The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 836: I am a woman who worships gold (73) 2200+ words

  Chapter 836 I am a woman who worships gold (73) 2200+ words

  Thinking of the change in Ling Xian'er's attitude, Qu Chengze's eyes dimmed.

  He opened the door and walked into the bathroom, and seeing the handsome face painted in black powder in the mirror, he somehow remembered how he played Su Qinghuan under the overpass.

  The original irritability in the man's heart was slightly reduced, and he even couldn't help humming the song "Blood-Squash Love Story" sung by Su Qinghuan under the overpass.

  Before today, he had always thought that Su Qinghuan was an empty vase, but when he thought of Su Qinghuan’s singing, the corners of the man’s lips curled up slightly.

  He apologized to Su Qinghuan for his ignorance.

  Even young people who have always been perverted have a faint regret in their hearts.

  ——He has done many things about Hei Su Qinghuan for Ling Xian'er, and even hesitated to kill her in the entertainment circle.

  Qu Chengze once didn't think there was any problem with this, but thinking of Su Qinghuan's singing skills today, the man's heart softened slightly.

  Sound of nature like this, fortunately, his original plan did not succeed.

  Otherwise, he would not have the opportunity to see that someone could actually sing the deepest string in his heart, even more perfect than he thought.


  The man looked into the mirror, squinted his eyes meaningfully, then couldn't help but smile, and then began to slowly remove his makeup.

  He doesn’t know if Su Qinghuan regards herself as a confidant, but in terms of singing, he does regard her as a confidant.


  The night is getting deeper, and a few tiny stars in the sky are shining faintly.

  Qu Chengze closed his eyes, and what was turning in his mind was not the scene of Ling Xian'er begging him outside the house, but the details of Su Qinghuan and him today.

  The man tossed and turned, and couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

   Finally, he felt sleepy in a daze, but he did not expect that Su Qinghuan was still in his dream.

  It’s just that the woman didn’t sing.

  Instead, she was wearing a silk nightdress at night and asked him to apply cooling oil.

  In the dream, Su Qinghuan was like a little fox, lying lazily on the velvet sofa, her black eyes were shining, and she blinked at him with a smile, as if it were a silent invitation.

  The moment his fingertips touched the skin of the girl's waist, the man finally couldn't control it and covered his tall body.


  Su Qinghuan in the dream did not refuse him, so he took off the lace of the black silk skirt.

  Qu Chengze was awakened by this dream.

  He stared blankly at the shallow moonlight outside, only to realize that he had forgotten to even close the curtains.

  The night is dark, the moon is light and the stars are sparse, Qu Chengze's mind is all the scenes in which Su Qinghuan whispers his name in his dream.

  With pleading, but also with unspeakable confusing.


  How can I have such a ridiculous dream?

  Qu Chengze pulled his hair, but he couldn't understand it.

  He originally thought that he would think of Ling Xian'er even if he had no sleep all night.

   After all, he rejected her like that. In fact, if Ling Xian'er insisted on it for a while, Qu Chengze himself didn’t know how long he could keep on. After all, he would never make her sad in the usual way.

  For so many years, whether it is the love for Ling Xian'er or the indulgence of Ling Xian'er, it has long become a habit that goes deep into the bones.

  Because this period of time is too exhausted, and subconsciously want to make Ling Xian'er angry, want Ling Xian'er to care about him, so I dream of Su Qinghuan?

  Or, is it just because he has been idle for too long, and Su Qinghuan is in good shape, and his singing voice is also admired by him, so that he will have this absurd dream?

  The man can't think of the answer for the time being, but in any case, he can be sure that he doesn't hate Su Qinghuan anymore.


  The next day, the sun shone golden light, spreading like a tassel.

  Because he was going to the Imperial Capital Amusement Park, Su Qinghuan gathered at the entrance of the villa early, but unexpectedly saw Qu Chengze's face.

  Because Qu Chengze has always been the last few to arrive, I'm afraid this person doesn't like to get up early.

  But seeing Qu Chengze's eyes are black, Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

   "Chengze, why are your dark circles so serious? It was fine the first two days. Could it be that you haven't taken off your mixed makeup last night?"


  Qu Chengze saw Su Qinghuan’s surprised eyes, his thin lips pressed slightly, and he subconsciously looked at the girl.

  Su Qinghuan is wearing casual shoes today, wearing sneakers, a small shirt with a polo collar, and a pair of smoky gray jeans.

   And her long hair is tied into a neat ponytail, and she wears a peaked cap. She looks youthful and lively. She is believed to be an 18-year-old female college student.


  Qu Chengze saw that Su Qinghuan was so full of vigor, and then thought of the indescribable dream of last night, he couldn't help but feel a kind of irritability overflowing.

  It's just that the irritability is a bit different from his attitude towards Ling Xian'er, but a kind of irritability that he seems to have encountered an undefinable thing, and he doesn't want to face it for a while, because people are always full of worries about the unknown.

  Su Qinghuan’s influence on him has gone beyond the general scope, so today Qu Chengze subconsciously chose to be cold on her as much as possible.



  The three-character reply was perfunctory and careless, and Su Qinghuan couldn't help but twitch his lips.

   "Tong'er, are you sure this guy feels 80 good to me? Why can't I feel that Qu Chengze likes me at all? He is too cold today, he is a different person."

   "Host, after all, Qu Chengze hasn't recognized his intentions yet. He is not like Huo Jingzun and Gu Chubai. One has zero love history and the other has been entangled with you for five years, so it's normal to be more insensitive."


  The analysis of the system 233 is very good, but Su Qinghuan is deeply skeptical, and the CP fans who watched the live broadcast couldn’t help but screamed.

  Because they were originally in that collaboration yesterday, they fell in love with Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze’s sibling CP. Who knew that Qu Chengze suddenly changed his face today?


  This is not only felt by Su Qinghuan and the netizens, but also in the playground, Qu Chengze's attitude towards Su Qinghuan was also a bit indifferent. Ling Xian'er, who had been quietly paying attention to them, immediately looked very happy.

  She knew that Chengze really loved her. Yesterday, she was just awkward. No, today, in order not to make her sad, she did it even if she demolished the CP on the reality show!


  Half of the program recording activity, everyone had an intermission and the filming was paused. While there was a gap, Ling Xianer stopped Su Qinghuan in front of the swimming pool behind the restaurant.

  The girl in the white skirt looked at Su Qinghuan with a smile.

   "Senior Su, you didn't expect that, for me, Chengze wouldn't sell the face of Senior Su on the show."

   "Guess, if we fall into the water together, whom will Chengze choose to save?"

  Su Qinghuan frowned. She didn't want to pay attention to Ling Xian'er, because the favorability level given by the system 233 could not be wrong.

  Hearing the sound of footsteps not far away, Ling Xian'er's eyes lit up, and she suddenly grabbed Su Qinghuan's clothes and yelled as if she was terrified.

   "Senior Su, why did you push me, ah——!"


  This kind of boring framing and framing trick made Su Qinghuan's brain hurt.

  She could have stopped Ling Xian'er, but System 233 suddenly told her.

   "Foggrass host, not only the show crew, but Huo Jingzun is also nearby!"

  Three men in one play!

  Su Qinghuan’s eyes lit up, following Ling Xian'er’s meaning, he fell into the pool with the opportunity!

  (End of this chapter)

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