The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 829: I am a woman who worships gold (66)

  Chapter 829 I am a woman who worships gold (66)

  Su Qinghuan didn't expect it to be so late, the outcome was already divided, and Ling Xian'er had to make trouble.

  The little fox with mottled makeup on his face frowned slightly, and refused without thinking about it. .

   "Tomorrow, I am a little tired."

  It’s not that Su Qinghuan is afraid to sing. She once learned the vocalization method of the Shark from the descendants of the Yuren clan. In fact, her singing skills are not dolphin sounds at all, but are adapted from the language of the Yuren.

  It is widely rumored in the world that there are sharks in the North Sea, but tears fall into beads. Although there are no sharks in this era, it does not mean that there really are no sharks in this world.

  Kairen are best at using that dreamy and ethereal voice to make the fishermen who go out to sea in the middle of the night go to the deck in confusion, and finally jump into the sea and become the nourishment of a vast ocean.

  Although the shark tribe’s reputation outside is not very good, Su Qinghuan really has never seen a race that sings better than the shark tribe.

  Even the little demon in the form of a lark or a yellow warbler is completely incomparable.


  Ling Xian'er didn't expect that in front of so many people, with a camera close in front of him, Su Qinghuan would actually be embarrassed to show off and make a little temper!

After all,    is a reality show, which will be watched by thousands of people, even if it is a person with proud personality, at this time, more or less have to converge towards the camera.

  Ling Xian'er's face was a little uncontrollable on the spot.

  She glanced at Gu Chubai aggrievedly, and Gu Chubai also looked very embarrassed.

  He coughed slightly, as if he was a good husband, and started to teach the two of them.

  "Xian'er, maybe Qinghuan is really tired. After all, the weather is very hot this night, and she wears such heavy makeup. It must be sweaty to take off her makeup."

  Ling Xian'er actually understands Su Qinghuan’s discomfort at this moment, but she just likes Su Qinghuan’s mottled makeup and messy features.

  No way, Ling Xian'er used to think of her beauty, but when she saw Su Qinghuan’s true face, she discovered that this woman is so beautiful.

  Because Su Qinghuan possessed this body, the face of the original owner was nourished by her spirit, and he would get closer to Su Qinghuan's body day by day.

  Even if it can't match the breathtaking beauty of the little fox's body, in this mortal plane, it is definitely not one of thousands of people.

   Even if you don’t look at your face, but you say that the slender waist and the full-necked neck, which one is not the person who looks at it is very soul-stirring.

   The same woman sees it, I'm afraid it will be envious.

  Not to mention those stinky men who like to think crazy when they see beautiful women all day long.


  Ling Xian'er stepped forward pretendingly, a plain white face slightly tilted up, with a very sorry and worried look on her face.

   "I'm sorry, Senior Su, I forced it. If you feel uncomfortable, you should remove your makeup first."

   "Actually, I just suggested that you sing with Chengze, because I saw too many people on Weibo who questioned your singing skills, so I want to take this opportunity to make a clarification for you."

   "But if Senior Su you don't want to, forget it, there will be opportunities in the future."

  The girl’s voice was pitiful, as if Su Qinghuan had bullied her by not agreeing.

  What's more, what Ling Xian'er secretly pointed out was that Su Qinghuan’s "Blood-Square Love Story" under the overpass might be lip-synched.


  Su Qinghuan almost laughed at the sight of Ling Xian'er's white lotus.

  Suddenly, she didn’t plan to remove her makeup. Even now, this respectful look is much more pleasing to the eye than Ling Xian’er’s hypocritical green tea face.

  The little fox glanced at it and pulled Qu Chengze's arm straight.

   Looking at the young man's stunned eyes, Su Qinghuan's posture was light, and her voice was a little ethereal.

   "Chengze, since Miss Ling wants to listen to the chorus of us so much, how about we improvise today?"


  Qu Chengze was startled slightly, the little fox was very close, her big painted face looked a bit funny.

   But don't know why, Qu Chengze couldn't notice Ling Xian'er who was constantly making eyes at him not far away, instead focusing all his attention on Su Qinghuan.

  ——In fact, such Su Qinghuan is quite cute.


  Qu Chengze was taken aback by his abrupt thoughts.

   But he is not the stunned green who has never touched a woman. The young man quickly stood still, staring at Su Qinghuan's pure black pupils with clear gloss, and his thin lips lightly opened.

   "Okay, what song do you want to pick?"

  Su Qinghuan only thought about it for a few seconds before choosing the song she wanted to sing.

  She pulled Qu Chengze's arm, but she looked at Gu Chubai as if there was nothing.

   "Let’s sing the song "Always Quiet" by Mr. Asang. I have always liked Mr. Asang's song, but it's a pity that Yiren is no longer there."

  Su Qinghuan sighed quietly, which caused everyone to subconsciously resonate.

  A Sang is indeed a very talented female singer, but unfortunately, Tian is jealous of the beauty.


   Among those present, only Gu Chubai's hands and feet were a little weak when he was seen by Su Qinghuan's meaningful eyes.

  Inexplicably, when Su Qinghuan raised his hand and raised the microphone, Gu Chubai's eyes couldn't help but look at the girl's wrist with the black bow ribbon.

  -Others may think that this is just because Su Qinghuan is stinky, so he usually wears watches and jewelry on his hands, or wears a ribbon with a concave shape.

  But only Gu Chubai understood that what Su Qinghuan did was just to cover the wound.

  She once hurt herself for him.

  The cut was so deep.

  Gu Chubai didn't dare to think about the **** scene.

  He is sorry for her.

  This feeling, at this moment, is so clear.


   "Host, Gu Chubai's favorability has just soared to 88. You can completely abandon him after two more points."


  Su Qinghuan had a certain certainty in her heart, her eyes flowed, and she smiled towards System 233.

   "Wait and watch it. When I finish singing this song, Gu Chubai will reach 90."

  It's just an abandoned son, she didn't intend to take it more seriously.

  Ling Xian'er's stupid invitation is actually cheaper than her strategy.


  Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze looked at each other. After Qu Chengze played the guitar intro, the girl quietly said out.

  "Empty street scene

  Want to find someone to let the affectionate

   make this decision

   is loneliness-lonely be my neighbor

our love

  Like the scenery you pass by

   has been going on

  Footsteps never stop for me

  The love for you has been quiet

   to exchange the care you occasionally give. "


   A crying voice, like a crying sea monster, with a beautiful face and tears in his eyes.

  People can't help but wonder what kind of person is he willing to hurt her.

   Before Su Qinghuan finished singing, he heard two beeps of the system 233.

   "Host host! You are too powerful, Gu Chubai's current favorability rating is 90!"

  (End of this chapter)

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