The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 878: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (4)

  Chapter 878 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (4)

  Su Qinghuan read the memory to this point, and found it very incredible.

"Wusao, Tong'er, according to normal logic, the original owner is such a great beauty of the country, and he sees Helian Moxuan as the deity in his mind. He often looks at him with his heart. Which man is facing the beauty? Admiration can't stand it?"

  You know, the original owner is Helian Moxuan's well-known concubine!

Moreover, the life span of the ancients was much shorter than that of the modern people. In some dynasties, the ancients were married very early. Generally speaking, even if they had to observe filial piety for their loved ones after marrying, it is absolutely impossible to not accept favors for several months, let alone. It's been so long for two years.

  Su Qinghuan thought so, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Tong'er, if Helian Moxuan is not a standard Liu Xiahui, he would stop in Plato's love with any concubine, or he is a black heart lotus, who is sweet and cruel to the original lord, so he can directly use the original lord as a target and stand in the harem? "

   Not only killed the little girl, but also let the little girl act as a shield for all kinds of resentment in the harem. Su Qinghuan really felt that this Helian Moxuan was absolutely extraordinary, and it was not too much to be called the dog emperor by her.

After all, according to the memory she received, although the original owner is a little bit coquettish and willful, she is still a pretty and lovely girl. In a place like the harem that eats people without spitting out bones, she is already quite kind and has never murdered others. The life of the concubine.

  Sometimes I see a concubine upset, and I always lose my temper on the spot, and I never stabbed a knife in the back.

  Not to mention, the original owner still has deep roots in Helianmo's profound feelings. Where is there to be sorry for which dog emperor, and must be treated as a living target by this servant, so that she will attract the wind and attract people's hatred?


The   system and Su Qinghuan’s views are the same.

   "That's right, host, Helian Moxuan is really not a thing, you must be shocked by the strange operation behind him."

   "And the original owner is still young after all, with limited knowledge, and being protected by Su's father too well, people who don't yet understand this truth are sinister."

   "She can't understand that Helian Moxuan's heart is not here. Instead, she uses the silk, satin, jewels and jade that Helian Moxuan often sends as a symbol of her favor, and she is constantly complacent."

  Su Qinghuan couldn't help sighing.

  This is really...If there is a master, there must be a servant. The original master and her round-faced little peach maid are really too low in terms of Scheming City Palace.

  I'm afraid of being sold, but I still need to help the other party to count the money.


   But no matter how angry it is, the original owner was just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl at the time. In modern times, she was just a middle school student preparing for the college entrance examination.

  The little girl who started out in love, still likes the sweet operation of holding hands by her beloved, and pulling her waist. It is also very normal, and she has always regarded Helian Moxuan as the kind of gentle gentleman.

  The blame only blames Helian Moxuan as a scumbag too dog.

  Su Qinghuan thinks of the memory of the original owner, Helian Moxuan often performs infinitely affectionate scenes to the original owner in public, and it feels very painful.

  One was first involved in the love scene and his rank was too low, and the other was good at calculating and the city was too high. The original owner did not have the slightest chance to win against Helian Mo Xuan.


  Su Qinghuan thought for a while.

   "But looking at Helian Moxuan's heroic and vigorous figure, he shouldn't be really bad? Didn't the original owner think about consummating the room and completing the relationship with his sweetheart?"

  System 233 nodded.

  "Of course, no matter how stupid the original owner is, he was also secretly stuffed to avoid fire by the mothers before leaving the cabinet. It is not a ignorant girl who really knows nothing about men and women. You will understand if you continue to receive memories."

   Soon, Su Qinghuan began to accept the memory of the original body.

  It turned out that not long after following the plot line, the original body saw that other concubines were pregnant.

As the highest-ranking concubine in the harem, the original owner has a sense of crisis. She wants to cheekily talk to Helian Mo Xuan about the concubine. After all, her father has passed away for two years. How can this filial piety have been kept for long enough? NS.

  Who knows, Helian Moxuan used the Fang Yu doctor to prevaricate her, saying that the Fang Yu doctor thought that the original main pulse was still weak in the pulse, and he still needed some rest for a while before he could accept the favor.

   also said that she was slenderer than other imperial concubines, and she was afraid that her stature was still undeveloped, and waited a while for a better health.

  I didn’t make up with her, because he felt sorry that the original owner was too delicate. Helian Moxuan was at the age of blood and Fang Gang, and he was afraid that he would hurt her for a while.

  My sweetheart said so, the original owner is a woman after all, she is only seventeen years old, and she has a thin face, so it is natural not to force Helian Mo Xuan.

   And thinking that the imperial concubine who was pregnant was already in her twenties, and she was much plump before she was pregnant, the original owner felt that Helian Moxuan really cherished herself to the bone.

   So the original body began to find another way, trying hard to eat more every day, trying to gain weight, so that he can look more plump and more "good health".


  It's just that the original body did not expect that Helian Moxuan's statement came so quickly.

  One day, the original owner himself simmered a cup of yam pork ribs soup, ready to take it to Qinzheng Hall to condolences Helian Moxuan.

  The original body relied on her to be a favorite concubine, so she made the little temper to ask the **** not to pass the message, so she sneaked in and gave Helian Moxuan a surprise.

  Who would have thought that as soon as she entered the Palace of Qinzheng, she heard a weird voice, like a woman's softly whispering voice, mixed with a man's magnetic hoarse banter, which was exceptionally clear.

  Have never eaten pork and seen pigs running. When the original owner heard the sound, he felt that his five inner parts were all burned.

   Just waited for her to step forward and pulled away the pearl tent, and saw the most unforgettable scene of her life with her own eyes.

  Wan 嫔 Mu Sisi, dressed in **** costumes, turned out to be half-returned, and Helian Moxuan, who was regarded as a gentleman in his own mind, pressed it on the desk of the Palace of Qinzheng!

  The scorching heat in Helian Moxuan’s eyes and the sincere smile on the corners of his mouth have never seen the original owner in his life!

Moreover, the most unacceptable thing for the original owner is that Wanbi Mu Sisi is the most inexistent woman in the harem. Originally, her father’s official title was just a sixth-rank little official. Helian Mo Xuancai is usually a month or two. Maybe turn over the brand once.

  The original owner has never heard of any reward given to Mu Sisi by Helian Mo Xuan. This Wan Man stayed in the Shou’an Palace peacefully, like a transparent person.

   Therefore, the original body did not regard Mu Sisi as a love rival on the table.

  Seeing this scene now, it’s nothing more than the collapse of the sky and the earth.

  You must know that Mu Sisi is still one or two months younger than the original owner, and his stature is similar to that of the original owner. She is a slender beauty.

  Why is Mu Sisi okay, but she can’t?

  And it's still in the hall of Qinzheng in broad daylight!


  Holding such a grievance, the original owner cried on the spot!

  The food container in her hand was directly knocked to the ground by a miss!

  (End of this chapter)

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