The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 885: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (11) 2200+ words

  Chapter 885 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (11) 2200+ words

   Hearing a rush of hurried footsteps from outside the hall, Su Qinghuan's expression was slightly awkward. Before she could get up, she heard the maid Xiaotao yelling excitedly from far away.

  "My lady, the walnut cake you want is ready! And the chief **** of Qinzheng Hall, Xiao Dezi, told me that the emperor has heard that you are awake, and he is ready to come and see you with his imperial court!"

  Helian Moxuan, the dog emperor, is coming over?

  Su Qinghuan’s lips curled up with a thoughtful curve, and Xiao Tao had rushed over excitedly, the walnut pastry in her hand exuding a faint fragrance, which made the index finger move.

   "Mother, your Majesty is coming to see you, why do you look unhappy?"

Xiaotao looked at the beauty who had been sitting in the quilt for a while. If she changed to her usual life, she would hate to start dressing up long ago, take out her best rouge and apply it, and then she shook Jinbu's mind. On the head...

  Where is it like now...with a careless look on her face.


  Su Qing glanced at Xiaotao with a smile.

   "My palace is not unhappy, I just thought that I would see your majesty soon. It's a pity that this bowl of walnut crispy cheese you carefully cooked seems to be impossible to eat."


   Why is Niang Niang so weird today?

  Is it not as good as a bowl of delicious food when you see the emperor come over?

  Even a silly maid like Xiao Tao thought that Su Qinghuan really hit his head in the lake.

  Xiaotao walked to Su Qinghuan anxiously, and subconsciously knelt before Su Qinghuan.

  "Master, would you like to let Imperial Doctor Fang come and see? I always feel that something is wrong with you today. Don’t you usually want your Majesty to see you the most?"

   "It's normal for people who almost died once to be a little discouraged?"

  Su Qinghuan smiled and waved to the maid in palace costume.

   "Xiaotao, come here and let the main palace take a good look at you. Until now, the Japanese Palace has discovered that you are actually the best person in this large harem."


   Xiaotao always feels that today's master is gentle to the point of weirdness.

   Although she didn't understand what Su Qinghuan meant to be frustrated once in his death, but later when Su Qinghuan said who was good to her, she instantly understood that Su Qinghuan was saying that she was no longer obsessed with the emperor.

  Xiaotao thought of the grievances the master had suffered recently in this harem, tears burst out all of a sudden.

   "Manny, you must not say that. The slave is a maid bought by Su Mansion. If it weren't for General Su and the master, I'm afraid I would have frozen to death on the street."

Xiaotao knows very well that if she was not sold to Su's house at that time, but sold to another place, I'm afraid that she would really be killed by others, killed at will or sold to others. The general rooms of the title are all normal.

Miss    is just a little more arrogant, and at best she is sometimes petty. She has never beaten her and scolded her. She is better dressed than the daughters of some officials. Where can I find this kind of treatment?


  Su Qinghuan gave Xiaotao a helpless look.

   "Little Tao, I just said something at random, what are you crying for?"

  Xiaotao wiped her tears and choked.

   "The slave-maid should be nice to you, but the slave-maid just thinks that you must not be discouraged with Long Live Lord."

  "After all, this harem is not the Su Mansion where the master you grew up. It's okay for the saint to spoil you now. You can make the little temperamental, but what if you become disgusted with the saint in the future?"


  Even Xiaotao knew that he wanted to please the dog emperor Helian Moxuan, but it was a pity that Helian Moxuan had never liked the original owner.

  Su Qinghuan sighed, took out Su embroidery's veil, and wiped Xiaotao's face carefully.

"Don't worry, this palace knows it, but in the future, you won't be so foolishly obsessed with your Majesty. There are some things that you can not ask for, otherwise you can see so many beauties in the harem, Which one is not trying to pet your Majesty?"

"In the future, don't say anything to be strong outside. The emperor will spoil me alone. Xiaotao, you know that Jun En is unpredictable. If your master is not spoiled in the future, don't we want to be seen by others? joke?"

   "There is no need to fight with others. From now on, our master and servant will be alone in Qiwu Palace, planting flowers and drinking tea."

  Of course, this is Su Qinghuan’s most real need.

  She has to find ways to get that pot of snow-faced flowers to grow, and how can she be jealous with the girls in the harem in the future.


   "...Grow flowers? Drink tea?"

   Xiaotao swallowed her throat, apparently she didn't expect Su Qinghuan to say this, she stood up blankly, and was a little startled by holding on to the wall.

   "Master, when you were in Su Mansion, didn't you hate these things the most?"

"…Have it?"

  Su Qinghuan smiled wryly.

  "How do I remember that the female celebrity I hate the most?"

  This is the truth. Before, the original owner hated making female celebrities the most when he was not out of the cabinet.

However, in this era, it is popular for women to embroider men. It’s best to embroider the wedding dress yourself, or pierce a handkerchief or something to tease. Although the original owner knows a little embroidering work, she is a time-consuming task. No interest in doing it for others.

  If there is, she must have liked the other person to the bone by then.


  Just as Su Qinghuan was chatting with Xiaotao, suddenly, a sharp voice from the **** came from outside the door.

   "Your Majesty, come!"

  Su Qinghuan squinted slightly, and simply leaned back against the tent, without the slightest sign of getting up to welcome her.

  Anyway, the original owner is a favorite concubine. Even on the surface, he used to not salute seriously before. This wayward privilege is always there.


   Soon, there was a sound of rustling footsteps, and a long jade figure came into view in an instant.

I saw that the man looked about in his early twenties, and he was dressed in a red and black dress pierced with a nine-clawed golden dragon. Twelve hanging beads slightly concealed that handsome face, adding something unattainable for no reason. Extravagance.

   "The concubine is in embarrassment and cannot salute your majesty in time. Please forgive your majesty."

   Su Qinghuan’s lips curled up with a weak smile, and as he said, he seemed to climb down from the soft couch, because Su Qinghuan was dressed in bedclothes and his clothes were thin. As soon as he raised his hand, he exposed his white wrists.

   And Helian Moxuan frowned impenetrably when he saw Su Qinghuan’s gesture.

  —This woman is becoming more and more unruly. Knowing that he is coming, she doesn’t even change her clothes.

  But the man quickly concealed his unhappiness, and quickly took a step forward, supporting Su Qinghuan.

   "Since Concubine Ai is uncomfortable, please rest well."

  Su Qinghuan saw that Helian Moxuan was trying to hide her displeasure. She didn't intend to make Helian Moxuan happy, so she quickly stretched out her hand and hugged Helian Moxuan's waist and acted like a baby.

   "Your Majesty hasn't come to see Qinghuan for so long, hasn't he forgotten that Qiwu Palace still has a concubine?"


  Helian Mo Xuan did not expect that Su Qinghuan would dare to hug him directly. The man stiffened and subconsciously wanted to push Su Qinghuan away.

  It’s just that Su Qinghuan was originally disgusting Helian Mo Xuan, and the intensity was very tight, so the dog emperor had no choice but to shook Su Qinghuan’s hand first.

   "Why does Concubine Ai think so? It's just that the government affairs are busy recently, so I haven't had time to come to see Concubine Ai."


  Su Qinghuan's long eyelashes trembled slightly.

   "The emperor, you don't even know that Qinghuan almost thought that she was going to die these past two days, but I was eagerly hoping and hoping, and I still didn't wait for you to see the concubine."

  In the blink of an eye, tears fell from the woman's eye sockets.

  (End of this chapter)

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