The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 886: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (12)

  Chapter 886 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (12)

  Su Qinghuan looked at Helian Moxuan with tears, her voice broken and sad.

   "The emperor, did you say that your favorite is not Qinghuan? But why, when the concubine was the most uncomfortable, you didn't accompany the concubine by his side?"

  "Are all those likes fake?"

  The question of the woman was not hysterical, but rather like a woman acting like a baby to her boyfriend when she was passionately in love, with a faint resentment and unspeakable pity.

  Just hearing the accusing ethereal female voice made people want to comfort her and hug her.

  What's more, Su Qinghuan had such a stunning face.

  The phoenix eyes are half-curved and hidden in amber, the vermilion lips are a little cherry, the eyebrows are not drawn but the lips are black, and the lips are not drawn but red. No matter where it is, it looks like the most elaborate masterpiece of Nuwa.

Usually when you see this face, you may think that it is too gorgeous and aggressive, but at this moment when the gorgeous appearance is covered with a bit of resentment, it looks very weak. I feel pity, and no one can refuse here. .


  Helian Mo Xuan's expression froze, and he didn't expect Su Qinghuan to cry.

  When he heard Su Qinghuan’s cry, he even felt an unbelievable feeling in his heart.

  ——How long has he not seen Su Qinghuan cry before?

  And those big teardrops, with hot temperature, just hit the man's cold palm, reminding him that this is not an illusion, but a real reality.

  In his impression, except for the month when Su's father passed away, the beautiful woman in front of him always carried the attitude of being held in the palm of the hand, with a delicate smile, or a domineering smile.

  Even if he is the emperor, Su Qinghuan will always treat him tenderly, a little unreasonable, relying on himself to be favored, even the etiquette is not perfect, even if he is beautiful, the words such as pity and love are also insulated from Su Qinghuan.


   After all, worrying about Su Qinghuan's usefulness, the man had to awkwardly stretched out his hand and gently patted Su Qinghuan's back with his palm.

  "Qinghuan, don’t I just come to see you? I couldn’t get out the other day. I have been connected to the memorial for a few days on Yushitai, so I can’t ignore it, right?"

  Su Qinghuan heard Helian Moxuan’s explanation, and she just laughed.

  ——I don’t have time to see her, but she can talk to Mu Sisi, who is indescribable in various places?

  Men’s mouth, a deceitful ghost, let's coax the original owner such a little girl who has not been involved in the world.


  Su Qinghuan reluctantly leaned on Helian Moxuan, tears still falling down.

"Your concubine doesn’t believe me, your majesty, you don’t even have time to pass by Qiwu Palace. The concubine heard from Xiaotao that you even turned over the signs of Concubine Xian and Concubine in the past two days. You have time to spoil other concubines. But why can you ignore your concubines?"

  "Isn’t the concubine your favorite concubine?"


  Helian Moxuan had a headache seeing Su Qinghuan like this, but the girl stretched out her hand boldly and pressed her fibrin finger to the man’s lips, signaling Helian Moxuan not to rob him.

   "Your Majesty, Qinghuan knows that you are the emperor. You can't give preference to one person, you need rain and dew."

"But the concubine is just a little girl who doesn't understand so many principles. You know, the concubine looked unconscious for the past two days, but how did she actually come here? The concubine was still conscious at that time, just groggy. That's it."

   "Never mind other times, but the concubine just fell into the water and was rescued at that time, and couldn't wait for you for so many days, but still couldn't wake up. How desperate it is!"

  "The concubine even thought that if the concubine died, would it turn into a star in the sky after death, as his father said. At that time, would your majesty miss me?"

"Your Majesty will still remember that in Qiwu Palace, there was a woman named Su Qinghuan who once had only her Majesty in her eyes and heart? Or will her Majesty look at other beautiful concubines and forget Qinghuan? "

  Su Qinghuan's tears filled her eyelashes, and suddenly she stopped talking.

  The woman sobbed low, she opened her bright water eyes and looked at Helian Moxuan, like a silent accusation.

  Helian Mo Xuan did not expect that Su Qinghuan would say this. He even prepared to beat him twice with a slender hand after Su Qinghuan’s complaint.

   After all, this woman has long been spoiled by General Su. Even though he is the emperor, Su Qinghuan has never had any rules at all.


  But at this moment, when he saw the woman with tears still hanging on her eyelashes, Helian Moxuan had the comforting words he had originally thought of, and it all felt like nothingness.

  She didn't bother and confess her feelings word by word.

  The eyes of the woman looking at you are too sincere, as if to prove her emotions, she can even dig her heart out for you to see.

   Such a strong and pure love is unimaginable by Helian Moxuan.

  Although he knew that this stupid and stubborn daughter likes him, at this moment, maybe it’s because Su Qinghuan mentioned his dead father...

  Or maybe she began to fantasize about her passing away at a young age. The emperor, who has always been cold and cold, finally rises up a little bit intolerable at this moment.

"Ai concubine, how could I miss you? You, only seventeen years old, and still a little girl, why do you think about such things as lifeless? With me, concubine will definitely live long. Centenary."

  Helian Mo Xuan is also opening his eyes and talking nonsense.

  In his plan, Su Qinghuan is just a **** that can be used. When it loses its value, who will take care of her life and death.


   But Su Qinghuan seemed to be serious, she embraced Helian Mo Xuan joyfully, and leaned her head on the emperor’s shoulder incomparably charming.

   "The concubines know that your majesty likes Qinghuan the most."

   "But the concubine will be eighteen years old in a few months. If the girl is fifteen and eighteen, how can she not be a child?"

  The woman muttered bitterly. Although the teardrops were still on the eyelashes, the charming smile on her face broke through the sense of resentment, and she was as clear as a pearl.

  Helian Mo Xuan used to think that Su Qinghuan was stupid, stupid, or a jealous woman, but at this moment, seeing Su Qinghuan breaking her fingers and looking forward to the appearance of her eighteen years old, she felt that she was...stupid and a little cute.


  Helian Mo Xuan had a Microsoft in his heart, with a rare softness flowing out of the corner of his eyes, and he gently stroked Su Qinghuan's hair.

  "Okay, since Concubine Ai is about to be eighteen years old, have you ever thought about what birthday gift you want with me?"

   "Can I have two concubines?"

  Su Qinghuan blinked, and Helian Moxuan suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

   "...Why do you want two gifts?"

  This woman is too greedy. Isn't she trying to make up with herself again?

  (End of this chapter)

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