The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 860: I am a woman who worships gold (97)

  Chapter 860 I am a woman who worships gold (97)

  Huo Jingzun’s eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and an indescribable anger and fear attacked the man’s heart.

  He never thought that Su Qinghuan would see this!

  She obviously should marry him happily today as Mrs. Huo, how can she be hurt by these rumors!

  Huo Jingzun quickly picked up Li Tezhu's collar, and the light flashed across the middle of his eyes. The whole person looked fierce and irritable, almost like a beast eager to choose someone and eat it!

   "What the **** did you do!"

  Li Tezhu looked extremely embarrassed.

  Seeing his president's appearance like a violent king, he trembled in fear.

  "President, there is no way for this. Ms. Su's point is to forward comments, not comments under the original blog. We deleted and censored the comments under the original blog in time."

   "But those who forwarded, although we applied for Weibo to block a lot of unacceptable forwarding, but this time you and Miss Su official declared that the message flow of the certificate was too large, and our machines could not block it manually."


  Huo Jingzun knew this truth, but when he thought that Su Qinghuan would be hurt by those comments, he was infinitely scared.

  He knows that Su Qinghuan had depression before. After breaking up with Gu Chubai, she also went to see a psychologist because of the netizens' power.

  Those words that seem to be randomly combined, but have the ability to kill people.

  After Su Qinghuan was discharged from the hospital, Su Qinghuan did not go to see a psychiatrist. Huo Jingzun thought that Su Qinghuan was getting better.

  Unexpectedly, she was still paying attention to these things.


  The man cursed in pain, and then quickly released Li Tezhu.

  Li Te helped a man standing unstable and almost fell to the ground and flashed his waist.

  A good onlooker took the opportunity to support Li Tezhu. When he scanned the computer that Su Qinghuan had turned on, he quickly took a picture of Su Qinghuan’s computer screen while others were not paying attention.

  And Huo Jingzun has no time to pay attention to this little guy at the moment.

  The man is like a hot pot ant that has lost his direction, turning around the house anxiously.

  "Qinghuan, Qinghuan, where are you, don’t play hide-and-seek with me, okay?!"

   "Qing Huan!"

   "Mr. Huo, Miss Su is here!"

  Huo Jingzun heard the voice of a follower, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

  But the follower's face was extremely pale.

   "However, Miss Su, Miss Su, she seems to..."


  When he heard the entourage's cold-war tone, Huo Jingzun's heart quickly twitched.

  He subconsciously pushed away the people blocking the road in front of him, and rushed over almost without hesitation.

  "Get out! Qinghuan, what happened to her?!"

  The more men came out, he pulled away the entourage who was blocking the door. When he saw the scene in the bedroom, the man’s bloodshot eyes were instantly scarlet!

   "Qinghuan,! You must just fall asleep, right?"

  Huo Jingzun never thought that he would see such a horrible scene in his life.

He had actually seen the video surveillance of Su Qinghuan walking out of the apartment when he cut his wrist before in interviews with reporters. However, Su Qinghuan in the surveillance still took a sigh of relief. Living people.

  But Huo Jingzun, who saw this video at that time, just felt scornful.

  A woman who doesn't even care about her own life, it's no wonder her boyfriend will be snatched away by Ling Xian'er.

  Is it useful to hurt yourself?

  It's better to drag Gu Chubai and Ling Xian'er into the water.


  That was Huo Jingzun’s truest thought at the time.

  But Huo Jingzun never knew that the short walk from the bedroom door to Su Qinghuan’s bed could be a long time like several centuries.

  A girl in a white skirt is lying on a black mattress.

  The girl’s cold and white complexion formed a great contrast with the velvet-textured mattress. It was like a fairy under the moon that would only appear in a dream, super dusty and refined.

   is like the legendary Sleeping Beauty, or the Snow White who unfortunately fainted after eating a poisoned apple.

  Beautiful, dreamy and heart-wrenching.


  Even Su Qinghuan’s mouth had a faint smile, as if she was really just asleep.

  But even if the whole room is silent, you can't hear the girl's breathing.

  Even her heart does not appear to fluctuate at all.

Huo Jingzun only felt that his legs were filled with heavy lead, and every step was torment. He staggered and supported the wall, not knowing how much effort it took to tremble and stretch his fingers across the girl’s nose. .

  When he felt that there was no strange fingertips, Huo Jingzun suddenly fell from the wall and sat down.

  The man slumped on the ground in a daze. He had never had such an embarrassing moment in his life.

  "Qinghuan, no, Qinghuan, don't scare me."

  The man’s tears burst out.

  He subconsciously hugged Su Qinghuan from his arms.

   Hold tight again.

  The girl's body is still warm, and there is no intention to cool down. The man comforts himself with this, and Su Qinghuan is still alive.

  His bride.

  The girl he should have officially married today is still alive.

   And the few subordinates who saw this scene suddenly turned pale with fright.

  Li Tezhu tremblingly reminded.

   "Mr. Huo, Miss Su, she...she...has no breath. You..."


  This matter can’t be kept, because an entourage leaked away, and the reporters guarding downstairs in the Imperial City apartment rushed up like crazy.

  Wandering outside the apartment, Gu Chubai and Qu Chengze, who were anxious, also burst into bloodshot eyes in shock.

   "What did you say?! Sister Qing Huan killed herself?"

   "No, it's impossible! She can't kill herself, she is so happy every day..."

  Gu Chubai and Qu Chengze only felt that they had heard a big fake news. However, when they saw that Huo Jingzun hadn't come downstairs for a long time, the two of them choked in their hearts and rushed upstairs almost subconsciously.

  When he saw the girl who was tightly held by Huo Jingzun in his arms, Gu Chubai was almost crazy and threw a punch at the man.

   "It's because of you! If you didn't force the marriage to have a good time, and spread rumors that she asked you to get the certificate, how could she choose such a path?"

   "What qualifications do you have to say about me?!"

  Huo Jingzun took the punch abruptly, he indifferently wiped off the blood flowing from his lips, and almost relentlessly slapped Gu Chubai back.

   "Who is it, it hurts Qinghuan the most! Gu Chubai, you don't deserve to stand here!"

"do not talk!"

  Qu Chengze didn't expect that at this time, the two of them would still have time to compete here and be jealous. He fiercely snatched the girl in Huo Jingzun's arms.

  "Go to the hospital! Go to the hospital!"

   Qing Huan sister can't die.


  Mingming yesterday...she was still joking with herself...

  The eyes of the youth suddenly turned red.

  (End of this chapter)

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