The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 838: I'm a woman who worships gold (75)

  Chapter 838 I am a woman who worships gold (75)

  Huo Jingzun held a pale face in his arms, her eyes closed tightly, as if she was dying, a feeling of intense distress surged from deep in her heart.

  He scanned Ling Xian'er indifferently.

   "Ling Xian'er, who exposed Su Qinghuan's false black material in the first place, do you still want to pretend to be ignorant? It is really amazing that you repeat the same tricks today!"

As soon as Huo Jingzun said this sentence, everyone present was in an uproar.

  All kinds of terrible black materials were flying in the sky before Su Qinghuan, and everyone present knew it well. If it weren’t for this, Su Qinghuan wouldn’t have clarified, and someone would tease her overtly and secretly.

  It is commonplace in the entertainment industry to expose fake black opponents, but who would have thought that the person doing this would be Ling Xian'er? !

After all, for so many years, Ling Xianer's external image is like a beautiful and kind little fairy. Her big, innocent eyes are like talking, and no one wants to settle for such a girl. Well-intentioned speculation.


  After Huo Jingzun said this, Ling Xianer's face was bloodless on the spot, her tears fell, and the crystal tears looked so unjustified.

   "Brother Jing, I know you like Senior Su, but...but you can't rumor me like this!"

   "You know better than anyone if it is a rumor."

Huo Jingzun snorted coldly.

   "Ling Xian'er, you can do it for yourself. From now on, the entertainment company under the Huo Group will not have a place for you."

  Because it is important to save people, although the infirmary is not far away, Huo Jingzun only feels that the girl in his arms is breathing weaker and weaker.

  The man felt a sharp pain in his heart, and he almost couldn't bear Ling Xianer's glance again, and he took Su Qinghuan and strode towards the infirmary.


  People present had already guessed the identity of Huo Jingzun when they heard Ling Xian'er calling Huo Jingzun’s brother, but Huo Jingzun looked much more handsome and stern than in the newspaper interview, and most people would not dare to recognize it.

  Who would have thought that Ling Xian'er could break with Huo Jingzun on this occasion!

  Such an eye-popping scene, although there is a lot of traffic, the director regrets that he was shocked by the fact that today’s melons are too big, and he didn’t have time to turn off the camera. When they turned off, public opinion was already flooding the Internet.

   "Fog grass, so the man just now was Huo Jingzun, the president of the Huo Group?"

   "This plot is too fancy, isn't it? Didn't it mean that Ling Xian'er is the adopted daughter of the Huo Group? Why is the relationship with Huo Jingzun so bad, and Ling Xian'er said Huo Jingzun likes Su Qinghuan?"

"Outrageous, really outrageous, and what President Huo said that Ling Xianer's rumors about Su Qinghuan's illicit materials is really fake? Need to fight for life and death, right?"

   "Oh, I don’t believe that our Xian'er is such a bad person. There must be a misunderstanding!"

"Don’t cry for your idol upstairs. Wake up not only has the house collapsed, but the entertainment company behind it has to terminate the contract. Anyway, I’ve seen Ling Xian'er not pleasing to my eyes. I thought she was 800 years ago. A white lotus."

  "Zhu Geliang had a **** afterwards, but I also inexplicably felt that what President Huo said was not a lie, so I secretly said that compared to Qu Chengze, I think Su Qinghuan and President Huo have a more CP feeling. Why?"


  No matter how hot the netizens are, the filming of today's "Adventure in Love" reality show will be suspended. With such a big event, the people in the show group will look at Ling Xian'er with a very subtle eye.

  Only Ling Xian'er was wiping her tears, her eyes flushed and she looked at Qu Chengze and Gu Chubai, her eyes almost sad.

   "Chengze, I grew up with you, don't you even believe me?"

   "Brother Chubai...I..."

  Gu Chubai saw Ling Xian'er's beautiful and sad face, obviously so weak and pitiful, but Huo Jingzun's words just turned infinitely in his mind.

  Some things that I couldn't figure out before, all became clear one by one at this moment.

  Netizens don’t understand why Ling Xian'er has such a hard time with Su Qinghuan, but how could Gu Chubai not understand.

  It’s nothing more than because Gu Chubai was once Su Qinghuan’s genuine boyfriend, and Ling Xianer liked him!


   Thinking of Su Qinghuan's eyes closed just now and his life was at stake, Gu Chubai felt that his heart hurts so badly, as if a big hole had been broken, and he was bloodied by the cold wind in nine cold winter weather.

  No, he is going to find Su Qinghuan!

   Gu Chubai regretted that when he jumped out of the pool, he completely ignored Su Qinghuan and went straight to Ling Xian'er. It shouldn’t be. How could he treat the girl who had liked him for five years so much.

  Where is he when she needs her own help most, and even cut her wrist for him?

  He just hoped that Su Qinghuan would not confess him with fear, so that they would not interfere with each other in the entertainment circle and would not affect his stardom.

   Gu Chubai gritted his teeth, then shook off Ling Xian'er's hand and posted two messages on Weibo.

  ——Sorry, I am going to quit the reality show of "Adventure in Love" because I had a girlfriend when I participated in the first season. She was very good. We have been in love for five years, but I failed her.

  ——Su Qinghuan, I'm sorry.


  Almost when Gu Chubai posted those two Weibos, the entire Weibo exploded again.

  The on-demand rate of "Adventure in Love" is so high that it is difficult to replicate, and even the number of people watching the live broadcast is unbelievably high.

   "Fogcao, there are too many melons today, right? Gu Chubai actually fell in love with Su Qinghuan?"

   "My house collapsed again, the sky fell apart, Gu Chubai, I have also liked you for five years, but who knows that you are such a foolish person, and even the girl you like can't be protected!"

   "Woo woo, I finally know why Su Su chose to cut his wrists in the first place, and this time because Gu Chubai and Ling Xian'er fell into the pool, I really want to curse!"


  Su Qinghuan’s fans are all distressed about how idol is so stupid, but Gu Chubai and Ling Xianer’s Weibo is full of curses.

  Only the little fox lying in the infirmary resting, although his eyes are closed, he is very happy in his heart.

  There is no other reason, because Gu Chubai and Huo Jingzun both reached 95 points of love almost a few minutes ago, and her task was overfulfilled!

  Only Qu Chengze is still at 87, but there are only a few points left!

   Seeing the girl’s flashing eyelashes, Huo Jingzun looked at her pale face with a hoarse voice.

   "Qinghuan, are you still refusing to talk to me when you wake up?"

  Su Qinghuan slowly opened her eyes, she swept across Huo Jingzun coldly, and the man in front of her was handsome and haggard, with bloodshot eyes floating in her narrow eagle eyes.

  Because Huo Jingzun has been here to take care of her all night.

  But Su Qinghuan was not moved in her heart, she pressed her thin lips slightly, and asked indifferently.

   "You refused Gu Chubai and Qu Chengze to visit me, why?"

  (End of this chapter)

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