed by Ling Xian'er's refusal, so he couldn't even think of the things he had deliberately hooked on Su Qinghuan.

"Who are you?"

  The man turned his head dismissively, and when he saw the stunning face in his eyes, he curled his lips in unease.

   "Oh, it's you..."

  Qu Chengze didn't expect to meet Su Qinghuan here. In fact, he didn't have that much interest in women other than Ling Xian'er. If he did, it was probably just for the purpose of arranging students-logical needs.


  Su Qinghuan read out the impatience in Qu Chengze's eyes, and she felt a little more interested.

   "Tong'er, look like this, did Qu Chengze quarrel with Ling Xian'er and the others before I came?"

   "It's not a quarrel, right? It's just that Ling Xian'er refuses to be a CP couple partner with Qu Chengze."

   "It's just such a small matter."


  Su Qinghuan looked at Qu Chengze's cold peachy eyes, and there was also a smile on his face that was correct.

   "Why, Shaogui Qu forgets more things? I forgot Qinghuan so quickly? How do I remember that when you were downstairs in the TV station that day, you said that you liked my performance of "Early Summer Sky" for a long time."

"……Ha ha."

  Qu Chengze glanced at Su Qinghuan irritably, but nodded perfunctorily.

   "Yeah, the TV series are okay."

  It's okay.

  If it wasn't for Ling Xian'er, how could he flatter a vase.


  And when Gu Chubai saw Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze saying what you said to me, he was shocked.

   "Qinghuan, when did you meet Qu Shao?"

   "It's just the nearest, can't it?"

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Gu Chubai meaningfully.

   "Emperor Gu, are you still planning to partner with Miss Ling as a CP partner?"

  She curled up her hair in an amorous manner, exhaling orchids.

  "Do you want to change a CP this season?"


  The words that looked like deja vu suddenly made Gu Chubai stunned.

  But what the man cannot deny is that when he saw Su Qinghuan blinking and smiling at him, his heartbeat almost missed a beat.

He never thought that after breaking up with him, Su Qinghuan would become more and more beautiful, and even have an irritating charm. You must know that although Su Qinghuan used to be beautiful, he was like a beautiful and soulless Vase.

  Ling Xian'er saw Gu Chubai staring at Su Qinghuan as if she looked like she was almost mad.

  She pinched Gu Chubai directly with her finger, and then pointed at Qu Chengze without hesitation.

   "Chengze, don't you lack a CP? What do you think of Miss Su?"

  (End of this chapter)

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