The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 877: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (3) 2200+ words

  Chapter 877 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (3) 2200+ words

  Su Qinghuan was slightly suspicious, and only felt that there were too many strange places.

   However, looking at Xiao Tao's outspoken and unconcealed appearance, it is estimated that her mind is not very clever, and she can't ask too many important things.

  While the original owner can spoil his handmaid like this, it is estimated that the original owner is also a jealous eldest lady with the same mindless mind.

Moreover, Xiaotao dared to directly call the original master's phoenix body hug. Generally, the term phoenix body is only used for queens and noble concubines. In addition, the original owner is qualified to hold the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner. Su Qinghuan basically concluded that the original owner should be the middle position of the harem. The tallest man.

  ——Unsurprisingly, most of the emperor has not established a queen, the original owner is a noble concubine.


  After thinking about these things, Su Qinghuan felt that it was the most urgent task to immediately accept the memory of the original owner.

  So, the little fox smiled and spoke to Xiao Tao.

  "Little Tao, I want to take a nap first. You can steam a bowl of walnut butter for me at the Imperial Dining Room, right?"

   "Niang Niang, haven't you slept for a long time? Do you want to rest?"

   Xiaotao, the loyal palace lady, saw Su Qinghuan's sickness, and suddenly became a little anxious.

   "Walnut biscuits, I will let Amber, Pearl and the little girls stare at it. Or I will summon Fang's doctor for you?"


  Su Qinghuan gave a light cough.

"You don't have to trouble the Fang Yu doctor. I know the body of my palace. My palace is now recovering from a long illness, and my mouth is very greedy. You are my most powerful maid. If you go and stare at the dining room, I will feel more at ease. ."

"okay then."

   Xiaotao reluctantly glanced at Su Qinghuan.

   "Then if the empress is uncomfortable, you must summon Amber Pearl and the others. They are waiting outside the Qiwu Palace. Don't force it."

   "Okay, I am waiting for you to come back."

The most rare thing in the harem is a ray of warmth. Seeing this little maid remembering herself so solidly with her eyes, Su Qinghuan's heart warmed, even the look in Xiaotao's eyes was much more sincere.

  ——She still doesn’t know what the original owner’s wish is, but Su Qinghuan is least fond of restraint, especially not like competing with other women for the same man, even if the other party is the so-called true dragon emperor.

  In their Qingqiu, even if they are the master of Qingqiu, they will only practice monogamy when all the people come to the court. Even if they can’t go on, they are convenient to worship the world and just reconcile.

  Where can I be like this emperor of the world, I have to do something about the 72 concubines of the Sangong and the Sixth Courtyard.

  Not to mention a noble concubine, Su Qinghuan is not interested in doing it even if she is a queen with less than 10,000 people. If she leaves this cannibal harem in the future, she can consider taking Xiaotao out to change her identity.

  After all, according to Xiaotao, the two of them are the same age, and both are only seventeen years old. They are just at the age of grace.


Seeing Su Qinghuan's eyes staring at her scorchingly, Xiao Tao had never seen her master's gentle look, and her beautiful face was in front of her. She unconsciously missed a beat, and she only felt that Su Qinghuan's eyes were like hooks. generally.

   "Mom... Niangniang, I'll go right away!"

  Speaking, Xiao Tao carried the skirt and ran out of Qiwu Palace like a deer.

  It’s weird. Although we knew that the master was very good-looking, why is it extra confusing today?

  Even if she is the same woman, she couldn't help but feel a palpitation.

  Actually, the original owner is pretty good to Xiaotao. After all, growing up together since childhood, he wouldn't embarrass his maidservant to beat and scold her if there is something wrong with other masters, but the original owner is definitely not a gentle character.

   Su Qinghuan's original conjecture, the pretty and brutal lady, fits the definition very well.

  Even if Xiao Tao is straight-forward, she vaguely feels that after her master falls into the water, it seems that something is different.

  But she really likes this change.


  After Xiaotao left, Su Qinghuan quickly closed his eyes to make a false sleep sound, and immediately called System 233 in his heart.

   "Tong'er, send me the memory of the original owner as soon as possible now."


  System 233 starts the memory transfer without saying a word.

  In an instant, Su Qinghuan only felt that her mind was torn by some resentment, and her violent hatred attacked her limbs.

  Su Qinghuan was startled. She hadn't felt such a strong legacy when she possessed the original owner. She didn't expect that the original body seemed to be living more unhappy than she thought.

  It shouldn’t be, it’s also a noble concubine anyway.

  But after receiving all the memories, Su Qinghuan quickly understood where this deep-seated resentment came from.


  This is an unrecorded dynasty in history, named Daqing Dynasty, which overthrew a country established by the previous dynasty.

  The current saint Helian Mo Xuan, weak in age, outstanding in life, civil and military, is a good man in the dreams of a woman in the imperial capital's boudoir.

  The original owner has the same name as the little fox. He is seventeen and is at the most beautiful age in his life.

But the little fox guessed a little wrong. Although the original owner is nominally the daughter of the general's mansion, from the memory transmitted by System 233, the original owner was not born by the general's wife, but was carried back from the outside by Su's father when he was one year old. Yes, Jiaoji is in the name of his regular wife.

  Therefore, the general’s wife is very uncomfortable with the original owner, perhaps because she is dissatisfied that her husband has an illegitimate daughter, plus her heart disease, depressed, the general’s wife passed away very early.

   Only one biological son is left, that is, the half-brother of the original owner, named Su Rui.

  Although this elder brother came from a family of military commanders, he was weak and unable to practice martial arts since he was young. On the contrary, he has high attainments in literature.


  Xu is because his mother does not like the original owner, and Su Rui's attitude towards the original owner is also very cold.

  Naihe General's wife passed away very early, and Su's father did not allow others to talk about it, so in the entire house, except for Su Rui and Su's father, no one knew that Su Qinghuan was not the real wife, including the original owner himself.

  The original owner did not like his brother sticking to him, and often cried. Fortunately, Father Su was very fond of the original owner and said that he was regarded as a jewel in his palm.

  The original owner was also very squeamish. In order to show the favor of the Su family, Emperor Helian Moxuan let the original owner enter the palace early when he was fifteen years old, and directly awarded the imperial concubine.

  You must know that there is no queen in the sixth house. The original owner, the 15-year-old girl, can be said to be the real lord of the harem, and there is no difference in the limelight!

  In the eyes of outsiders, the original owner can be said to have unlimited grace, and the other concubines in the harem also envy and hate the original owner.

  Unfortunately, the original owner was too late to sigh for his luck. Not long after she entered the palace, Father Su passed away.

The father who loved him the most passed away so early. The original owner was in the palace with tears almost every day. The young and handsome emperor hugged her softly and comforted a few times. The original owner was still young, and his heart was easily left in Helianmo. Hyun body.

  Helian Moxuan, on the grounds that the original master Shou Xiao, has not been favored by the original owner for several months, and often makes exceptions to allow the original owner to return home to visit relatives for mourning.

  The original owner is both grateful and admired for Helian Moxuan. He feels that Helian Moxuan, as the ninth-five, is a gentleman who rarely respects his other half and is extremely considerate.

  She is a little girl, and naturally she doesn’t think there is anything wrong with Shouxiao.

  Who knows, this filial piety, Ichimori has been for two consecutive years!

  That’s right, even if the little fox crosses over to this node, the original owner is still a clear-white girl!

  (End of this chapter)

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