The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 837: I am a woman who worships gold (74)

  Chapter 837 I am a woman who worships gold (74)

  This amusement park has Huo Jingzun’s investment. Su Qinghuan knew this for a long time, but what Su Qinghuan did not expect was that Huo Jingzun would actually appear in this place!

  Huo Jingzun's favorability towards her is the same as Qu Chengze's, both are 80, which is in the heart, but it cannot be said to be true love.

  While Su Qinghuan had originally planned to sweep away Huo Jingzun’s favorability, now Ling Xianer’s move has helped her invisibly.

  A moment after making the decision, Su Qinghuan followed Ling Xian'er's thoughts and poured into the swimming pool.

  This swimming pool is different from other places. The deep water area is nearly three meters deep and has been abandoned for a long time. The fallen leaves are not enough to distinguish the line of sight.

  The original owner happened to be unable to swim. If Su Qinghuan really flopped like the original owner, he would most likely be drowned in water.

When the eyes, ears, nose, and throat have not flowed through, this is after all a mortal body. Su Qinghuan's soul is so powerful that she can't help but start to choke, but she doesn't intend to violate the original owner's set of people who can't swim, otherwise she would have been able to. Floated up.

  The struggling voice of the little fox was not loud enough. In contrast, Ling Xian'er immediately thumped violently after hearing the sound of footsteps.

  "Help me, who will help me! I don't want to die!"

   "Woohoo, Brother Chubai, Chengze, where are you!"

The girl was crying and trembling like that, and the two men who rushed up not far raised their hearts instantly. When they saw Ling Xian'er struggling violently in the water, almost at the same time, the two figures suddenly rushed up. Jump into the water...

   "Xian'er, are you okay!"

  Gu Chubai didn't expect that during the lunch break, Ling Xian'er would quarrel with Su Qinghuan and fall into the water. He also heard Ling Xian'er calling for help saying that Su Qinghuan pushed her into the water.

   Gu Chubai's heart was in a mess. He didn't expect Su Qinghuan to do such a thing. His heart for Su Qinghuan these days is not fake, but he also likes Ling Xian'er at the same time.

  As for Qu Chengze, let alone, for so many years, he has put Ling Xian'er's affairs in the first place. When he heard Ling Xian'er calling for help, his heart was almost occupied by habitual tension.

  The two big men almost worked together to help Ling Xian'er with Qu Chengze.

  No one noticed that in the swimming pool not far away, there were shallow ripples, and there was a person under the water full of fallen leaves, but his complexion was pale, and he looked almost human.


  Ling Xian'er didn't expect that Su Qinghuan would not even be able to call for help. The playground was a huge swimming pool. In addition to the angle problem, she unobtrusively blocked Su Qinghuan's side, hoping to delay it for a while.

  ——If Su Qinghuan really died here, it would be a real good thing for her!

  The girl thought with infinite darkness in her heart, her hair dripping with dripping water, she looked so pitiful, almost buried in the arms of Gu Chubai and Qu Chengze, weeping.

   "Xian'er is so scared... I'm afraid I won't see you again, woo woo woo..."

  Looking at Ling Xian'er like this, I don’t know why, but Qu Chengze felt an indescribable panic in his heart.

  He grabbed Ling Xian'er's arm tightly, and asked nervously, almost unable to hide.

   "Xian'er, you said that Sister Qing Huan pushed you into the water, how about her now?"


  Ling Xian'er was very guilty in her heart, she was about to delay a little longer, but unexpectedly, there was an exclamation behind her.

   "Oh my God, is the dark figure underwater is Senior Su? She has fallen into the water too!"

   "Quick! Save people!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, the director team was hurriedly trying to turn off the camera to shoot. They heard Ling Xian'er calling for help, but subconsciously caught up. The younger brother of the photography team had already started work. They thought it was just too much. Add a little bit of contradictory visibility to reality shows.

  Who knows, seeing Su Qinghuan’s silence underwater, I’m afraid something will really happen!


  All of the people who happened to be live on the Internet were all shocked for a while!

   "Wusao, Xian'er said that Su Qinghuan pushed her to the swimming pool, really fake?!"

  "This is not the point. Have you seen that Su Qinghuan has been underwater for so long, and these people have only noticed now, but when Ling Xian'er fell into the water, Qu Chengze and Gu Chubai came to rescue her together!"

"I saw this scene and felt that my heart was so complicated. Although I didn't like Su Qinghuan very much before, my impression of her has changed a bit since she sang. Who knows, I was treated coldly by Qu Chengze. CP also ran to save other women!"

"Yeah, just forget it, Gu Chubai. After all, I have been a CP with Ling Xian'er for so long, but what is going on with Qu Chengze?! It's so weird to be so eager to join in the fun! Begin to sympathize with Su Qinghuan!"

   "Is there a brain disease upstairs? Didn't you see that our brother Chengze is eager to save people? In the face of life and death matters, where is the question of CP or CP?"

"But how do I look at it and feel that Ling Xian'er doesn't seem to be a problem at all, but Su Qinghuan seems to be someone who is really troubled? The swimming pool behind the Imperial City Playground is deep and it has been abandoned for a while. , It’s not clear, it's all fallen leaves, and you can't see people clearly!"


However, in just ten seconds, countless barrage screens have been swiped on the Internet, and Qu Chengze and Gu Chubai almost heard the news that Su Qinghuan was still under the swimming pool, and quickly left Ling Xian'er behind. Want to save people.

  A stronger panic than before, directly enveloped Qu Chengze's heart.

  He had a premonition in the dark, what he would lose today, Su Qinghuan must have nothing to do...

  Although he was a little cold towards her today, he never thought about letting Su Qinghuan die after he showed appreciation for her!

  Just no matter what Qu Chengze thought, before he and Gu Chubai had time to jump into the pool, they saw a black figure galloping forward, and the other party thumped and jumped into the water.

  Only a minute’s effort took the man ashore.


  The man's custom-made black suit has long been wet, but the handsome face like a knife is now densely covered with frost.

   "Su Qinghuan, you must have nothing to do!"

  Huo Jingzun gritted his teeth and wanted to pick up Su Qinghuan and leave.

  The infirmary of the amusement park is nearby, and time is pressing, saving people is important.

Unexpectedly, when the directors saw this handsome man who did not know where he came from, they wanted to take Su Qinghuan away, and they felt even more nervous.

"You are?"

"Step aside!"

  Huo Jingzun did not hesitate to glance at the person who was blocking the road without knowing good or bad. He quickly lost a business card, and then indifferently looked at Ling Xian'er with a pale face not far away.

   "Ling Xian'er, I really underestimate you, do you want to kill Su Qinghuan like this?"

   "Brother Jing, I don’t have--"

  (End of this chapter)

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