The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 857: I am a woman who worships gold (94)

  Chapter 857 I am a woman who worships gold (94)

Although Qu Chengze had long guessed that Su Qinghuan saw him, but when he heard the little fox smile and leaned against the wall, calling his name, the man still couldn't help his heart beat faster.

   "Sister Qing Huan...Sorry, I didn't mean to hide here to eavesdrop."

  The young man who was full of anger because of Gu Chubai before, at this moment is like a tamed wolf dog, a little shyly stepping forward.

If it weren’t for those peach blossom eyes full of love and desire for occupation, maybe he really didn’t look like a **** who had traveled all over Fang Cong, but a longing for sweet first love, still staying in an ivory tower. Of ignorant college students.


   Su Qinghuan’s lips curled up with a light and casual smile, and those beautiful phoenix eyes were slightly raised, as if they could hook the soul of others at any time.

   "Oh? When did I say to blame you?"


   Seeing Su Qinghuan looking at him smiling like this, Qu Chengze's heartbeat accelerated.

  Before, he was the only one who took the initiative to tease the little girl. Wherever he wanted it, at this moment, he became the one who was teased by others.

  Unfortunately, he was so happy.

   Staring at the woman's bright red lips, Qu Chengze's eyes were slightly dull.

  ——Sister Qing Huan’s lips look so soft, I really want to kiss her.

  Perhaps like is presumptuous, love is restraint, even if there are distracting thoughts in his heart, the **** Qu Chengze did not dare to offend Su Qinghuan easily, but quickly swallowed his throat and tried his best to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart.

"Sister Qing Huan, you are teasing me again. I came today to tell you that Ling Xian'er has surrendered to jail. Sister Qing Huan, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I said, I will always protect you!"

  At the end, the man's voice became hoarse unconsciously.

  He never thought that a woman could shake all his principles, even when he once liked Ling Xian'er, he would not be full of a woman.

  But at this moment, Qu Chengze discovered how unsightly the rich second-generation gatherings he had attended before. He used to push them at will because the people he liked didn't like him, so he didn't hurt to play.

   And when he really liked Su Qinghuan, Qu Chengze finally understood what it was like to feel ashamed.

  Qu Chengze extremely regretted his former life like a wandering corpse. If he met her earlier, he would definitely not let himself become the way he is now, right?

  The man was still in a daze, but he saw the woman smile lightly, looking at him as if with some approval.

   "I saw the news that Ling Xianer surrendered, Shao Qu, you did a good job, thank you this time."

  Speaking, Su Qinghuan stepped forward slightly, and she slapped Qu Chengze's shoulder on her tiptoe in a rare good mood.

  A cold and deceptive fragrance faintly hit, Qu Chengze couldn't help but remember the scene when he once watched Su Qinghuan's room waiting for her to take a shower.

  ——She is wearing a silk nightgown, from the hair to the ankles, everything is beautiful, even the air seems to be fragrant...

  The young man recalled the situation that day, and the tip of his nose was hot. He tried his best to restrain himself and resisted the urge to hold Su Qinghuan into his arms.

  Qu Chengze looked at Su Qinghuan earnestly, his eyes softened, and even his voice was kind of flattering without knowing it.

   "Sister Qing Huan, can I invite you to dinner in two days? If you want to thank me, you can't have a meal together, right?"

  He wanted to chase Su Qinghuan very seriously.

  I originally wanted to make an appointment at the revolving garden restaurant he built, but since he took Ling Xian'er there to question him, the man subconsciously felt that the place was not worthy of Su Qinghuan.

  So Qu Chengze came up with a new place, but not in the imperial capital, but at the intersection of the imperial capital with a second-tier city nearby. Although the place is not prosperous enough, there is a Hunan restaurant that does it really well.

  This time, Qu Chengze made an in-depth investigation of Su Qinghuan’s various hobbies, and tried to satisfy Su Qinghuan. After knowing that Su Qinghuan liked spicy food, he began to look for suitable cooks in various ways.

  Even he himself, a light lover who doesn't like spicy food at all, has begun to learn to cook maocai, hot pot, and some common spicy grilled fish, bullfrogs, sizzling tofu and so on.

  As long as Su Qinghuan likes, he is willing to try, willing to learn for Su Qinghuan, as long as Su Qinghuan can slowly not hate him, and then slowly get used to his existence.

  The man thinks all of this very well. He does not expect to make Su Qinghuan fall in love with him at once, but at the very least, he can start with his friends.

  Especially this time when Ling Xian'er was in jail, Qu Chengze faintly felt that perhaps this was a good opportunity to open Su Qing's heart.


   Seeing the young Yin Yin’s twinkling eyes, Su Qinghuan didn’t know that this servant wanted to soak her.

  However, the little fox was about to end the mission of this plane, so it was rare to remind Qu Chengze kindly.

   "Do you want to chase me?"


  Qu Chengze had never met such a girl who was going straight back and forth. He was stunned for only half a second, and then quickly nodded.

  "Yes...Yes! Sister Qinghuan, I like you!"

   "It's a pity, I don't like you."

  Su Qing looked at him happily, her tone was a little arrogant, but Qu Chengze wouldn’t mistake her for her joking refusal, how unfeeling she was.

  The man's eyes were slightly sad.

  "It’s okay, I know you don’t like me, but being in love is a process. There are too few people in this world who fall in love with each other at first sight. I am willing to wait."

   "No, no, no, you can't wait, you have no chance, I am leaving here."

  Su Qinghuan leaned against the wall like boneless, her slender figure resembling a willow branch swaying in spring, which made people think about it.

  Qu Chengze was stunned again, thinking that two days later it was the wedding of Su Qinghuan and Huo Jingzun, but Su Qinghuan denied the possibility of her marrying Huo Jingzun, whether publicly or privately, so...

  The young man raised his palms slightly and asked tentatively.

   "Sister Qing Huan, are you leaving the capital to escape because of Huo Jingzun's affairs? Where do you want to go? Australia, Europe, or America?"

  The man’s eyes flashed with infatuation, as if he had made some determination, he solemnly said to Su Qinghuan.

   "Sister Qing Huan, no matter where you go, I will follow you."

   "Are you going to the Yin Cao Jifu too?"

  Su Qing tilted his head with a smile.

  The girl has a brisk look, even with a bit of a girl’s agility and beauty, but what she says is so cruel.

  Qu Chengze gritted his teeth, almost without thinking.

   "If it is with Qing Huan sister, I am willing!"

Under the lights of the corridor, the youth's eyes were sincere, and even those peach eyes, which had always appeared frivolous, were so solemn at this moment.

  (End of this chapter)

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