The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 875: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (1) 2200+ words

  Chapter 875 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (1) 2200+ words

  When the maid was pulling the photo in Huo Jingzun's hand, she was shocked to realize that the man had used so much energy before he died, and she couldn't pull it for a while.

  The maid spent a lot of time before pulling out the photo with another butler.

  The photo was taken when Su Qinghuan accompanied Huo Jingzun to France to do a biovaccine translation, and only one sentence was written on the back of the photo.

  —If our encounter is not so unbearable, if the time can really go back to the past, can you do it again, this time, I will protect you, okay?

   Signed and signed.

  To my beloved wife, Qinghuan.

  Huo Jingzun's excellent writing.


  The maid originally admired Huo Jingzun, but when she read the words clearly on it, she burst into tears on the spot.

  "Master, why does master love that woman so much...uuuuu..."

Once knew that King Gu was a monk and Qu Chengze died in love, the maid felt that the world was crazy. No matter how beautiful the woman named Su Qinghuan was when she was alive, now she only has a soulless body left. It's not worth it. !

  But she never thought that Huo Jingzun, who is as tall as a **** in her mind, would also follow in the footsteps of Chengze.

  —What kind of infatuation is needed to look at the photo of the deceased wife after taking a whole bottle of sleeping pills and refuse to let go?


Huo Jingzun was born handsome and tall, and possesses a wealth of wealth. He is also a rare cleanliness in the rich second generation. Not to mention this maid. In fact, most of the unmarried women in China have fantasized about marrying Huo Jingzun's lucky person. What a three-year blessing .

But everyone never thought that one day, that woman was so favored by fate, not only had the opportunity to become the wife of the future president of the Huo Group, but also had the love of Huo Jingzun, but she gave up disdainfully on the wedding day. Took this opportunity.

  Even, use death to express one's own decisiveness.

  Who on earth has let down whom?

  Or, affectionate is a sin.


  After Huo Jingzun’s death, the Huo family’s servants did not bury Huo Jingzun in Huo’s ancestral tomb, according to his intentions, but buried the man in Beishan Village, Su Qinghuan’s homeland.

  Or maybe it is because the man listened to Gu Chubai’s advice before he was alive. Huo's CEO, who has always been arrogant and conceited, finally gave up the opportunity to be with his sweetheart.

  Huo Jingzun’s tomb is located on the right side of Su Qinghuan’s tomb.

  The person buried on the left side of Su Qinghuan’s tomb is Qu Chengze.

  Huo Jingzun once regarded love as the most foolish and boring lie in the world, but at the end of his life, what he was thinking of was still a little girl.

  He wants to protect her, but since the encounter, it was a mistake.

  Wrong step, wrong step.


  On that breezy night, the moonlight was quiet, Huo Jingzun casually ate a whole bottle of sleeping pills, but his eyes were always fixed on the photo of him and Su Qinghuan.

  Upside-down, all the names of Su Qinghuan.

  He knew that he was despicable and gloomy, and even before the woman agreed, he privately regarded her as his own property and bound her with a marriage certificate.

  But if life can really come again...he wants to pursue Su Qinghuan upright and cleanly once, so that she can agree to be his wife in person, that would be great.

  Qinghuan, if we can go back in time, can we start again?

  My surname is Huo, the scenery is beautiful, the honorable respect, I have liked you very much since my last life.


  Gu Chubai became a monk for Su Qinghuan, and Qu Chengze and Huo Jingzun died for Su Qinghuan successively. These events spread throughout the country, and the discussion about Su Qinghuan that had finally calmed down on the Internet began to stir up again.

  Netizens said one after another that this woman was really not peaceful enough before her death, and she caused countless waves after her death.

  However, to the surprise of Little Fox, there were not many netizens scolding her this time. Instead, they were all crying and asking why she didn't publish a handbook for elders.

  It’s not too unusual to turn sentient beings upside down when you are alive, but why are there so many followers after death? This is too evil.

  There are even people who suspect that Su Qinghuan has slapped the rich and handsome.

  The little fox in the void browsed the comments of those netizens, and then gave a boring cry.

  "Besides charisma and beauty, what else can it be because of?"

   "...Host, you are so narcissistic."

  The woman glanced at System 233 lightly, with a fascinating smile on her face.

   "Am I wrong?"

  "Tong'er, people, they are all superficial. If I start to attack them with a disfigured face, do you think they will still find me attractive? At most, I think I am suitable for being a business partner, right?"

  Most people feel pity for a flawed woman after they have feelings.

   But if this is a peaceful meeting, beauty is really the first weapon.

  Su Qinghuan started to have a headache when he thought of his own body in the system space that had been smashed into ugly by thunderclouds.

   Forget it, don’t want to.

   "Tonger, teleport me to the next plane."

  System 233 saw the actions of the three men and heard the sober analysis of Su Qinghuan. Even if it was an artificial intelligence, it seemed to be able to perceive the sadness of the three at this moment. Unfortunately, the host didn't seem to think that way.

   "Woo woo woo, host, don't you think that the three of them are so infatuated to be a little pitiful?"

  The task is indeed to make them want it, but System 233 never expected that the host would do it so decisively.

   "Too pitiful infatuation? What's so pitiful about the three scumbags."

  Su Qinghuan was slightly startled, and then raised her eyebrows with interest.

   "Tong'er, haven't you heard a famous saying on the Internet? When you die, everyone starts to love you. This may be the real guilt filter."

   "But what's the use? Tong'er, if you want to fall in love someday, you should never like someone who has lost you and only regrets the person who treats you well."

  Su Qinghuan seemed to be thinking of something, her eyes were a little melancholy.

   "Otherwise, you have been a loser in your life, but you have also fulfilled the reputation of the other party's infatuation."

  System 233 is only artificial intelligence after all, not enough to learn human emotions, it seems to understand but nodded.

   "Okay...Host. Then we are teleporting to the next plane. This is an ancient plane with a high level of hierarchy. Please be careful."


  The hierarchical ancient plane?

  Su Qinghuan was slightly startled, and just about to ask more carefully, she felt a whirl of heaven and earth.

  In an instant, the world changed abruptly.

  Before opening her eyes, Su Qinghuan felt that her whole body was very tired. She seemed to be lying on the mattress, and the air smelled faint, like the smell of ambergris.

  The breath is not too strong, but it is enough to make you sane.

  Wait, ambergris?

  Could this be the palace?

  Su Qinghuan's heart was stunned, she tried to open her eyes in a daze, but suddenly felt a splitting headache, and her whole body was aching.


  Hearing the woman's low cry of pain, the palace lady guarding outside the screen suddenly greeted her in surprise.

   "Niang Niang, you can be considered as awake, the doctor Fang said that after you fell into the water and drank the medicine, you should wake up at this point, it is true!"

  Su Qinghuan has not received the memory yet, so she can only frown in a calm manner.

   "Falling into the water?"

  The maid dressed up in the palace seemed to be loyal, and while enthusiastically handing over the tea cup, she was angrily and honest.

  "Manny, did you forget? In the Yuhuayuan two days ago, Wan Man's little hooves pushed you! Fortunately, Your Majesty Shengming has already kept that woman in Shou'an Palace until the end of the month!"

  (End of this chapter)

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