The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 828: I am a woman who worships gold (65)

  Chapter 828 I am a woman who worships gold (65)

  Qu Chengze stared directly at Su Qinghuan, and suddenly he didn’t want the girl to sing in front of others.

  It was not that they were afraid of being revealed by those passers-by, but that Su Qinghuan’s smile was very precious at this moment, and he wanted to appreciate it alone.

  This peculiar possessiveness made Qu Chengze in a daze for a while.

   and Su Qinghuan quickly received the system 233 prompt.

   "Mom, host, you are too good, just sing a song, Qu Chengze's favorability for you has soared from a low to 60, and it is still rising, it is almost 70!"

  70 Friendship Degree is the category that can be considered as a good friend, at least better than a nodding acquaintance.

   And because the two are of opposite sex, Qu Chengze also likes girls, more or less with a trace of ambiguity.


  Su Qinghuan wanted this kind of effect. She didn’t want to sing anyway, because it was really hot under the overpass and many mosquitoes came out. Su Qinghuan regretted not bringing toilet water.

  Who knows that the original owner has such a physique to recruit mosquitoes!


  Su Qinghuan simply pulled Qu Chengze's hand, and smiled at him at the moment when Qu Chengze was in a trance.

   "Let's go back, you put away the guitar and the like."


  The young man nodded awkwardly, obviously just holding hands.

He and many women have done more intimate movements before, but I don’t know why, looking at the bright and innocent eyes of the little fox at this moment, even though her botched makeup has long been mottled, and even the neck is still thin. Drops of sweat.

   But Qu Chengze felt that Su Qinghuan at this moment has a beauty that makes people unable to breathe.


  And Su Qinghuan quickly let go of her hand holding Qu Chengze, and she quickly cleared the empty bowl. There was a lot of money in it. At first glance, it was almost three thousand.

   Su Qinghuan feels that this extremely fast way of receiving money is good.

  唔, although she actually has a better way to make money, she can't use the original owner's capital to go stocks.


  On the way back to the program group, Qu Chengze was a little bit unwilling. He stared at his wrist that was grabbed by Su Qinghuan, and only felt that the skin had become a little hot.

  This feeling is really incredible. If Qu Chengze was only fifteen or six years old, he would probably understand that this kind of feeling is like the beginning of a young man’s love between men and women.

   But for a **** who travels all over Fang Cong, this unexpected pure-feeling inevitably seems a bit curious.


  The two people quickly arrived at the program group, and within an hour, the program group edited the shots and uploaded them directly to the network platform.

  For a while, the title of Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze cooperating under the overpass directly rushed to the top of Weibo's hot search.

  Everyone just saw this title, and they all sneered at Su Qinghuan, thinking that Su Qinghuan was just a background board, and Qu Chengze was the one who sang so amazingly to passersby.

  Unexpectedly, when they waited a little bit in, they realized that the facts were just the opposite of what they thought.

   Now Su Qinghuan’s fans shocked their idols with so many talents just like the Chinese New Year, and Su Qinghuan’s black fans were even more shocked by Su Qinghuan’s singing skills.

   "Foggrass, isn't the second season of "Love Adventure" really for the script? Su Qinghuan that vase girl can sing, are you kidding me?"

   "Just her voice, singing for two or three minutes can make so many passers-by? Isn't it all commissioned by the show crew?"

   "I also think! Su Qinghuan is lip-synching, right? These are the dolphin sounds that were fixed in advance by the sound engineer in the recording studio?"

  Black fans are talking about it, and passers-by are also very surprised. When Su Qinghuan has such a singing skill, they are a little doubtful.

  Only fans of Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze firmly believe that the idols did not act according to the script, and there was no pre-recording and fake singing.

   "Although I didn't like Su Qinghuan before, I always felt that my brother Chengze's singing skills were the best in the new generation, but this time I really convinced Su Qinghuan."

  "Yeah! I also think it is impossible for Su Qinghuan to sing in lie. After all, my brother always thinks that singing is such a sacred thing, how can he indulge his teammates in lie?

   "Oh, I regret that I didn't pass the overpass today."

"Upstairs, it's useless for you to pass by. Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze are dressed like this evening. Even if you are a true fan, you can't recognize it. Ordinary people dare to stare at it when they see the big flower arm, and Su Qinghuan. Not to mention the face."

   "Yes, seeing Su Qinghuan so reluctant to commit suicide makes me laugh!"

   "Hey, don't you take Qu Chengze's love for music to wash the ground for Su Qinghuan, okay? Have you forgotten that Su Qinghuan's previous Mid-Autumn Festival Gala live version can be called a car rollover scene?"

  While everyone was arguing, many netizens who passed by under the imperial capital overpass dozens of minutes ago started to testify by passing the video to the circle of friends in advance.

  "Are you so doubtful that Su Qinghuan's singing is true or false? I was there at the time, and I promise, it is definitely true singing! The live effect is a burst!"

   "Plus one, don’t believe you listen to our recorded sound, it’s a lot noisy, it’s a bit inferior to the editing effect of the program group, but it’s more realistic, but it’s still not as shocking as the scene!"


  Now, netizens are a little convinced of Su Qinghuan’s singing skills.

And Gu Chubai and Ling Xian'er who stayed in the villa also learned about Su Qinghuan’s singing under the overpass. Ling Xian'er scanned the comments on Weibo, and there were so many likes from turning fans. I saw some redness.

--How can it be!

  How could the person who sing be Su Qinghuan? !


  Ling Xian'er, who had been restless, reluctantly smiled when she saw Su Qinghuan with mottled makeup stepping into the lobby of the villa, and quickly greeted him.

   "Senior Su, you sang so well today. Both Chubai and I were amazed by you. Why did you suddenly sing so well?"


  Su Qinghuan smiled faintly, and his eyes turned towards Gu Chubai.


  Ling Xian'er felt terribly uncomfortable seeing the two eyes facing each other.

  Especially when she saw that Qu Chengze still helped Su Qinghuan with so many miscellaneous props, she had the illusion that both of her men were snatched away by Su Qinghuan.

  Ling Xian'er hurriedly stepped forward to help Qu Chengze put things on the ground, and then looked straight at Qu Chengze.

   "Chengze, didn't you say that you wanted to collaborate on a song with Senior Su? You missed the bridge before, can you sing a duet with Senior Su live?"

  She does not believe in evil, and Su Qinghuan can really sing by leaps and bounds!

  If it’s not a fake singing, I’m afraid there is only one "Blood-Scorching Love Story" that can be handed out!

  (End of this chapter)

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