The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 841: I am a woman who worships gold (78)

  Chapter 841 I am a woman who worships gold (78)

  Seeing the woman's eyes that are not smiling, Gu Chubai's heart flashed with countless complex emotions.

   Guilt, sadness, and indescribable possessiveness and affection.

  It's just this feeling, it came too late, because it was too late for him to wake up.

  If he could keep a distance from the green tea like Ling Xian'er earlier, and not participate in some reality show of love, would Su Qinghuan not break up with him?

Or, after Su Qinghuan happened to hurt himself like that, he didn't watch him coldly, let alone get the million diamond ring once given to Su Qinghuan. Instead, he took good care of her and chose to break with Ling Xian'er. Maybe Su Qinghuan at that time , Will still think of the past feelings, love for him rekindled, right?

  It’s a pity that there are not so many ifs in life.

  Gu Chubai will never know that the girl in front of him is no longer the girl who loved him like her life.

  He didn't dare to look at Su Qinghuan’s eyes. In just a few seconds, the pain in his heart was like a broken pearl necklace, splashing everywhere.

   "Qinghuan, I know that I might seem shameless when I said this, but after Huo Jingzun posted such an engagement message on the verified Weibo, I really can't stand it anymore."

  The man took a deep breath and solemnly spoke to Su Qinghuan.

"Can you give me a chance? I promise, I use my life to swear that I will never let you down again. It was my fault for not keeping a distance with Ling Xian'er, but I swear to you before we break up Before, I really didn't establish a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with her."

  Su Qinghuan heard Gu Chubai’s weak explanation, and only found it very ridiculous.

  She fixedly looked at Gu Chubai.

   "So you think that if you have a girlfriend, as long as you don't establish a formal relationship with the other party, it's okay to be ambiguous at will?"

  The girl's voice is not high, but in this empty VIP ward, the defects are so clear that Gu Chubai never thought that one day he would stand on such a terrible opposite to Su Qinghuan.

  He really regretted it, but from the girl’s cold eyes, the man suddenly knew that he would never have another chance.

  He was extremely difficult in his heart, even his lips seemed to be hit with fifty-two glue, and suddenly he found that even speaking had become so difficult.

  The two people have reached such a dead end. In terms of feelings, perhaps Su Qinghuan did not hate him, but it was his luck.

  In fact, Gu Chubai understood this in his heart, but when he realized that he still had feelings for Su Qinghuan, how could he accept this result?

  He could not accept Su Qinghuan marrying others at will.

  After Su Qinghuan denied the marriage to Huo Jingzun, Gu Chubai was actually a little joyful in his heart.

  Suddenly a begging color appeared in his beautiful amber eyes.

  He almost never asks for help, even when he is most desperate, Gu Chubai never bows his head.

He was lucky. After all, Su Qinghuan was with him during his difficult times. Even when he first stepped into the entertainment circle, Su Qinghuan kept him secret, and went to various wine bars for him to socialize, just to give his beloved The boyfriend exchanged a chance for development.

   Gu Chubai once thought that all this was taken for granted, just because he was proud of himself and he was really outstanding.

   However, when he learned that his first opportunity was given by Su Qinghuan, Gu Chubai didn't dare to face Su Qinghuan for a moment, and even thought secretly, why did Su Qinghuan tell him these things?

  If he didn’t know, he could accept his current scenery more comfortably, but it was because of Su Qinghuan’s wakefulness that Gu Chubai understood that his luck was for a reason.

At that time, Gu Chubai didn't think his thoughts were such a jerk, but now looking at the girl's haggard but still bright and unparalleled face, Gu Chubai realized that he really made mistakes again and again, no wonder... Even Su Qinghuan doesn't like him anymore.

  Obviously before...he was so deeply loved by Su Qinghuan, Su Qinghuan can do everything for himself, desperately...


  The more I recalled the past, the more Gu Chubai felt that his inner pain was growing.

  His voice became hoarse.

   "Qinghuan, do you really hate me so much? Obviously we have been so good before, as long as you want, we can go back to the past at any time."

"Can not go back."

  Su Qinghuan smiled faintly.

"Gu Chubai, maybe you won't believe it. Actually, I don't hate you much, but you and I can only be ordinary strangers, nodding politely at most, but there can be no deep intersection in the future of life. "

   "We are in love with each other, it is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes, this is the best ending for the two of us."

   "...No, I don't believe it."

  Gu Chubai grabbed his head in pain. He wanted to ask more, but when he looked at Su Qinghuan’s left wrist, which was intentionally or unintentionally, and saw the hideous scar on it, Gu Chubai’s heart suddenly beat violently.

  He is sorry for her.

  This feeling is so clear at this moment.

  All the redemptions have become pale, weak, and boring.

  Yeah, if it’s him, I’m afraid I won’t like one. He once hurt myself so deeply, is he still the dregs of the opposite sex?


  Gu Chubai has always regarded himself as a gentleman of Qianqian, but at this moment, he finally removed all the masks and sincerely faced his heart.

  Gu Chubai pulled his hair again painfully.

  Almost at the same moment, Su Qinghuan heard the system 233 prompt.

   "Foggrass, host, and Gu Chubai's guilt feeling improved, at the same time, the goodwill degree is also improving, now it is 97!"

   "...So what? Even 100 is useless."

  Su Qinghuan curled his lips, and sent Gu Chubai away without a word.

   Even if Gu Chubai wants to stay here no matter how much he wants, he is a big star after all, and with the bodyguard hired by Huo Jingzun, he can’t stay long after all.

  The man stayed at Su Qinghuan’s door with regret and pain for a long time, and finally left in a daze.


After Gu Chubai left, Su Qinghuan yawned boredly.

  Because she had been in the swimming pool for a long time, she had caught the cold, and her body was a little weak. Just as Su Qinghuan wanted to lie down and rest for a while, she suddenly heard the door lock click and turn again.

  Su Qinghuan almost thought that Gu Chubai had gone and returned, but almost in the next second, a bewildering face appeared from behind the door.

  The other side's peachy eyes are looking at her in a very complicated way.

   "Sister Qing Huan... it's me."

  (End of this chapter)

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