The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 876: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (2)

  Chapter 876 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (2)

   Seeing the round-faced maid wearing Su embroidery clothes and still resenting, Su Qinghuan speculated that the status of the original owner should not be low.

  After all, a palace lady around her can wear such extravagance, and she is inseparable from the big ladies of some Zhumen embroidery households.

   Su Qinghuan thought this way in her heart, and then subconsciously began to look at the surrounding environment.

  In the eye are the high bed pillows, silk quilts, and intricately carved ivory screens not far away, and the jade paperweight on the lobular red sandalwood table is also sufficient to prove the noble status of women.

  Little fox has some cares in his mind.

——It seems that the original owner he possessed, even if he was not at the level of Fourth Concubine Zheng, is at least a concubine who is now favored by the sage, otherwise it is impossible to live in such a luxurious palace and possess such a good one. treatment.

  Su Qinghuan actually doesn't like this kind of hierarchical ancient palace plane. Three thousand beauties rob a man, this kind of life is too restrictive and awkward.

  And in the palace, if she met the emperor, wouldn't she have to kneel and knock three times a day?

  Thinking of this made the little fox want to roll his eyes.

  -But a mortal who claims to be the emperor of the true dragon, is he, worthy of making Qingqiu Diji kneel down?

  Compared to this kind of strict court, Su Qinghuan would rather like the rivers and lakes of pleasure and enmity.

  And if it’s the plane of cultivating immortals, not to mention it, based on the level of cultivation, you can get the first level of people thousands of miles away.


The round-faced maid, Xiaotao, saw that Su Qinghuan had been silent, and she was still staring at the surrounding furnishings. Her eyes were not as flirty as usual, but with a rare calmness. Xiaotao almost thought that Su Qinghuan was being stunned by the water ghost. NS.

  ——If in normal times, my master was pushed by another woman, he would have jumped up angrily and rushed into the Shou’an Palace to slap the little hooves.

  I'm afraid that a slap is not enough. I have to cry and cry to the sage for a long time, and it won't stop until a bunch of rewards.

  Why is the master so calm today?


   Xiaotao grew up with Su Qinghuan when she was a child, and she was most loyal to her master. Seeing Su Qinghuan's changes, she subconsciously felt that something was wrong. Xiaotao looked at Su Qinghuan anxiously and tentatively asked questions.

   "Niang Niang, what's the matter with you? Why don't you keep talking?"

  "Isn't it awkward to wake up just now? Would you like Xiaotao to help you continue to summon Fang's doctor to get your pulse?"

   Hearing the round-faced maid calling herself Xiaotao, Su Qinghuan calmly took the tea from the other party, and asked with a smile.

   "Little Tao, let this palace test you, how many years have you been with this palace?"

The woman lying in the silk quilt sat up slightly. After taking a sip, she found that the tea smells overflowing. It should be the newly harvested Yuqian Longjing this year. I am afraid that there are few people in this big harem with such a good one. Treatment.

  This tea once again applied for Su Qinghuan’s previous guess about the identity of the original owner.

   And after seeing Su Qinghuan's fluttering eyes, Xiaotao subconsciously thought that Su Qinghuan would take her to throw fire after recovering from a serious illness, and she hurried to kneel to the ground.

"Niang, what's wrong with you today? Xiaotao has been sold to the General's Mansion since he was six years old. She was the same age as you, and grew up with you since she was a child. The slave and maidservant were born humble and dare not say that she is a sister with you, but she has always been right. You are loyal."

  The little maid in a water peach red palace dress raised her face, and looked at Su Qinghuan aggrievedly, teardrops dripping down like golden beans.

  "Now ten years have passed, why did the empress suddenly ask about this? Is it because she dislikes Xiaotao's clumsy hands and is not fit to serve you as your personal maid?"


  In a few words, Xiaotao, Su Qinghuan roughly pieced together the identity of the original owner.

  It seems that the original owner is likely to be the daughter of the General’s Mansion.

   all said that the door tiger girl, but Su Qinghuan raised her hand and looked at her wrist, which was so pale that she could almost see the blue blood vessels, and felt that this statement was not true.

  It’s not that Su Qinghuan is embarrassing a little maid, but she has just been attached to the original owner, and Xiao Tao is too reckless in her words. She dared to call her little hoof to a concubine, which is too presumptuous...

  In the harem, the tongue is the easiest to cause right and wrong. According to reason, a maid who speaks like this will not only bring himself a murderous disaster, but even her master will be disgusted by the emperor's big pig's hoof and directly suffer.


  However, looking at Xiao Tao’s aggrieved and straightforward expression, coupled with the love of master and servant for more than ten years, Su Qinghuan concluded that this little maid should not have too high a city, and should be believed.

  ——The person in this world who is even better than her in the show, I'm sorry, Su·XiangQing·Qinghuan has not encountered it yet.

   So... I can only guess that the original owner is probably a domineering eldest lady, coupled with a good background, supported by a general father, and even the maid beside him, will become self-willed with her.

  The little fox figured out this layer, and quickly removed the tassel curtain, got up from the gorgeous Qiangong Babao bed, and held the tearful Xiaotao in a good voice.

   "Okay, get up quickly. There are only two of us, the master and the servant. What are you doing on your knees?"

   "I didn't mean to blame you, and didn't want to drive you away. I just don't know why. Maybe the first two Japanese palaces fell into the water. I just feel a little dizzy and can't think of things."


   Xiaotao heard Su Qinghuan’s words, she suddenly forgot to wipe her tears. She quickly stood up and helped Su Qinghuan to sit down beside the bed in Babu.

   "Niang Niang, you fell into the water and caught the cold. You must cover the quilt before catching a cold. The doctor Fang said that you will have to rest for two more days to cure this headache."

  Su Qinghuan nodded, and glanced at Xiaotao casually.

   "Then your Majesty visited me in the past two days?"


   Xiaotao obviously didn't expect Su Qinghuan to ask about this, she looked at Su Qinghuan anxiously.

   "Niang Niang, Xu Shi has made too many memorials in the Palace of Qinzheng in the past two days, and the saint was unable to open her body for a while."

   Appearing to be afraid of Su Qinghuan’s sadness, Xiaotao quickly added a few more words.

  “But who doesn’t know in the harem, the emperor really loves you the most. He not only punished the gentleman who pushed you into the water early, but also ordered her to ban her until the end of the month, but also did not turn over the other concubine's brands in the past two days.”

  "Even the emperor is so sorry for your phoenix body, so the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner that was supposed to be your main board is not being held now."

   "Niang Niang, don't think about it. If you get angry, your body is not worth it."


  Su Qinghuan nodded when he heard the words, thoughtful.

  If the original owner was really loved and fell into the water, would the dog emperor not even look at it?

  And shouldn’t the Mid-Autumn Festival be the most important festival for the ancients besides the Spring Festival?

How can    say no and stop doing it?

  Even if the original owner is sick, shouldn't it be pushed to other imperial concubines?

  (End of this chapter)

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