The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 839: I am a woman who worships gold (76)

  Chapter 839 I am a woman who worships gold (76)

  Huo Jingzun had long guessed that Su Qinghuan’s attitude towards him would not be too warm, but when the man saw the girl’s cold and alien face, the pain in his heart could not help but strengthen a bit.

  Huo Jingzun in a black windbreaker pursed the corners of his lips, his expression a little uncontrollable sad.

   "Qinghuan, do you still want to see those two people? Whether it is Qu Chengze or Gu Chubai, they both hurt you, you know clearly..."

  Before the man had finished speaking, he suddenly heard the cold and indifferent voice of the woman.

   "What you said is correct, yes, they hurt me, then do you think you haven't?"

Su Qinghuan swept across Huo Jingzun's face mockingly. She never doubted that Huo Jingzun looked good. Even when he didn't have a good rest all night, the man's face was still as handsome as a knife, even because of the haggardness. , There is an indescribable fragile beauty.

  Even if the word fragile, it never goes hand-in-hand with the dignified president of the Huo Group.


   Seeing Huo Jingzun’s thin lips twitching, but still did not speak, Su Qinghuan smiled coldly, and suddenly pulled her arm away, revealing the scarred and hideous arm.

  "Do you think that I would hurt myself like this in the first place, just because Gu Chubai abandoned me? People say it is awesome, and what role do you play in it?"

  At that time, Huo Jingzun accused Ling Xian'er of being wrong in the Imperial Capital Amusement Park, but in the final analysis, did Huo Jingzun play a good role?

  He just disregarded the lives of others, and regarded the original owner as a humble and ignorant grass.

  Otherwise, he would not, in order to pay off the kindness of Ling Xian'er's father, first add to the unnecessarily black material of the original owner, and watch the woman abusing their company's marketing network with cold eyes.

  And what was even more excessive was that after the original owner died miserably in the waters of the Imperial Capital, he erased all evidence that Ling Xian'er had murdered.

  And Huo Jingzun did all this just so that Ling Xian'er would no longer bother him.

  He has his reasons, but it is not an excuse to hurt the original owner, an innocent third party.


  Even if what Huo Jingzun did to the original owner is not as terrifying as the original owner remembers, he is not a good person at all.

  At this moment, what right does he have to stand here and show his hardship and affection?


  Su Qinghuan’s expression was slightly ironic. Huo Jingzun never noticed that a woman could be stabbed like Su Qinghuan.

  The man strangled Su Qinghuan’s wrist, and in Su Qinghuan’s shocked eyes, he stubbornly lowered his head and refused to let go of Su Qinghuan’s hand.

"Qinghuan, I know that it’s my fault for me to do those things to you, but I can compensate you thousands of times, since you and Qu Chengze appeared on the reality show of "Adventure in Love", I control Don’t stop yourself, pay attention to your every move on the screen."

  He was moved by the woman in front of him, and broke God.

  Looking at the woman he likes talking and laughing with other men, he also has the name of CP hand-picked by a program group. How can he not be jealous and go crazy?

  For a moment, Huo Jingzun even wanted to use his power to change the third season of "Love Adventure" to his and Su Qinghuan’s home.

  Don’t doubt that money can make ghosts push, he can completely let the director of the program group pass this request, but the only thing Huo Jingzun is afraid of is that Su Qinghuan himself disagrees.

   But Huo Jingzun is really not reconciled. Su Qinghuan can even accept a **** like Qu Chengze as CP, so why can't he be with him?

Obviously, if it is to make Ling Xian'er angry, he is more suitable than Qu Chengze. After all, Ling Xian'er has confessed to him before, shouldn't he be the first person?


  Huo Jingzun thought so, and couldn't help blurting it out.

  His eyes flashed scarlet, staring at Su Qinghuan’s eyes almost for a moment.

"Qing Huan, you like acting, money, fame and fortune. I can give you all of these. You want Ling Xian'er to feel the taste of loss and jealousy. I am more suitable than Qu Chengze. You choose me, okay? "

  At the moment when Su Qinghuan was fished out of the long-abandoned swimming pool in the Imperial City Playground, Huo Jingzun discovered that fear was such an extremely tormenting taste.

  He didn't want to lose her at all.

  Even if you never own it.

   also didn't want this vivid life in front of him to lose his heartbeat.


  Su Qinghuan looked at Huo Jingzun dumbly. Obviously, he didn't expect a man to have such a paranoid feeling towards him, but it is a pity that she is the most unsympathetic to people who don't like.

  Especially, Huo Jingzun’s favorability has reached the target, and she really doesn’t want to waste her time on acting with this person.

  The woman gave Huo Jingzun a mocking look.

  "Mr. Huo, don’t you mean that you want to join me on the reality show of "Adventure in Love"? But with your status, how can you be so respectable and honorable."

   "It's not a dignity!"

Huo Jingzun almost subconsciously denied it.

  However, to Huo Jingzun's disappointment, the girl didn't look at him at all, just lazily looking towards the half-open window.

   "Unfortunately, I have no interest in playing a reality show with you."


  The girl’s words were sharp and unfeeling, like a knife, cutting open Huo Jingzun’s heart straight.

  Although Huo Jingzun has never been in love, it does not mean that he is not aware of the invincible and invincible lethality of his charm on women.

   But at this moment, facing Su Qinghuan, the man really understood what it was like to settle down and sink the sand.

Huo Jingzun gritted his teeth and suddenly took out a small red velvet box from his trench coat pocket. In the girl's surprised gaze, he put the shining rose diamond ring on Su Qinghuan's finger involuntarily.

"Qinghuan, marry me, I will use my life to protect you, love you, I like you, don't you like money? The position of the wife of the president of Huo Group is enough for you to get inexhaustible money. ."

   "...Thanks, I like money, but if I want to tie it to you for a lifetime, I don’t need the money."

  This was a bit of insulting remarks and listened to others, I was afraid that it would be thunderous, but Huo Jingzun still just stared at him stubbornly.

   "No, you need it."


  Su Qinghuan obviously did not expect Huo Jingzun to make his own claim to such a point.

  She frowned and wanted to return the ring in her hand to Huo Jingzun.

  As a result, the man pressed her hand and said something that made Su Qinghuan dumbfounded.

   "Forgot to tell you that during the time you were in a coma, I had asked the Huo Group to announce that I was engaged to you."

  (End of this chapter)

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