The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 880: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (6)

  Chapter 880 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (6)

  Helian Moxuan has no feelings for Su Qinghuan in his heart, but in order to use Su Qinghuan as a shield against the harem, Helian Moxuan is still very courteous and gentle to the original owner.

  Except for the dog emperor who didn't round up with the original owner, all rare treasures were sent to her.

  Today, I will give you a plain pearl necklace that is bigger than a pigeon egg. Tomorrow will be the sky silk satin, which is hard to get a piece of gold, or what is the most pleasing girl with different pupils.

  Helian Mo Xuan's style of painting is simply to make the many concubines in the harem hate Su Qing.

However, Su Qinghuan is not only the dog emperor's favorite on the surface, her family background is amazing. Even if the other concubines are jealous, they dare not show it on the face, they can only slap the original owner secretly. .

There are even countless concubines worried that, according to Concubine Su's favor, I'm afraid that there will be some news in the stomach within a year or a half. Moreover, the sage spoils her so much that if Concubine Su gives birth to Lin'er, she will be directly affected. Standing as the prince.

  So the concubines are very worried that Su Qinghuan will be pregnant one day, and many concubines even think about various ways to make the original master **** have a baby without knowing it.

It’s a pity that they didn’t know that the original owner looked at Helian Mo Xuan’s cusp, but he was actually inferior to grass, not to mention having children. The original owner was still a big girl, could it really be a **** Have a dream and get pregnant the next day?

  I'm afraid that if he is really pregnant, he will be beaten to death by Helian Moxuan's chaotic stick the next day.


But even if it is a peerless scum like Helian Moxuan, watching the countless harem concubines die and live for him, but he also longs to be loved by others, and it is best not to fall in love with his tens of thousands of people. Emperor status.

  Yes, this idea is very weird, so Mu Sisi, a transgressive woman who knows human nature well, figured out Helian Moxuan's point very well.

  First, she pretended not to know Helian Moxuan's identity to approach him, and then she amazed him by plagiarizing the poetry of literati of the past dynasties, and she also had time to accompany Helian Moxuan in role-playing every day.

  Holding Helian Moxuan in a variety of ways, even if the ordinary concubine had a better-looking face than her, she would only blow rainbow farts to the emperor in ordinary ways. How could she be as considerate as Mu Sisi.

Therefore, Helian Moxuan loved Mu Sisi more and more without knowing it. Like Qingxueyuan, Qinzheng Hall, and various weird night corners, Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi were left behind. Indescribable figure.

It is also precisely because the two of them cannot describe that most of them are not in the bedroom every time, Mu Sisi's attractiveness is more unique, unlike the usual concubine, even though she has a body of ice and bones, but compared to Mu Sisi. Come, it always seems a bit boring.

   As the saying goes, a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is better than stealing, and it is better to steal than stealing. Can this be fresh and exciting?


  After getting along like this, Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi's feelings have almost increased day by day.

In order to protect Mu Sisi, Helian Moxuan couldn't show her benevolence, and Mu Sisi often said obediently that she didn't care about her status, as long as Helian Moxuan loved her the most. .

  Of course this is fake, but Helian Moxuan loves to listen to it!

  Even on a certain day, the two of them just couldn't describe it. After Mu Sisi felt that Helian Moxuan's feelings for her had made greater progress, she came up with a new way of confession.

  She cuddled pitifully in Helian Moxuan's arms, boldly expressing that she had liked him when Helian Moxuan was a guard.

  It's just because of the identity between the two people. As a concubine, she can't do anything beyond. She originally wanted to bury this matter in her heart forever.

  Who knows that God is pitying, Helian Moxuan is not only her sweetheart, but also her righteous husband. Isn’t this a god-given fate?

  Yes, Mu Sisi used the term husband, giving Helian Moxuan the illusion that two people are getting along as intimately as a folk couple.

  The woman's bright and sincere eyes instantly shocked Helian Mo Xuan's heart.

   Such a generous and considerate beauty is right in front of her, and at the beginning she loved her as an emperor. How could Helian Moxuan not be moved and guilty?


  Helian Mo Xuan couldn't help holding Mu Sisi's waist, and joked at Mu Sisi for a while.

   "Then Ai Concubine said so, isn't he afraid that I will inflict you on death?"

   And Mu Sisi also murmured very embarrassedly on both cheeks.

   "Why, the emperor, you are so cute. I blame the emperor for your charm. Even if you don't wear a dragon robe, you can't conceal the spirit of the emperor of the true dragon. How can the concubine stand it?"

  Men are all little fairies-elves who like to shoot their rainbow farts, Helian Moxuan is no exception, not to mention that he wholeheartedly believes that Mu Sisi is his destiny.

   And Mu Sisi also relied on this kind of true love sentences in the tea atmosphere to constantly brainwash Helian Mo Xuan.

  She instilled in Helian Mo Xuan intentionally or unintentionally, her background was also simple, she was just a sixth-rank official's concubine, and she didn't need to win over her father and brother.

  As for the other women in the harem, they are not sincere to him. Although they are noble in the family, they are all scheming women. Only oneself is the marriage appointed by God.

  As time passed, the other concubines in the harem did not have the chance to be favored, and everyone secretly complained.

   And Helian Moxuan in order to hide Mu Sisi in the dark, so he even more vigorously rewarded Su Qinghuan, let this savage concubine be a shield for his sweetheart.


  And the original owner, a silly girl with no brains, heard the wind that other people in the harem no longer accept favors, she was very happy, thinking that Helian Moxuan did such a thing for her.

  Because of this period, it is true that Helian Moxuan stayed the most in her Qiwu Palace!

  However, the two are still separated and sleep, and there is no substantial progress!


  It’s just that the original owner thought that the last time he ran into Wanbi Mu Sisi and Helian Moxuan in the Palace of Qinzheng was indescribable. Naturally, he wanted to ask Mu Sisi for an explanation. The two people had a dispute in the Imperial Garden.

  Musi thought that as the true sweetheart of Helian Moxuan, she had never received the various rewards of the original owner, and she was also jealous in her heart, so she took the opportunity to push the original owner into the lotus pond.

  No one knows better than Mu Sisi. The original owner looked favored, but he was actually the one who was most disgusted by Helian Mo Xuan behind his back. A man would never punish her for this stupid concubine.


Sure enough, after the original owner fell into the water, Helian Moxuan only comforted the original owner on the surface, saying that Mu Sisi had been locked up for a month, but in fact, the men and women continued to have underground trysts.

  The reason why the original owner is not allowed to hold the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner is also to go out of the palace with Mu Sisi in plain clothes!

  (End of this chapter)

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