The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 861: I am a woman who worships gold (98)

  Chapter 861 I am a woman who worships gold (98)

  When he saw Qu Chengze hugged Su Qinghuan away, Huo Jingzun, who was wearing a white wedding dress, suddenly turned red, his fists clenched, as if someone was about to punch Qu Chengze in the face.

   "You are not allowed to take her away!"

  The man's eyes are violent, and his scarlet eyes are like beasts that are about to violently rise in the dark.

  However, Qu Chengze only glanced at Huo Jingzun and Gu Chubai indifferently.

   "At this time, you still only think about being jealous for Sister Qing Huan, have you ever thought that maybe she can be rescued?!"



  Hearing Qu Chengze's words, Huo Jingzun and Gu Chubai fell silent for a while.

  And Huo Jingzun’s special assistant, Xiao Li, heard their conversation, but couldn't help but start muttering quietly beside him.

   "The breath of Miss Su is gone, can people come back from the dead?"

   "Illiterate, in medicine, brain death is the real death!"

Qu Chengze coldly denied a sentence, and then the young man lowered his head gently and resolutely. He looked at Su Qinghuan's clean and shiny face nostalgic and distressed. The girl's expression was serene, and the corners of her lips even had a smile, as if she was just asleep. The same.

  Even the soft body is still warm, not like losing her life at all, but more like a little princess asleep.

   "Qinghuan, let's go."

  The young man hugged the girl sideways, and even before that, he touched the girl’s forehead with his lips.

   That kind of piousness, 绻绻.

  Huo Jingzun's face was pale when he saw this scene.

   "Qu Chengze, don't go too far! Qinghuan is my wife!"

   "That's just your personal will! Wishful thinking, you don't understand! Gu Chubai has a word that is right, if you didn't force the marriage of Qinghuan sister, she would not have gone to extremes so easily!"

  Qu Chengze glanced at Huo Jingzun indifferently.


  Seeing that several people were arguing again, Gu Chubai hurriedly tugged Huo Jingzun's arm.

   "Mr. Huo, let's not quarrel about other things. I have already called the emergency hospital. The ambulance will arrive in about two minutes."


  A few men finally fell silent at this moment.

  They looked at the girl in Qu Chengze's arms with their own minds, and the pain in their hearts spread infinitely.

  Huo Jingzun held his hand tightly.

  A good marriage, who knows it will become a funeral!

  The wedding becomes a funeral. Who can accept this for anyone? !

  Qinghuan doesn’t like him, but he never thought of forcing her to follow this path, Qinghuan...

  The man's stern eyes finally showed a thin layer of mist.

   is tears of regret.

   also, the pain is unbearable and bitter.

  Is he really wrong?

  Everything, everything, cannot be forced.


  Soon, several people heard the sound of an ambulance coming downstairs.

  A group of reporters were blocked by Huo Jingzun’s bodyguards, and they were all quite safe.

  But at this moment, seeing Qu Chengze holding Su Qinghuan going out, they are like sharks smelling blood, eager to scrape this explosive news, even if the bodyguard is holding a long stick in his hand, they are still rushing up!

   "Mr. Huo, let's talk about it, what happened to Miss Su?"

  "Mr. Huo, did Miss Su really choose to kill herself on the day of her wedding?"

   "Mr. Huo, why is Miss Su being held by Shao Qu now?"

   "Emperor Gu, really telling you on Weibo, is Miss Su an ex-girlfriend who has been in love with you for five years?"

  "Gu Yingdi..."

   "Shao Qu..."

Seeing that a microphone was about to be squeezed into Qu Chengze's side, the young man was holding the girl in one hand, as if looking at some precious jewellery for thousands of years, but when the reporter was eager to try to get in the way, he kicked away without hesitation. .

   "Fuck me! Didn't you see the rescue?"

   "At this time, do you still only think about gossip news?"

   "If Sister Qing Huan died, wouldn't you people think that you were also one of the executioners when you dreamed back at midnight?"

   Qu Chengze's words were like a shocking sound, and the reporters were all frightened by the evil spirit on Qu Chengze's body.

  And the reporter who fell to the ground with his brain dared not to speak.

  But Qu Chengze was so tossed, the reporter really cleverly gave up a path.

   Huo Jingzun, who closely followed Qu Chengze, looked around the noisy reporters here at the moment when the elevator door was about to close.

  "Special Assistant Li, the reporters and media who came to make trouble today will not have to mix in the imperial capital in the future."

   "Okay, President."

  The reporters realized that they had really kicked the iron plate. They stared in amazement. However, as the elevator door closed, Huo Jingzun and his party had already walked down the elevator all the way down.


   Soon, they arrived at the hospital.

  Half an hour later, the doctor in a white coat looked at the three handsome men in front of him with a hard word.

  Now it has been mad on the Internet that the wedding of the century of Huo’s heir has not been completed, and the newlyweds even committed suicide on the wedding day!

  The chief physician has lived for more than forty years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a **** thing.

  The doctor glanced at Huo Jingzun with some fear, a faint cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

"Mr. Huo, Miss Su's condition is not optimistic. Her vital signs are extremely weak, and according to our verification, she has very little sleeping pills in her body. In theory, this dose is not enough to cause death. of."

"That is?"

  Huo Jingzun's eyes shrunk slightly, and he was about to inquire carefully, when he saw Qu Chengze next to him grabbing the hand of the doctor in white coat.

  "Doctor, you mean, Qinghuan still has vital signs, is there any rescue?"


  Obviously what he said is not optimistic, why can this young man be understood that there is still salvation?

  Of course, probability is greater than zero, but it is also extremely small, good or not.

  The main reason is that the people in front of you are big people, and a stomping can make the whole country shake three times. This kind of arbitrarily promised patient salvation, the attending doctor dare not take responsibility at will.

  The middle-aged doctor pursed his lips. He pondered for a long time, and finally he said vaguely.

"I'm afraid it's... it's very difficult. Except for the sleeping pill, no other ingredients have been found in Miss Su's body. There is no trauma on her whole body. We estimate that she should be able to take some kind of medicine within six hours. Medicinal ingredients that disappear from the body."

   "We can't find the source of the medicine, so it is difficult to come up with a radical cure in a short time."

  The middle-aged doctor was still trying to explain something, when he saw Qu Chengze grabbing his hand and looking at himself with scarlet eyes.

  "Doctor, I beg you, Sister Qing Huan must be rescued, no matter what method is used, no matter how much money it costs, I can give it to you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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