The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 849: I am a woman who worships gold (86)

  Chapter 849 I am a woman who worships gold (86)

  Because he hadn’t rested all night, Qu Chengze’s face looked a little haggard, but in the peachy eyes of the hooked people, at this moment, he was full of sincere, paranoid, and strong love like a sacrifice.

   "Sister Qing Huan, I will not allow any harm to you!"

  The youth said categorically, if there is no such embarrassing past between the two people, perhaps Su Qinghuan would also believe that this is a little infatuated boy.


  Su Qing looked at Qu Chengze's eyes with a smile.

  "Do you include yourself in the category that is not allowed to hurt me?"


  Qu Chengze was taken aback when he heard the words. Obviously he didn't expect Su Qinghuan to say this at all, but the young man's head turned very fast, almost instantly thinking of the indescribable things he had done before.

  At that time, he was obsessed with Ling Xian'er's spare tire, and naturally never thought that one day he would still like a Ling Xian'er's love rival.

  I can only say that things are tricking people.

  If he does it again, he must...definitely not...

  A trace of regret and pain flashed in the young man's long and narrow peach blossom eyes, but he was holding back the trace of sadness, and said happily to Su Qing word by word.

   "Sister Qing Huan, I assure you that the previous things will never happen again. If one day I hurt you, I would rather die by myself."


  When men are really a kind of love, they want to hold their hearts to you, but in fact, when they hate you, they will slip away faster than anyone else.

  So swearing something like this does not mean that there is no intention, but that it is easy to change over time. Su Qinghuan almost believes that Qu Chengze must have said something similar to Ling Xian'er.


  Su Qinghuan sighed inwardly, she said lightly.

   "What age is it, what kind of strange words are you willing to die for me? People who don't know, think I did something to you."

   "...When...Of course not."

  Qu Chengze, like a stunned young man who has never been in love, even stutters a little bit.

  The young man scratched his hair, and he expected to look at Su Qing happily.

   "Sister Qing Huan, so, who is that person who hurt you? I swear with my life that I will not let him get better."


  The playful arc of Su Qinghuan’s lips was slightly raised, she could not help teasing Qu Chengze as she watched Qu Chengze's eyes flashing through the eyes.

   "Tong'er, do you think Qu Chengze will really retaliate against Ling Xian'er? Actually, I'm a little curious. After all, one is the current cinnabar mole and the other is the white moonlight. He really can do it?"

  If it were Huo Jingzun, Su Qinghuan felt that maybe the man would not hesitate a lot.

  After all, judging from Huo Jingzun’s attitude towards Ling Xian'er all along, he didn't like Ling Xian'er at all, and even the discerning people could see his impatient attitude towards Ling Xian'er.

But Qu Chengze is different. After all, he has been obsessed with Ling Xian'er for so many years. Even if it’s just because of a childhood obsession, but getting used to this kind of thing is extremely terrible. When you like someone, you can ignore it. everything.

  Even if you don’t like that person anymore, most people are not going to kill them all.


  System 233 assessed Su Qinghuan’s problem, and hesitated.

"Host, in fact, the last time I saw you and Ling Xian'er fell into the water in the Imperial Capital amusement park, Qu Chengze and Gu Chubai did not hesitate to choose to save Ling Xian'er. I also think that Qu Cheng Ze may not really retaliate against her for you."

   "But me, I have to choose the opposite answer."

  The beautiful eyes of the little fox flowed, and the gleaming eyelashes were reflected by the light of the porch, and they even became a bit more unpredictable.

   Seeing such a charming little fox, even if he didn't give a pink and daisy, Qu Chengze felt that his throat became thirsty unconsciously.

  He stared at Su Qinghuan's face blankly, but for some reason, he felt a sense of loss in his heart.

  Even though she was so close to Su Qinghuan, she seemed to feel that she was thousands of miles away from the woman in front of her.

   There is even a species, nothing like this in the world, not the fear of both fox and demon.

  Qu Chengze is a standard atheist. He has never believed that there are any gods or monsters in this world, but if the woman in front of him is not a human being, what should he do?

  He could not confuse her with the money and colors in the world, let alone keep her.

  If it wasn't for the kind of coldness that Su Qinghuan showed off, Qu Chengze would almost want to hug Su Qinghuan.

  But he didn't dare, because he was afraid that Su Qinghuan would take the door directly.


   "Sister Qing Huan...Did you encounter any problems? In fact, you don't know who is the one who harmed you?"

  Qu Chengze looked at Su Qinghuan nervously.

  He doesn’t mind using the composer’s contacts to help Su Qinghuan check.

  But I was afraid that I had misunderstood Su Qinghuan's meaning.

  Until the woman took out the previous camera monitoring, she played it to Qu Chengze through her mobile phone.

  "Here, I already knew who the person who was going to kill me was. This person was just sent by someone. As for the boss behind the scenes, I'm afraid you won't be able to get it."


  Qu Chengze saw that the man in the phone screen of Su Qinghuan was removing the brake components, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

  Almost unceasing coldness in his heart.

  If Su Qinghuan’s brakes went wrong while moving, if Su Qinghuan did not notice the problem.

  I'm afraid he will never see the girl in front of him!

  A sharp sense of gains and losses quickly grabbed the young man’s heart, and he almost shook his head towards Su Qinghuan without thinking.

   "No, I can do it!"

  Hearing Qu Chengze's answer so happy, Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows, the coldness in her eyes continued.

   "Do you know who I am talking about?"

  Qu Chengze's eyes gradually rose up, and the previous disguise that was wrapped in Qing Dou Chu Kai's stunned head suddenly disappeared.

   "I know, it's Ling Xian'er, right?"

  In fact, the marketing reporter who was squatting at the door of Su Qinghuan’s house during this period was not just for the sake of performance. After all, everyone would send one or two, there is no reason to come out.

  Qu Chengze checked it at that time.

   Without a doubt, Ling Xian'er's hands were found.

  He warned Ling Xian'er once in private that he did not want to tear his face with this woman.

  Who would have thought that Ling Xian'er has done this again now!

  Qu Chengze never once felt regretful for his previous kindness as he is now.

   Seeing Su Qinghuan’s smile, as if he did not believe that he could do it, the young man felt a pain in his heart, and almost without thinking about it, he threw a sentence at Su Qinghuan and ran away.

   "Sister Qing Huan, wait for me, I will give you an explanation tomorrow!"


After one hour.

  Qu Chengze appeared downstairs at the TV station that Ling Xianer had announced.

  (End of this chapter)

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