The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 843: I'm a woman who worships gold (80)

  Chapter 843 I am a woman who worships gold (80)

  How could the elevator suddenly fail?

  Su Qinghuan frowned, and for a moment she almost thought that Qu Chengze was doing a trick in order to keep her, but the next moment she quickly understood that she had made a mistake.

  Because she was still looking at the young man who wanted to say something, but at this moment, she felt like a fatal danger. In the darkness where she could not see her fingers, she took two steps backwards without any image.

"Do not……"

  Broken murmurs swept across the woman's eardrums, and the implied fragility in it was completely different from the usual attitude of the **** Qu Chengze.


   "Qu Chengze, what's wrong with you?"

  Su Qinghuan was shocked. Due to her suspicious and keen personality, she subconsciously doubted whether Qu Chengze was acting.

  But Qu Chengze's performance is too subtle.

  Because the man did not take advantage of this gloomy momentum to take the opportunity to rush over and hug her frantically or whatever, but kept huddling in the corner of the elevator, shivering.

  The heavy breathing makes this oppressive dark environment even more frightening.


  "Qing...Sister Qinghuan..."

  The young man hugged his head in pain, shrank in the corner like a bullied cub.

  Su Qinghuan is blessed by the soul, although in this mortal world, it is impossible to see clearly in the dark, but the ear power is far better than ordinary people.

  She heard the violent heartbeat of Qu Chengze, and the breathless breathing sound, like a rhythmless drumbeat, hit the woman's heart one by one.

   "Tong'er, what's the situation with Qu Chengze? Isn't he claustrophobic?"

  Su Qinghuan frowned. She was one step away from Qu Chengze without reaching out.

  If Qu Chengze is acting, she shouldn’t let her take advantage of this great opportunity, but no, instead she squatted on the ground without her image, as if she was terrified of fear.


  System 233 did not expect the head of its host to turn so fast.

"Yes, host, have you forgotten what I told you before? The reason why Qu Chengze likes to tolerate Ling Xian'er so much is because he was locked in the basement by his snake essence sick father when he was young. After being rescued, I fell in love with Ling Xian'er at first sight."

  Such a vulgar drama, Su Qinghuan has also heard it more than once or twice.

  It’s just that the little fox didn’t expect that a young man like Qu Chengze who inherited the gene of snake essence disease and was still showing such a profligate boy would have such a fragile side.


  Su Qinghuan didn't have much compassion in her heart, but seeing Qu Chengze's situation at the moment, after all, she squeezed out so little sympathy for Qu Chengze out of the original owner's task.

   is not sympathetic to the current Qu Chengze, this man made a great "contribution" to the death of the original owner according to the original plot.

  But when Qu Chengze was a child, he was indeed a childish and innocent.

   "At that time, he was only ten years old, right?"

  Su Qinghuan sighed.

  It is really the grievances of the previous generation, and it has harmed his own children. Qu Chengze's irresponsible and sloppy father would really cause trouble.

  Returning to his own son born to his first wife, creating such a lifelong psychological shadow is really amazing.


Qu Chengze heard the thin sigh at the corner of Su Qinghuan's lips.

  The man can't take care of the others at this moment, he just feels very embarrassed, he doesn't even dare to speak to Su Qinghuan.

  In such a dark, narrow and confined space, Qu Chengze seemed to have returned to his childhood for a moment. He was unarmed, but he had to face such a dark room.

  Only at this moment, he was embarrassed that he wanted to go underground.

  Why is Su Qinghuan the one who sees him in such a mood?

  He was obviously planning to come to Su Qinghuan to regret, and he began to confess his pursuit.


  She will definitely dislike herself, right?

  The man thought in a daze. He tremblingly held his head, only thinking that he was a smelly mouse in the gutter.

  But at this moment, a cold plum scent slowly approached.

  The woman's tender and pitying eyes were in the dark, and Qu Chengze could not see it.

  But he felt it, Su Qinghuan stretched out his arm and landed on his shoulder, then slightly downward, as if with a redeemer's posture, and shook his trembling palm.

  "Don’t be afraid, I just pressed the help button. Although the apartment here is not the most luxurious, the property is pretty good, and someone should be sent to rescue us in time."

  Su Qinghuan’s voice was cold and calm. In this claustrophobic space, it seemed like a lingling spring, purging Qu Chengze’s soul.

  He raised his head in a daze, wanting to see clearly the silhouette of the woman in the dark, as well as the look at the moment.

  But he couldn't see it. He carefully held Su Qinghuan's hand.

  This time, it was not because of acting in a reality show CP TV series, nor because of other weird thoughts, she was really helping herself out of trouble.


  She must see how embarrassed she is at the moment, right?

  At this moment, the elevator suddenly shook slightly, and Qu Chengze's trembling body trembled twice again. He almost uncontrollably moved forward, and then fell straight into Su Qinghuan's arms.

  But the girl didn't let him hug her, she stretched out her hand in a distance, put one arm in front of the two people, and her delicate palm was pressed on his heart.

  Qu Chengze only felt that at that moment, his heart was beating faster, as if not under his control, it was about to pop out of his throat.

   "Sister Qing Huan..."

  He shouted Su Qinghuan's name in a low voice.

  Su Qinghuan casually replied, with the other hand still holding Qu Chengze's palm.

"do not be afraid."

  She didn't say anything more, and the man's heartbeat of fear for some reason, gradually calmed down a lot.

  He only felt that he was a thief, with secret joy and humble and dirty thoughts, secretly grasping Su Qinghuan's palm, feeling the temperature from Su Qinghuan's arms, and breathing unconsciously.

  The dry heart is also injected with a stream of clear spring, which is endless.


  For a moment, Qu Chengze suddenly felt that even if he was stuck in this elevator with Su Qinghuan, it would be good for a lifetime.

   At the moment when the man's delusion attacked, only a ding sound was heard, and the elevator suddenly lit up.

  Before the two people separated their hands from the weird posture that exceeded the general social distance, the elevator door opened swiftly.

  Countless flashes light up one after another, and various microphones come enthusiastically.

  The reporter outside the elevator looked like a beast smelling a fishy smell, staring at the hands of the man and woman holding each other in the elevator, and began to shoot more and more frantically!

   "Oh my God! After being engaged to the president of Huo Group, Su Qinghuan, who was a red star, even took Qu Shao's hand and brought Qu Shao back to his apartment!"

  (End of this chapter)

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