The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 840: I am a woman who worships gold (77)

  Chapter 840 I am a woman who worships gold (77)

  Su Qinghuan's forehead jumped when she heard this. She didn't have time to get angry with Huo Jingzun who was self-proclaimed, but quickly confirmed with the system 233 whether what Huo Jingzun was talking about was nonsense.

   "Tong'er, this is too terrible, right? So when I was in a coma, I somehow announced my engagement with Honorable Huo Jing?"

  Su Qinghuan felt very shocked in her heart.

  She never thought about establishing a relationship with any of the three scumbags in the original owner's Wish Raiders.

  Huo Jingzun felt that Su Qinghuan’s angry eyes were pressed down like this, and his heart ached.

  He originally thought that even if Su Qinghuan was unwilling to marry him, he should be a little surprised because of the money.

  Who knows, but in exchange for Su Qinghuan’s indifferent treatment.

  The man pressed Su Qinghuan’s fingers ignorantly and felt the cut surface of the diamond ring. Huo Jingzun felt that the pain in his heart faded slightly.

  "Qinghuan, don’t believe me, I also helped you withdraw from the reality show of "Adventure in Love."


  Su Qinghuan saw that Huo Jingzun ruined her original plan like this, and she was so angry that she almost wanted to laugh.

  In fact, she has never understood. She is used to giving orders like Huo Jingzun. She never loves to follow the real desire of others. Why do so many people like it?

  Isn’t this looking for sin?

"Mr. Huo, I want you to make it clear first. I am a living person, an independent individual, and I am over 18 years old. I have absolute autonomy in everything about me. Why do you plan for me? Point and finger."

   "It's not just gesticulating."

Huo Jingzun shook his head stubbornly. His eyes were locked on Su Qinghuan's ridiculous face. The pain in his heart couldn't contain himself, but he forced him to suppress it.

  "Qinghuan, I like you and want to do it for your own good. Now you are my fiancee, and the whole world knows it. Do you really want to refute this?"

   "I know it is difficult for you to accept the fact that you suddenly have a fiance like this, but I can wait for you to get used to it."

  Huo Jingzun said, looked at the watch in his hand, a short message came, and the man immediately glanced at Su Qinghuan apologetically.

   "I'm going back to the company first. You are here obediently and haven't been anywhere. I will let the hospital staff take good care of you."


  If the two love each other, Huo Jingzun will make these arrangements that will be moving, but the current behavior of strong buying and selling only makes Su Qinghuan feel like laughing.

  This kind of peerless machismo shows no respect for the people he likes, and even takes advantage of his own strength to forcibly establish the unmarried wife design. It’s... ridiculous.

  Su Qinghuan saw Huo Jingzun's stern figure leaving her sight, she quickly lowered her head and scanned the information on Weibo.

  Not surprisingly, now Weibo himself and Huo Jingzun are still on the hot search.

  Originally, because of Huo Jingzun's words, what he did to Ling Xian'er has been a three-pointer, and Ling Xian'er's reputation has dropped sharply.

  But Huo Jingzun suddenly announced the identity of the so-called unmarried couple with Su Qinghuan today. The entire Weibo was in an uproar, and everyone was also ridiculed by Su Qinghuan’s Weibo.

"I was still wondering if Ling Xian'er was a white lotus flower, but now it seems that Su Qinghuan, you really deserve the old reputation, quietly approaching such a wealthy billionaire or a handsome guy. Absolutely!"

   "Before, there were people who accused King Gu of going to the love reality show even when he had a girlfriend. Now it seems that Su Qinghuan's fast engagement is even more powerful than King Gu's combat effectiveness."

  "The fighter in the green tea, please come and watch Su Qinghuan."


  These comments can already be considered relatively mild, because if it weren’t for Weibo’s restrictions on certain vocabulary that are difficult to enter, I’m afraid that the current popular comments on Su Qinghuan’s Weibo would have been completely unsightly.

   But even so, Su Qinghuan still thought it was ridiculous.

  She boarded her id Weibo account and posted an emoji package on it.

  There is nothing special about the emoticon pack, maybe the only special thing is that a line of characters is printed on it.

  —People are awesome.


  This is the most distressing aspect of the original owner besides Gu Chubai in her life.

  There is too much malice against the original owner in this world. Su Qinghuan wondered how he should clarify that he and Huo Jingzun are not the kind of relationship they imagined.

  But Su Qinghuan also understood very well that if she really did this, she would be teased by all kinds of teasing if she hadn’t really clarified the original dirty water.


  Su Qinghuan felt a little entangled in her heart. Unexpectedly, in such a short time, an unexpected guest came to Su Qinghuan’s ward.

   is Gu Chubai.

  Gu Chubai walked into the intensive care unit with a complex expression, and saw a little fox sitting on the sickbed with a cold face. Somehow, there was an urge to cry.

  Probably because Su Qinghuan is in a relaxed state at the moment, and even has time to go to Weibo for gossip.

   And from his point of view, you can see exactly what Su Qinghuan is browsing, which is exactly the matter of her engagement with Huo Jingzun.

   "Do you really want to marry him?"

   Gu Chubai's face was a bit hard to conceal pain, but he still asked.

  Don’t ask, not reconciled.

  In the past few days, he clarified that Su Qinghuan and himself still have Ling Xian'er on Weibo Hot Search. The man originally thought it was an ordinary hot search.

  Unexpectedly, that hot search suddenly brought out the fact that Su Qinghuan is now famous and is about to become the wife of the Huo Group’s business tycoon.

  Huo Jingzun is indeed no ordinary rich man, and as long as they want to hang out in the entertainment circle of China, then Gu Chubai has to bow his head.


  Gu Chubai knows this very well in his heart, but it is precisely because of his clarity that he feels heartache.

  He was looking forward to Su Qinghuan’s answer, but unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan just looked at him lightly.

   "Who said I'm going to marry Huo Jingzun?"


Seeing the red velvet box that the girl casually threw aside, Gu Chubai had already guessed that it would contain a diamond ring. He didn't dare to open it, because he suddenly thought of Su Qinghuan after cutting his wrist, so he asked his agent to find him and return it. Scene of the ring of love.

  The man's throat is slightly hoarse.

  "Then...If you don’t marry Huo Jingzun, Qinghuan, can you think about me?"

  This is what Gu Chubai said from the bottom of his heart. After knowing what Ling Xian'er had done, Gu Chubai had already taken the initiative to separate from Ling Xian'er.

  Perhaps others thought he was obsessed with his heart. After all, a good horse does not eat the grass, but when he saw Su Qinghuan dying in the water, he realized that he was not important compared to the person he wanted.

  Su Qinghuan heard the words and squinted her eyes with a smile.

   "Gu Chubai, wouldn't you really come to reunited with me?"

  (End of this chapter)

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