The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 868: I am a woman who worships gold (105)

  Chapter 868 I am a woman who worships gold (105)

  Qu Chengze almost never asks for help. He did not expect that the first time he asked for help, it turned out to be because of this kind of thing.

The atmosphere between Huo Jingzun and Gu Chubai was originally extremely tense, but after hearing Qu Chengze's proposal, both men looked over in surprise.

  Only Qu Chengze laughed at himself.

   "Since you all had that dream, you should be able to understand my feelings?"

  The man raised his head, and the faint rain in the sky fell into his eyes, as if he were tears from the human, mourning.

   "I want to do something for Sister Qing Huan, just treat it as a late atonement."

  He was uneasy.

  The same goes for Huo Jingzun and Gu Chubai.


   is not just such a simple guilt.

  If they can, they would even use their own lives to exchange Su Qinghuan’s life.

  Or, if Su Qinghuan really exists in this world, even if it's a ghost, it's good to be able to dream or get along with them.

  Such foolish thoughts exist in the man’s mind. Even if it seems very ridiculous, it is also a real thought.


  Huo Jingzun looked at Qu Chengze with hopeful eyes. He originally wanted to refuse because he was really reluctant to bear it.

  ——He originally thought he had made up his mind to let Su Qinghuan leave his side.

  Huo Jingzun used the best materials to keep Su Qinghuan’s body from decay for a period of time.

  Even if others saw him as a lunatic, guarding a corpse to survive, Huo Jingzun really didn't care about others' opinions.

But only, Huo Jingzun recalled Gu Chubai's angry words just now.

  ——Maybe... Maybe Qinghuan really wants to settle down for peace?

  Even if he knew that Su Qinghuan would not like to stay by his side, his human nature was selfish. He really wanted Su Qinghuan to be with him.

  Even if it is a hundred years later, it is good to be in one grave.


Huo Jingzun was silent for a moment, and finally nodded to Qu Chengze.

   "Okay, I will give you one week to prepare for Qinghuan's burial."

  As if thinking of something, Huo Jingzun exhorted again.

   "Don't think about any tricks, Qing Huan is my wife, she can only be buried in this Huo family cemetery."

"I see."

  Qu Chengze also nods slightly.

  At this point, Gu Chubai finally knew that he had no room for mediation.

  The man curled his lips with self mocking.

   "That...even a week, I will come to Qinghuan's funeral."


  The three people just dispersed.

  Only Gu Chubai remained in the cemetery for a long time.

  Gu Chubai slowly picked up the bunch of white lilies from the ground that had been soaked by the rain. The man looked at this cold cemetery, and a burst of unspeakable sadness spread infinitely from his heart.

  Qinghuan, would she really like this place?

  Actually, she even hates the three of them, right?

  I hate it, and I don’t even want to live in the same world with them.

  Gu Chubai laughed at himself again.

  He took the bunch of white lilies all the way to the gate, placed it solemnly behind the gate of the cemetery, and then walked towards a tattoo shop without hesitation.

   "Hello, what do you want to get tattooed on."

  The tattoo artist is a girl.

  The female shopkeeper spoke subconsciously when she heard the sound of pushing the door. The moment she raised her head, she was instantly surprised by Gu Chubai’s handsome face.

   " are Gu Chubai?! My God, I am your fan!"

The female shopkeeper couldn't believe what she saw in her own eyes.

  And Gu Chubai just gave her a gentle gesture of booing.

   "The voice is softer, I'm afraid of being seen."


  In fact, it's still early, and there are no people on the surrounding roads. The female shopkeeper also got up early and opened the door early because she couldn't sleep today. She didn't expect to meet her idol.

  The female shopkeeper looked at Gu Chubai in disbelief, only thinking that the man was more polite and handsome than what he saw on TV.

  Even if Gu Chubai’s black material is continuous like leeks recently, when you see this extremely beautiful face, you can’t swear anything.

  The female shopkeeper period Ai Aidao.

   "Gu...Mr. Gu, why did you come to our store?"

  Actually, celebrities are the least suitable for tattoos.

  There was rain on her body when she looked after Gu Chubai. Obviously, she didn't even hold an umbrella along the way, and mistakenly thought that Gu Chubai was here to take shelter from the rain.

  "Are you unable to get a taxi temporarily because of the rain? I will give you an umbrella and a mask first. It will be convenient for you to go out at that time."

  The female shopkeeper has been a fan of Gu Chubai since her debut, so she subconsciously put her posture very low, just like a mother fan.

  Until the man smiled at her slightly and looked serious.

   "I didn't come to shelter from the rain."

"That is?"

  The female shopkeeper's heart was beating, and suddenly an unlikely answer appeared in her heart.

   "You...are not really here to get a tattoo?"


  Gu Chubai nodded calmly.

   Before the female shopkeeper could speak, the man took the initiative to lie on a recliner suitable for tattoos. He lifted his shirt from the bottom up, his voice was as light as water.

   "It's right here in my heart, please tattoo me with a name."

  My idol was lying in front of me, close at hand, with a bewildering figure, but the female store manager only felt a mist invisibly welling up from her eyes.

   "Is it... the three words Su Qinghuan?"

  Recently, things have become such a big mess, even if she doesn’t like to read gossip, she understands it clearly.

  In all fairness, because she likes Gu Chubai too much, the female store manager used to not look at Su Qinghuan as unpleasant, but then there was a wave of public opinion, plus recently Su Qinghuan directly chose to commit suicide and donated all of her property.

At this time, the female store manager realized how shallow she was once.

She is also a girl from a small place. Although she is not as exaggerated as a poor mountain village, she is also a girl from a small rural village in the middle of the country. Because of the large number of children in the family and the parents' preference for sons, she will leave the imperial capital alone because of her rebellious personality. .


  Gu Chubai did not expect the female store manager to guess it so easily, but the man still nodded calmly and calmly.

   "Yes, when you have worked hard to get a tattoo, make your tattoo clearer, and I will pay more for the working hours."


  The female store manager really wants to refuse this matter.

  Siren has passed away, but the living are still immersed in this mourning. What a deep sorrow it is!

   "Mr. Gu, Miss Su is gone, please...Sorry."

   Seeing that the female store manager was reluctant to inject the needle, the man who had been calmly lying on the tattoo chair, immediately sat up.

  He looked at the other party with cold eyes, and his voice was so indifferent that the female store manager was a little bit afraid.

   "I can see that you are my fan, but if you refuse, I will spend money to get others to tattoo these three words, the effect is the same, understand?"

  (End of this chapter)

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