The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 881: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (7) 2200+ words

  Chapter 881 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (7) 2200+ words

Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi hid in the dark for double lodging, but the original owner was pitiful. In the past, the concubine in the harem just stumbled on her secretly. After Helian Moxuan stayed with other concubines less and less. , Everyone began to hate the original owner more and more.

  Compared to tearing the face with a noble concubine on the bright side, everyone is more afraid of losing the emperor’s favor. After all, if you don’t have a son and a half, what should you do when you get old?

Everyone is still a young girl in her teens and twenties. When he is in his 30s and 40s, Helian Moxuan is facing them who are getting more and more haggard, and the beautiful Xianyan girl who enters the palace every year, you Which favor would Helian Moxuan choose?

   Therefore, other concubines in the harem began to show their hatred for Su Qinghuan more and more.

  At first, it was a few ridicules, but later it was almost fatal.

  Once, if it weren’t for the original owner’s tea soup, fortunately, it would be disfigured.

  He even Mo Xuan was indifferent to this kind of thing, and he only felt that the original owner was too domineering to make this happen.

  His second feeling was that he was fortunate that he had protected Mu Sisi very well. It was not Mu Sisi who encountered all these means of hatred, but the Su family daughter he hated the most.


   Even though the original master is seemingly coquettish and self-willed, she is only seventeen years old after all. She is not smart enough and has insufficient experience. She can only hold Helian Moxuan tightly, crying to him to carefully investigate those who murdered her.

  Helian Moxuan promised very well every time, but in fact it was very perfunctory.

  At most, it was only once when an innocent court lady in Su Qinghuan's palace died innocently. Seeing that Su Qinghuan was going to make a lot of trouble, Helian Moxuan randomly punished the instigator for her.


  But the original owner felt stupidly that the other concubines in the harem were all bad people, only Helian Moxuan who was a good person, so he increasingly pestered Helian Moxuan for favor.

   No matter how beautiful a beauty is, but when you post it upside down to ask for favor, Helian Mo Xuan feels that Su Qinghuan is too unpretentious and cheeky, and there is no such thing as a daughter's demeanor.

  At this time, Helian Moxuan completely forgot that the original owner was his true concubine.

  As a husband, he has been a widow in his family for two years, and he has done indescribable things with Mu Sisi in various weird places, but plausibly said that the original owner is shameless.


  The matter of rounding up the house has been dragged on like this, and it is not a way to say that the original owner is too delicate.

  Helian Mo Xuan was too annoyed to see the original owner, and his soul was all taken off by Mu Sisi now, so naturally he didn't want to make a couple with Su Qinghuan.

  After all, Helian Moxuan intends to wipe out the Su family's entire family without leaving any future troubles. How could he be allowed to have any ties with the Su family's daughter.

  The original owner thought Helian Moxuan was really moved by himself!

  On the night when Helian Moxuan agreed to round the room, the original owner also cleaned his clothes and burned incense, and spent several hours putting on makeup, putting on a very delicate makeup, in order to give the sweetheart a perfect experience.

  Who knows, the person who came that night was not Helian Moxuan, but a strange man.


  But the original owner doesn’t know!

  At that time, Helian Moxuan said that in order to avoid the original owner's shyness, he deliberately extinguished the candle. The original owner was also very touched by Helian Moxuan as an emperor, but he was so caring and gentle towards her.

  And the one carefully cultivated by Helian Moxuan, who was similar in stature, and whose appearance was 70% to 80% similar after the outline, naturally followed the emperor's orders faithfully.

  The original owner has no experience that Helian Mo Xuan can't describe, so it is clear who is who!

  The original owner is strange at best. After Helian Moxuan's waist untied his robe, he seemed to be even more powerful!

  The dignified concubine, under the instruction of her husband, was occupied by a secret guard who didn't even have a name!


   And Helian Moxuan really didn't show any affection for the original owner, and he didn't let the dark guard and the original owner take any protective measures.

  So after the original owner was turned over by Helian Moxuan every month, he almost always accepted the favor, and directly had children with that dark guard.

  Others are jealous of the noble concubine. Why are they so lucky? After a month or two of pampering them, they will have an emperor heir.

  Only Mu Sisi sneered in secret. What kind of emperor heir is this? You know, when Helian Moxuan turned over the Su Qinghuan brand, his real body was resting in her Shouan Palace!


Although Helian Moxuan gave Su Qinghuan a lot of treasures on his face, he would naturally not let this kind of messy royal blood be born, but before Helian Moxuan did it, the first child was jealous of Su Qinghuan’s concubine. It was dropped.

  Helian Mo Xuan only gave the original master a few words to comfort him, and left him alone, and the so-called real culprit was never found.

  The original owner was sad at the time, although he was dissatisfied with Helian Moxuan's understatement of the child he had fallen, but after a month or two of rest, Helian Moxuan began to turn over the original owner's brand more diligently.

  So, in the second half of the year, the original owner ushered in a second child.

  This is simply a sin, because Helian Moxuan only thinks that Su Qinghuan is very disgusting. After she was touched by his own guard, he usually didn't want to show Su Qinghuan the superficial skill of holding hands with Su Qinghuan perfunctory.

   Therefore, Helian Moxuan quickly personally acted and corrupted Su Qinghuan’s child.

  The original owner lost two children in a row, and only felt that the sky was falling apart. The most terrible thing was that Helian Moxuan gave her the medicine to sever the heirs. From then on, she could no longer give birth.


  The original owner didn’t know that these were Helian Moxuan's handwritings. He only felt that it was normal for Helian Moxuan to put her into the cold palace because she did not protect the little life in her stomach.

  Yes, even the original owner hates himself.


  Until Su Rui, the half-brother of the original owner, figured out where his fetal poison came from, and rebelled outside.

   And Helian Moxuan arrested Su Qinghuan, who had been beaten into the cold palace on the spot, to intimidate the rebels who rebelled with Su Rui.

  At that time, Mu Sisi was already pregnant, and she was about to be established as a queen. She was wearing a rose-colored embroidered Luo Yu, leaning in Helian Moxuan's arms gracefully.

   "Your Majesty, ah, don't be angry, Concubine Su's brother rebelled, and you can't blame Concubine Su."

   "This kind of woman who has an affair with other men and is pregnant with a sinful seed should have been killed with a single sword!"

  Su Qinghuan heard the conversation between Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi, and only felt that it was even more incredible than his brother's rise.

  She crawled to Helian Moxuan's side in tears, tearfully defending herself.

   "Your Majesty, it is a sin for your concubine to fail to protect the dragon seed in your belly, but your concubine has never betrayed you, the emperor, your concubine is innocent!"

   Mu Sisi heard the words, pretending to be surprised and covered her lips.

  "Don’t you know that the concubine empress, in the days when you used to be a pet, in fact, your majesty has been with me all the time?"

  ! ! !

  At that moment, the original owner was almost thunderous.

  She stared wide-eyed on the spot. Before she could even ask, Helian Moxuan directly drew her long sword and indifferently shot the woman crying in front of her with a sword through her chest.

   "Sisi, why bother to talk nonsense with such a shameless woman."

  In an instant, blood spattered everywhere.

  A dark cloud drifted across the sky, and the light gradually dimmed, covering this great imperial city.

  The wind blew across the window lattice, and there was a soft whining sound, as if the original owner could not make it, the most painful...sigh of this life.

  (End of this chapter)

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