The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 816: I am a woman who worships gold (53)

  Chapter 816 I am a woman who worships gold (53)

Although Qu Chengze guessed that Ling Xian'er would not choose to be her CP partner, when she heard the girl in the white skirt point him to Su Qinghuan without hesitation, the peachy eyes of the young evil charm still dimmed for a moment.

  But soon, Qu Chengze had already cheered up and raised his eyebrows at Su Qinghuan with a smile.

   "Miss Su, it seems that our fate cannot be broken. It is better to meet by chance, or how about we do the CP of this season?"

  The crystal lamp in the living room was slowly cast down, just hitting the diamond earrings next to Qu Chengze's ear. The diamonds became more charming under the reflection of the light.

  And this man wearing diamond earrings is more breathtaking than the brilliance of this diamond. As long as others stare at his eyes, he will easily fall into his affectionate eyes and be drunk for years.


  Su Qinghuan’s lips were also slightly hooked, but before she could speak, Gu Chubai, who was standing next to Ling Xian'er, stopped her first.

   "Qinghuan, the group CP can't be changed midway, but you have to think clearly, is Qu Shao really your favorite type?"

  A trace of worry appeared on Gu Chubai's face and Swen Qingjun.

  In fact, no one understands better than Gu Chubai. There are still so many cameras staring at him. Even if he is thinking about his own reputation, he shouldn’t show too much involvement with Su Qinghuan.

   But when he thinks that Su Qinghuan wants to form CP with others in front of him, or a **** with a snake-like disease like Qu Chengze, Gu Chubai feels that the veins on his forehead are suddenly painful.

  It’s nothing more than others...

  But it should never be Qu Chengze.

  No one in the circle knows that Qu Chengzekong has a gentle and affectionate face, but he is most ruthless in his heart. There are still many rumours of ruthlessness in the market.

Outsiders can only gossip in private about how many rumored girlfriends Qu Chengze has changed. From the long-legged Victoria's Secret supermodel to the pure and charming new-generation Xiaohua, there is no one that Qu Chengze dared not contaminate.

  But no matter who it was, he couldn't leave a trace on Qu Chengze's heart.

  Because Qu Chengze started to like Ling Xian'er very early, but Ling Xian'er refused him.

   can't tell whether Qu Chengze is passionate or infatuated. He can firmly like others in his heart, and at the same time form all kinds of weird relationships with so many beautiful and different girls.


  Su Qinghuan saw Gu Chubai’s worried face, and only found it very ridiculous.

  She winked at Gu Chubai charmingly.

   "Emperor Gu, I asked if you would like to form a CP with me. It seems that you rejected me first, right?"

   "Besides, how do you know what type of boy I like?"

  In the stunned eyes of everyone, Su Qinghuan stretched out her hand and took Qu Chengze's arm directly, and she smiled generously at Qu Chengze.

   "Shao Qu, you should be treated well as your CP? Then, in the last few days, please ask Qu Shaodao to take care of you."

Although Qu Chengze didn't have any interest in Su Qinghuan, when Su Qing looked at him with a smile, the young man was unavoidably amazed by the little fox's stately appearance for a few seconds.

  Although I have seen Su Qinghuan on TV for a long time, I always feel that beauty is beautiful and a bit vulgarly gorgeous, but every time I see Su Qinghuan up close, I will be surprised. How can such beauty be vulgar?

  Such a graceful flower of wealth on earth, isn’t it more real than the snow on that day?

  When he sensed the warm heat on his arms, Qu Chengze finally recovered from the surprise. He deliberately wanted to be angry with Ling Xian'er, so he smiled happily at Su Qing, revealing his eight white teeth.

   "Okay, Sister Qing Huan, let's take care of each other from now on. Also, don't call me less music, more students, just like Xian'er, just call me Chengze."


  The most irritating thing about girls is being mentioned by others about their age. Sister Qinghuan is undoubtedly a thundering point for a love CP reality show.

  But Su Qinghuan was neither angry nor annoyed. The original owner was only twenty-five years old, but Qu Chengze and Ling Xian'er were younger, only in their early twenties.

  "Okay, Chengze, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, female junior, holding gold bricks. I haven’t had a relationship with my younger brother, so I will ask Chengze to take good care of my sister."

  Su Qinghuan’s eyebrows are curvy. She is already slender. At this moment, she stepped on eight-centimeter high heels and deliberately stood on her toes and touched Qu Chengze’s hair.

  Qu Chengze is slightly stiff, and no woman has ever dared to tease him as a little milk dog.

  If it weren't for the countless cameras shooting at this moment, or Qu Chengze would get angry.

  The young man's eyes showed a bit of irritation, but when he swept away from the corner of his eyes, he noticed that not far away, Ling Xian'er was biting her teeth tightly, looking towards him as if unwillingly.

  Qu Chengze moved in his heart. In order to anger Xian'er, he simply pretended to be obedient, and actively bent his knees slightly to make Su Qinghuan move more comfortably when he was smooth on his head.

  He looked at Su Qinghuan affectionately. Those peach-like eyes were more radiant than the lake in late autumn, and they were intoxicating and like old wine, which made people subconsciously drown in it.

   "Sister Qing Huan, you are so beautiful."

  Such a nutritious compliment, Su Qinghuan didn't need to think about it and knew that Qu Chengze had deliberately used it as a living target. Su Qing smiled happily and talked about local love.

   "Chengze, you are also very handsome, I almost fell in love at first sight."

  Oh, of course, the keyword is "almost".


  The director team not far away recorded this scene into the video instantly and uploaded it to the Internet quickly.

  The woman's eyebrows are as thick as a meticulous painting, and Qu Chengze, who is slightly bent, looks at him obediently. The evil temperament is slightly reduced by three points, but it shows a kind of affection that is difficult to describe.

  The last pair of mysterious CPs on the official Weibo of the second season of "Adventure in Love" was exposed and attracted countless heated discussions.

  Su Qinghuan has a lot of fans, but most of them are passersby fans with good looks, not so many diehards.

   But Qu Chengze is different.

  Originally, Xiaosheng is easier to attract fans than actresses. What's more, Qu Chengze not only looks handsome and has a good family background, but also has a little talent in music.

  In addition, the Chinese music scene has been in a downturn in recent years, so even though Qu Chengze's private life has become a little bit rotten, those diehard fans are harvested in batches.

  Of course, the so-called diehard fans, it is hard to say whether they really look at talents or claim to be girlfriends.

  In just a few minutes, there was a lot of scolding on the official Weibo of "Adventure in Love".

   "Protest! Why should we ration Su Qinghuan's kind of woman with disorderly private life to our brother Chengze!"

   "That's right! Su Qinghuan has been in her career for so many years, and he has come to harm small fresh meat, vomit, and old cows eat tender grass!"

  (End of this chapter)

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