The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 848: I am a woman who worships gold (85)

  Chapter 848 I am a woman who worships gold (85)

  In Huo Jingzun’s dictionary, if you really like something or deeply love something, it means a strong possessiveness.

  What if the twisted melon is not sweet?

  At the very least, what he wants is held in his own hands, and it’s better than being alone in the long night, regretting for life!


  Su Qinghuan got down from the elevator of the president of Huo Group, and many white-collar workers were pretending to pass by, casting curious glances at her.

  They thought their eyes were very erratic, and they would not be noticed by Su Qinghuan. However, with Su Qinghuan's powerful spirit, how could they not know that these people's gossip and even disgusting eyes.

  Even Su Qinghuan heard a lot of whispers.

  After she turned and walked towards the door of the Huo Group, she vaguely heard a few men and women gossiping at the front desk.

  "Hey, I got down so soon, was it driven by Huo?!"

   "If you want me to say, Mr. Huo is really kind. For me, if someone brought the lover home so grandly before marriage, it would be good if I didn't take out the knife and hack the dog and the man to death!"

   "Have you seen the headline of the morning newspaper of the Imperial Capital? Mr. Huo is actually still helping this woman. Are you talking about whether the wedding can go on?"

  "I guess Mr. Huo is at most dealing with the wedding for the sake of fame. In fact, he didn't get the certificate from the water-Yang Hua prodigal girl. Even if he did, he would leave within two days."

   "You said it was Su Qinghuan who begged Huo not to abandon her at this time, right? I really can't see that the ruthless and ruthless Huo CEO is so kind to his girlfriend."

   "Yes, if I were Mr. Huo, even if Su Qinghuan kneeled down and begged me, I wouldn't be able to hold this wedding!"

  Those people seemed to say something funny, and couldn't help but giggled.

  Su Qinghuan heard harshly, but his face still had a calm expression.

   "Tong'er, Tong'er, you said that if I go out to explain, I don't want to have a spooky wedding at all, how many people will believe me?"

   "...Host, I don't think much."

   System 233 tells the truth, Su Qinghuan’s beauty is indeed rare in the world, but even so, the world is profitable.

  A beauty with alluring colors, and a group president with countless wealth.

  I'm afraid that most will still tend to the latter.

  There is no way, beauties are only relatively rare, and absolute wealth is really rare.

  Even from the aesthetic point of view, there are often spring flowers and autumn moons, and a thousand reds, but the throne of the richest man is destined to be very distinctive.


  Su Qinghuan knows the meaning of system 233.

  She has a very open look.

   "It doesn't matter, anyway, the original owner's mission has been achieved, and I have a hunch, I'm afraid I can achieve it perfectly in this world."

  She thought of a very extreme way.

  This may be caused by the original owner's deep grievances, coupled with extremely sensitive and delicate emotions.

  ——That kind of ending may be the real one. Let the scumbags who the original owner hopes to know what it is to ask for.

  Love is parting, resentment will be met, can't ask for it.

  This kind of suffering, I don’t know. When Huo Jingzun and others know about it, what choice will they make?

  Su Qinghuan's eyes showed a bit of indifference.

  Actually, she is not even interested in this.


  Su Qinghuan came to the parking lot, and it was easy to see that there was a problem with the brakes of his car.

  Undoubtedly, Ling Xian'er moved his hands and feet like the trajectory in the original plot.

  At this time, Ling Xian'er still didn't give up, and had to run to give the head away, Su Qinghuan really wanted to laugh.

  She has always been guarding against this incident. In places where no one else knows, there is a monitor installed inside the car, and the sound and picture are extremely clear.

  Although the person in the picture is not Ling Xian'er herself, she must be inseparable from Ling Xian'er.

   Just as Su Qinghuan wondered whether she was leaving anyway, whether to send this evidence directly to the police station, she temporarily suppressed this thought.

  Because she received a call from Qu Chengze.

  The contacts on the screen are constantly beating.

  Su Qinghuan's scalp is slightly numb, and she really can’t understand the dedication of this guy. She stayed at her door for the whole night yesterday. Wouldn’t she have not left yet, right?

  System 233 knew Su Qinghuan’s doubts, so it simulated a Q version image and nodded.

   "Yes, host, you guessed it right."

   "...he is really free."

  Su Qinghuan’s lips twitched, and now she finally understands why Ling Xian'er had only given Huo Jingzun a small favor, so that Qu Chengze would be remembered for a lifetime.

   Seeing the silence in Su Qinghuan’s eyes, System 233 asked cautiously.

   "Host, if that's the case, don't go back to the apartment if you want to. Anyway, the space-time shuttle will be ready in two days. You can just stay outside in the hotel."

  It's also easy to be disturbed by some savage man or secretive gossip reporter.

  System 233 thought that Su Qinghuan would agree, but unexpectedly, the woman smiled lazily.

   "That's the original owner's apartment, why don't you go back? Waiting for the dove to occupy the magpie's nest?"


  System 233 was speechless, but saw that Su Qing smiled and lifted the surveillance camera in his hand.

"What's more, don't we now have some evidence of Ling Xian'er's crime? Before, she asked the public opinion marketing account to discredit me, but she was able to sentence her to pay some money. Do you think this kind of murderous nature is enough for her to stay for several years. ?"

  System 233 suddenly became a little confused.

   "Host, don't you want to go to the police station for now?"

  Because the time was a little rush, Su Qinghuan was about to leave the world. If this evidence was directly handed over to the police station, it would not be enough to correct Ling Xian'er, unless the evidence that the criminal was instigated by Ling Xian'er could be found.

  And this, it takes time.

   "Isn't it easy? Someone poked me a knife, can't I find a weapon to defend me?"


  System 233 was confused, but unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan’s weapon was not a weapon, but a person.


At the entrance of Su Qinghuan’s apartment, Qu Chengze, whose hair is messy but still does not hide his handsome background, leaned sadly on the wall. Expand invisibly.

  Just then, the elevator door opened.

   Accompanied by the sound of crisp high-heeled shoes, a cold female voice struck the man’s eardrums.

   "Qu Chengze, you say you like me, then someone wants to kill me, don't you care?"


   Hearing the soft voice like a cold spring, Qu Chengze raised his head in disbelief, and for a while did not even figure out what Su Qinghuan meant.

  The woman wore a plain-colored long skirt, without any makeup, but she was so fascinating.

  Qu Chengze spoke almost without thinking, his eyes were sincere and fierce.

   "Whoever wants to kill you, I will let whoever die!"

  (End of this chapter)

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