The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 842: I am a woman who worships gold (79)

  Chapter 842 I am a woman who worships gold (79)

   Seeing Qu Chengze's handsome face, Su Qinghuan's heart beat, almost subconsciously sitting up from the bedding.

  The last target of the Raiders is here, and Qu Chengze still owes her three points of favorability!

  She can’t sleep!

  Su Qinghuan realized that her movements were a bit violent, she coughed lightly and waved at him pretendingly.

"come on."

   Seeing the girl guessing that she would come, a hint of surprise flashed in Qu Chengze's bewildering peach blossom eyes.

  It's just that he is ashamed in his heart. After all, although he does not have the unforgettable love for Su Qinghuan now, he can clearly see his feelings for Ling Xian'er.

  For Ling Xian'er, he is afraid that he has become used to it more than he likes it.

  And the possessive desire to refuse to admit defeat is more than the so-called protective desire.

  It was only because Ling Xian'er was a white moonlight from his childhood, and it was the bright moon in the sky that he couldn't ask for, that he would really have been obsessed with ghosts and let himself be abused by Ling Xian'er for so long.


  It was also when Su Qinghuan was in the water where life and death were at stake, Qu Chengze recognized his inner heart.

  The first one he rushed to save Ling Xian'er was just a habitual action. If he knew that Su Qinghuan was still underwater at the time, God would let him make another choice, and he would definitely save Su Qinghuan without hesitation!


  Qu Chengze, with a trace of anxiety in his heart, slowly walked to Su Qinghuan’s sick bed and sat down.

  The girl's hands exposed outside the bedding were pale and slender, and the pale blood vessels were clearly visible. At this moment, Qu Chengze only felt that Su Qinghuan was like a fragile porcelain doll that could be blown away by the gale at any time.

  He never knew that when a girl was injured, he would feel distressed and cared to this point.

  Even because of her condition, she couldn’t concentrate anymore.

   "Sister Qing Huan, do you blame me?"

  The young man looked at Su Qinghuan nervously, and saw that Su Qinghuan always looked faint, as if he were a stranger, Qu Chengze suddenly choked in his heart, but he didn't know how to pierce the awkward silence of the two people at this moment.

   "Blam you?"

  Su Qinghuan leaned against the white wall of the hospital, feeling the cold temperature, her face became more and more alienated.

"Shao Qu, do you think I am going to blame you for what? Is it because you didn't jump in the abandoned swimming pool of the imperial capital to save me? ?"

   "Or, is it to blame you for using your own life experience to fan the rumors that Ling Xian'er spreads about me?"

  One piece, one pile, which is not the charge that Qu Chengze should bear!


  The girl's voice was plain and natural, as if she didn't feel that there was any problem with what she said or it was difficult to tell in front of others.

  And Qu Chengze instantly stood there blankly.

  He never thought that Su Qinghuan really knew everything.

  He thought that even if his Imperial Capital Playground ignored her, at least, the gap between the two would not be too great.

   But when he got in touch with the previous lands one by one, Qu Chengze knew that he and Su Qinghuan would not be possible in this life.

  He used to think that Su Qinghuan liked him more or less, but only now did he realize that the distance between them is really the sky.

   Thinking of this, Qu Chengze smiled wryly in an instant.

   "Sister Qing Huan, are you so polite to me now? Do you still need to use words like Qu Shao?"

   "Isn't that the way it is? Am I just trying to get everything back to its trajectory?"

  Su Qinghuan smiled coldly, her black eyes staring at Qu Chengze closely.

  And Qu Chengze dodged her gaze again and again, Qu Chengze never knew, it turns out that even if a person doesn't need to say anything, her eyes alone are enough to make you feel broken.


  Qu Chengze gritted his teeth and wanted to explain.

  But when those words came to his lips, Qu Chengze realized that it turned out that everything had become pale and weak, and he shouldn’t have let Su Qinghuan take such a big risk and make his debut in the reality show group.

  Qu Chengze stared at Su Qinghuan’s hand a little disappointedly. When he saw the scar on Su Qinghuan’s wrist, Qu Chengze gradually understood that he might not be as good as Su Qinghuan’s love for half.

  People always think that the composers are crazy.

  However, Qu Chengze realized only now that Su Qinghuan was a lunatic, and he was a background board at best, even the effect of embellishment was not enough.

  The man's heart is bitter, a thousand words turn to his lips, and finally only a few broken words.

   "Sister Qing Huan, I don't deny that I have done too much to you, but you have to believe me, please, I will definitely make up for you."

   "At the time, I was attracted by Ling Xian'er's screams. I really didn't notice who pushed him and who was staying at the bottom of the pool."

"If you let me know that I would like you so much now, I swear, I will never agree to Ling Xian'er's previous proposal. I was behind the black material to help fuel the flames. These... I apologize to you. Please. , Don't hate me, I feel bad."

  Qu Chengze hates to make up for this mistake in his lifetime.

  Unfortunately, the people he needs to compensate now are obviously not so caring.

  Because Su Qinghuan just glanced at his eyes casually.

   "Shao Qu, I said I don't hate you, why don't you believe it? You gave up Ling Xian'er, it doesn't mean that I have to choose you?"


  Qu Chengze looked at Su Qinghuan in pain. He thought that seeing Su Qinghuan’s disgusting eyes would make him feel extremely uncomfortable.

   But later I discovered that the coldness of the original sweetheart is the most intriguing.


  Qu Chengze smiled bitterly several times.

  When she saw Qu Chengze was going out, Su Qinghuan said something unhurriedly.

   "Wait! Shao Qu, since you said you like me, let you do me a favor, right?"

   "What is it? I will help!"

  The youth didn't hesitate to think, Su Qinghuan made a twitch in his heart.

  Because she just heard the system 233 prompt, saying that Qu Chengze’s favorability has exceeded 89 for her.

  Only this crucial point.

  Su Qinghuan spoke casually.

   "My engagement with Huo Jingzun is fake, but I am going out of this hospital, can you take me away?"

   "I can't ask for it!"

  Qu Chengze had never dared to ask Su Qinghuan and Huo Jingzun what was going on. Now that Su Qinghuan denies it, it is naturally too late for joy.

  Through Qu Chengze's power, Su Qinghuan left the hospital. Qu Chengze insisted on taking her to live in the apartment he bought, but Su Qinghuan refused mercilessly.


In desperation, Qu Chengze had to send Su Qinghuan back to the community.

  Two people entered the elevator together.

  Qu Chengze looked at the girl's cold and pale eyebrows, with a trace of trance in his heart, just when he wanted to try his best to strike up a conversation with Su Qinghuan, he snapped, and the elevator lights went out!

  Even the elevator itself is stuck in the original floor!

  (End of this chapter)

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