The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 856: I am a woman who worships gold (93)

  Chapter 856 I am a woman who worships gold (93)

  Gu Chubai knew early on that Su Qinghuan was born beautiful, but in the past five years when the two of them were boy and girl friends, Su Qinghuan was always reluctant to face him without makeup.

  Basically, when Gu Chubai woke up, Su Qinghuan had already put on her makeup, and when Gu Chubai was sure to start falling asleep, Su Qinghuan would remove her makeup.

  So Gu Chubai rarely saw Su Qinghuan's face without makeup before, but at this moment, the girl's hair is messy, but she has a lazy beauty.

  True beauty, the lips are not punctuated, and the eyebrows are not drawn, but even if it is just a casual glance, it seems to have its own hook, and it captures the hearts of others at random.

  Gu Chubai couldn't deny his amazingness, but when he heard Su Qinghuan's cold and stinging words, his eyes instantly turned gloomy.

  The man clenched his hands in pain, and the veins on his forehead gradually opened up.

   "Qinghuan, do you have to talk to me like this?"

   "I came to you sincerely, and I am also really worried about your safety..."


  Su Qing looked at Gu Chubai with a smile. On the contrary, her cold eyes suddenly froze into ice.

  "How do I feel that when you came to the hospital to see me, you wanted me to disappear into this world so as not to disturb you?"

   "You should have been very clear at that time, I was rumorsed by Ling Xian'er, right?"

   "Emperor Gu, we have been in this circle for many years, and we have watched all kinds of wrangling. At that time, you couldn't think of why Ling Xian'er would target me?"

  "You have always been such a selfish person, do you care about me? Oh, it's better to say that you cared about your future at that time, but now, what you care about is that you don't have to be guilty for the rest of your life, right?"


  A series of rhetorical questions should have made Gu Chubai feel that Su Qinghuan was aggressive and abominable.

  He has always disliked a man who is the one who is forced to ask him so much.

   But at this moment, Gu Chubai suddenly realized that he was no longer her man.

  He didn't even have a stand, apologized to her, and had no stand, to embrace the stabbed girl in front of him.

  Su Qinghuan said nothing wrong, he made her into this appearance.

  If it weren't for him, how could Ling Xian'er do such a series of absurd things?

It was his indulgence and his abusive affection. Even though Gu Chubai had always used the name of acting and show to shirk himself, but at this moment, facing the girl’s frosty eyes, Gu Chubai realized that he was really wrong. NS.

  Seriously wrong.



  Gu Chubai held his head in pain.

  "Please stop telling me, I love you, I love you! I know I did something wrong, but now I am willing to hurt you?!"

  The man does not flick when he has tears, but he hasn't reached the point of sadness.

  Gu Chubai raised his head, he looked at Su Qinghuan with lustrous eyes, and there were faint tears in those gentle and narrow brown eyes.

  What a proud person he is. Except for the day when he desperately hugged Su Qinghuan because of his mother’s illness, he had never felt the taste of being crushed by the world.

  It turned out that a contemptuous look from the woman in front of him was enough to knock him down the eighteen layers of hell.

  And he, cannot be blamed, and cannot be saved.


"you love Me?"

  Su Qinghuan seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world.

  She leaned close to Gu Chubai, looking forward and painful, with a handsome face, stretched out her slender fingers, and hooked Gu Chubai's collar.

  "If I changed it to a month or two ago, I should be very happy."

  The girl paused, and the meaningful look in her eyes gradually caused Gu Chubai's heart to collapse into an empty place. The freezing cold wind poured in, and the scars were everywhere.

  In the cold and empty corridor of the apartment, Gu Chubai heard Su Qinghuan’s indifferent voice.

   "It's a pity, I don't need it now, and I don't need it anymore. Isn't all of this the gift of the actor?"


  The girl’s face was very close at that moment, like an intimate whisper between lovers, but the girl’s voice, like a sharp knife, cut open Gu Chubai’s heart directly, dripping with blood.

   Gu Chubai’s pupils tightened in pain, and the moment Su Qinghuan let go, the man staggered back several steps.

  A careless, Gu Chubai almost fell to the ground.

  He didn't want to lose such a big face in front of Su Qinghuan, the man forcibly held on to the railing next to him, with bloodshot eyes open, panting and asking in pain.

   "Qinghuan, you are mad at me, right?"

"What do you think?"

  Su Qing tilted her head with a full smile. She conquered the chill in her eyes, but the teasing smile did not bring any warm comfort to Gu Chubai.

  At this moment, Gu Chubai knew that he had lost.

   Lost completely.

  It’s not because he woke up too late.

  Instead of losing, she is no longer willing to love him, and she does not want to give him any chance.


   "No... it's not like this, it shouldn't be like this."

  The man let out a painful cry, his voice was like a weeping beast, with a desperate neigh.

  Obviously, the voice was not high, but Qu Chengze, who was hidden in the corner of the corridor, was also greatly shocked.

  At this moment, Su Qinghuan heard Gu Chubai’s last question.

  "Qinghuan, even if you don’t want to continue to be with me now, please, don’t get angry and marry Huo Jingzun, okay? I beg you, really beg you."

  The dignity of any man was forgotten by Gu Chubai.

  Even if Su Qinghuan is a piece of ice, he would rather spend his whole life melting her.

  It was he who lost the girl who was single-minded and full of eyes with him, even if he stepped on the wilderness and thorns, stepped on the sword, the mountains and the fire, he will find her back!


  Su Qinghuan leaned against the wall meaninglessly, her voice low.

   "Who said I wanted to marry Huo Jingzun out of anger?"

"That is?"

  Gu Chubai's eyes darkened.

   "Are you really in love with him?"


  Su Qinghuan denied it quite simply and neatly.

  In the man's eyes suddenly lit up, Su Qinghuan said every word.

   "I don't like him, so naturally I won't marry him. Huo Jingzun originally made rumors about the wedding."

   "...really, really?"

  Gu Chubai's excited hands began to tremble.

  The originally dry heart also seems to be poured into the sweet spring.

  But the next moment, Su Qinghuan threw him into **** again.

   "Of course, I will not marry Huo Jingzun, nor will I marry you, Gu Chubai, I would persuade you to die."


   Gu Chubai's eyes were silent, he insisted on his last-minute self-esteem, and left in infinite sadness.


  At the same time that Gu Chubai’s footsteps almost disappeared downstairs, the little fox yawned lazily and glanced at the corner casually.

   "After listening to the corner for so long, it's time to come out, Master Qu?"

  (End of this chapter)

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