The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 835: I am a woman who worships gold (72)

  Chapter 835 I am a woman who worships gold (72)

  Ling Xian'er was not a stupid person, she could feel that Qu Chengze always liked her and wanted her.

In the past, Ling Xian'er was worried about Qu Chengze’s snake-like character, and was not faster than Qu Chengze’s reputation among the thousands of flowers. Only then did she hang on Qu Chengze but refused to really do anything to him. .

But at this moment, Ling Xian'er clearly understands that if she continues to be lukewarm with Qu Chengze, I'm afraid that she will want to do something ugly with Qu Chengze's power in the future, it will be difficult. NS.


  In addition, Gu Chubai was in a daze recently. At first glance, he was hooked by the **** Su Qinghuan. Ling Xian'er had the urge to wear a hundred green hats for Gu Chubai.

  ——She can love Gu Chubai and choose to be with Gu Chubai. It is Gu Chubai’s blessing. Why does he double-heartedly treat himself?

  The more she thought about it, Ling Xian'er looked at Qu Chengze's eyes more eagerly.

  Her thin lips moved slightly, and she blinked at Qu Chengze with a vague and enthusiastic expression.

   "Chengze, we haven't talked about it for a long time. I really miss the days we used to study together."

   "At that time, because of my words, you were willing to take me out of the dormitory. We rode our motorcycles and drove on the unmanned lanes..."

  Ling Xian'er spoke very emotionally, and coupled with the gentle and tactful face with shining shadows in his eyes, Ling Xian'er thought that he would definitely get a hundred thousand points of feedback from Qu Chengze.

However, Qu Chengze saw Ling Xian'er standing on tiptoe, and the girl’s lips were closer than Sakura. It was obviously the woman he wanted to taste Fangze the most, but he didn’t know why, but Qu Chengze subconsciously thought about it. Su Qinghuan in the other room.


  Why is this time...

   Actually, she can't fully promote the desire to bring Ling Xian'er back to the room.

  Qu Chengze's heart was in a mess. He subconsciously attributed his drowsiness to his exhaustion and a bit too tired today. The man looked at Ling Xian'er and refused without hesitation.

   "No way, Xian'er, I have to go to the playground tomorrow, I'm afraid it will consume more energy, you go to bed early, good night."


  Ling Xian'er didn't expect to understand as much as she had implied, but Qu Chengze was able to frown and rejected herself so mercilessly!

  If it weren’t for Qu Chengze’s reputation among the thousands of flowers, I’m afraid Ling Xian'er would have thought that Qu Chengze would not work!


Ling Xian'er gritted her teeth and was really unwilling to leave Qu Chengze's side like this. She had made a desperate plan to come to Qu Chengze. If this evening passed, Ling Xian'er might not be able to drum up. Have such courage.

   Seeing Qu Chengze wanted to return to the room alone, the girl subconsciously grabbed Qu Chengze's arm.

  She stubbornly stared at Qu Chengze's eyes, trying to play the memory card.

"Chengze, don't you really remember? You were not so indifferent to me before. When we were in middle school, because I wanted to eat North Street ice cream, you could just skip school and buy ice cream for me... …"

  The girl's voice was gentle and eager, and even the catkin's hand fell on Qu Chengze's arm, and if there was anything, she scratched Qu Chengze's arm lightly.


  However, the moment Qu Chengze felt Ling Xian'er posted it, he somehow pushed Ling Xian'er away subconsciously.

  It's not because of anything else, but Ling Xian'er said this, which touched some bad memories of Qu Chengze.

  The young man looked at Ling Xian'er with some complexity, his voice unconsciously a little low.

  "Xian'er, have you really forgotten why you wanted to eat North Street ice cream that day?"


Ling Xian'er was stunned for a moment. She really didn't think of it. She just remembered that the ice cream was a high-end niche store. Ten years ago, they had to buy an ice cream for a few hundred yuan, and it only arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon. The door opens at four o'clock.

  At that time, Qu Chengze expended so much effort to run out for her, and was criticized by the director of teaching, but she ate the sweet and delicious vanilla and chocolate flavored ice cream. She also showed off to her classmates and won countless envy.


   Seeing Ling Xian'er shook his head so carelessly, Qu Chengze couldn't tell whether it was pain or something else. In fact, he has been a habit of being kind to Ling Xian'er for so many years.

   But in the same way, being ignored by Ling Xian'er and underestimating his kindness has become another habit.


  Qu Chengze pursed the corners of his lips, fixed his eyes on Ling Xian'er.

   "At that time, you just confessed to Huo Jingzun this morning, but he refused, so you came to me crying."


  Qu Chengze only learned about this later. At that time, the little girl was wearing a nice little skirt and rushed over to look for him, but there were teardrops on her face, tearful and loving.

  Qu Chengze was so angry that he thought who had bullied Ling Xian'er, so he threatened to stand up for Ling Xian'er.

  In the end, Ling Xian'er said that she was just gluttonous and wanted to eat at the store in Beijiekou.

  That’s why Qu Chengze relentlessly climbed the wall for her and ran out.

  There was an inspection by the dean of teaching that afternoon. Everyone knew about this for a long time, but Qu Chengze did not hesitate to go out to satisfy Ling Xian'er's wishes.


  It was only later that Qu Chengze heard the uproar in the school saying that Ling Xian'er went to Huo Jingzun to confess, but was passed by mercilessly, and even her love letter was not received.

   was spread to all grades of the school by the bad guys, even with Qu Chengze, who was in another building, knew about it.

  Although Qu Chengze had known for a long time, for Ling Xian'er, he was just the second choice she would only think of when she was unhappy or in her free time.

   But he still indulges everything about her like that.

  On that day, what made Qu Chengze sad was not that he was remembered by the dean.

  It was that Ling Xian'er was able to lie to him without any guilt.

  Obviously he treats her better and waits longer for her, right?


  It was also from the ice cream incident that Qu Chengze began to mess with other girls in the grade department.

  If it were before the change, the bottom of his eyes would be Ling Xian'er alone.

   Gradually, the women around Qu Chengze changed and changed, but let him lower his posture and do everything to be nice to her, but Ling Xian'er was the only one.


  Ling Xian'er didn't expect that after so long had passed, Qu Chengze would even bear such grudges.

  She suddenly smiled, and realized that she had nothing to do with Qu Chengze today. She could only lower her posture and say goodnight to the youth softly.

   "Chengze, how long has it been, and at that time I was young and naive, okay, then you should go to bed early~"

   Seeing the girl running away quickly, Qu Chengze's eyes darkened slightly.

  What is he to Ling Xian'er?

  (End of this chapter)

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