The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 867: I am a woman who worships gold (104)

  Chapter 867 I am a woman who worships gold (104)

  Qu Chengze never thought that he, an atheist, would have such absurd ideas.

  But for him now, nothing is more important than the person he likes.

  Even if the opponent...has become a cold body.

   But so what?

  Even if Sister Qing Huan is really silent, but Huo Jingzun and He De can claim to be her deceased husband, he is not worthy to force Sister Qing Huan to be buried in Huo's ancestral grave!

  Sister Qing Huan never thought of marrying him from beginning to end, even the stamped marriage certificate was just the result of Huo Jingzun’s wishful thinking!


  The scene in the dream was still lingering in his mind. Qu Chengze's eyes were red, and he unknowingly increased the accelerator and stepped on a hundred steps.

   Fortunately, the Imperial Capital Street at this point is still empty, otherwise I am afraid that there will be a big mess.

  The man stopped the car anxiously, but outside the Huo’s Cemetery, the sky was still gray and rainy.


  Feeling the cold rain on his face, Qu Chengze raised his head in a dazed manner, only feeling that among the dark clouds, it seemed that the cry of the woman in his dream sounded.

  Fearful face, and those unbearable echoes, one scene after another, and it seems to reappear in front of my eyes.

  Qu Chengze's face was already very pale, and it became more and more decayed in an instant.

  The young man curled his lips in mockery. It was obvious that there was an umbrella on the car, but he didn't even support the umbrella, and walked straight to that level of steps.

  To Qu Chengze’s no surprise, when he walked to the gate of the cemetery, he saw two long-shaped Yuli figures.

  Awesomely Huo Jingzun and Gu Chubai.

  The two men came just a little earlier than him, and Gu Chubai even had a bunch of lilies in his hands that symbolized purity.

  Qu Chengze swept across the white lily in Gu Chubai's hand, and the scarlet eyes were full of mockery.

   "Emperor Gu, now that Sister Qing Huan is gone, you are embarrassed to come here to pretend affection."

   "Qu Chengze! The clay figurines are also three-pointed!"

  If it weren’t for the cemetery here, and it’s the day Su Qinghuan needed to bury himself, otherwise Gu Chubai would just throw the bouquet on Qu Chengze's head!


Huo Jingzun was even more dissatisfied with the noisy quarrel between the two men.

  The man raised his head coldly, his eyes swept across the stalwart faces of Qu Chengze and Gu Chubai.

   "Have you enough trouble?! You are not welcome here!"

   "What about you? Do you think Sister Qing Huan would want to be buried here?"

  Qu Chengze almost hated Huo Jingzun's cold face at this moment.

  Since he was a child, he did not like Huo Jingzun's false appearance of being a lofty and perfect heir. Now when he thinks that he must occupy the name of Su Qinghuan's late husband and occupy the body of his beloved, Qu Chengze feels that Huo Jingzun is even more disgusting.


  Unexpectedly, Huo Jingzun did not answer Qu Chengze’s question, but instead answered the question.

   "You guys had that dream before."


  For a while, the atmosphere fell into silence.


  Only the bunch of fragrant lilies in Gu Chubai's hand fell from the man's hand, making a dull light noise in the rain.

   "The Forest Bureau told you that I also called him?"

  Qu Chengze's violent expression slightly constricted, his expression in a trance.


  Huo Jingzun nodded.

  He always thought that among the three men, he was the one who made the least mistakes to Su Qinghuan.

   But now I realized that I was so wrong.

   But even so, how could he be willing to let go.

  Even though...she is no longer there.


  Huo Jingzun showed a self-deprecating look on his eyebrows.

   "In the past few days, I have asked the abbot of Changle Temple to help Qinghuan, guess what, what did the abbot say?"

  The abbot of Changle Temple is a well-known monk in the entire imperial capital, and even in the entire country of China. According to the legend, it can be counted, and those who are waiting for leisure cannot invite him to save his deceased.


  Qu Chengze and Gu Chubai's eyes flickered in an instant. They and Huo Jingzun are not believers in God, but hearing the news of their beloved at this moment, even if it is false, is a kind of comfort.

  Huo Jingzun looked into the distance in confusion.

  "The abbot said, we are obsessed with all this, but the person we want to find, that ray of soul, is no longer in this world."


  Isn’t it the same as saying nothing?

  Qu Chengze and Gu Chubai looked at each other.

Huo Jingzun sighed slightly when he saw that these two people still didn't understand.

   "Or, from beginning to end, we were all fooled by her."

  Everyone knows who she is.

   But even this, so what.

  Those affectionate likes are true.

  That woman with a flamboyant and free-spirited character and picturesque eyes is also true.

  Only, she is gone.

   is the real thing.


  Qu Chengze was silent for a moment. He swept across the empty Huo's cemetery. Dongfang was already slightly white, but there was no bodyguard from the Huo family present, let alone any coffin that carried Su Qinghuan out.

   "Huo Jingzun, what about Qing Huan sister Qing Huan... who? Don’t you plan to bury Qing Huan sister today?"

  When it comes to the word burial, the voice of the youth is still very difficult.

  As if like this, it means that the real heaven and man will be separated forever.

  Everyone present knew very well that Su Qinghuan was gone.

  But no one wants to admit that.

  Just two days ago, Huo Jingzun personally held the wedding in front of the media, holding Su Qinghuan, who had been silent for a long time.

Suddenly, the whole country was shocked.

  This terrifying battle is simply unprecedented.

  I've heard the most popular two dead men** in ancient times.

  Where is there a living person who insists on pulling a person who has died out, married?

   What if that woman is beautiful?

   Isn’t it still a soulless body that will decay at any time?

  Faced with the doubts of countless people, Huo Jingzun just smiled faintly, saying that Su Qinghuan will always be his wife, and he will never marry again in his life.

  Such a heavy promise was issued, let alone netizens, even the Huo family members were so angry, but no one could shake Huo Jingzun’s status, and could only have to watch Huo Jingzun mess around.


  When he saw the news in the news, Qu Chengze only felt that Huo Jingzun was very fake.

  Even if Sister Qing Huan is gone, this man still insists on occupying her.

  How disgusting.

  Unfortunately, he was no match for Huo Jingzun's forces.


  Faced with Qu Chengze’s question, Huo Jingzun smiled faintly, the man’s always inscrutable eagle eyes suddenly revealed a trace of grief and fragility.

   "Yes, I can't bear it, I want Qinghuan to stay with me for a while."

   "Qinghuan is gone, why don't you let her go to the soil for peace?!"

   Gu Chubai heard Huo Jingzun's words, and immediately became angry.

  Only Qu Chengze took a deep breath.

   "Since you can't bear it, let me take care of Qing Huan's funeral personally, okay?"

  (End of this chapter)

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