The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 887: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (13)

  Chapter 887 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (13)

  Helian Mo Xuan felt a headache thinking about the round room. The kind of compassion that had risen in the first place suddenly disappeared.

   "Let's talk about it, if Concubine Ai's birthday comes, what do you want me to give away?"

  The man's thin lips were slightly pursed. Although his face seemed to have a petting smile, the depths of his eyes looked like a falcon looking at its prey, extremely cold.


   Seeing Helian Moxuan's subtle but difficult-to-detect eye changes, the little fox suddenly sneered in his heart.

——As expected, he is a scumbag who can turn around the original master’s deceit. He does have a good acting skill. He is obviously so impatient, and his voice is so spoiled, and he even has time to pat his back. Doesn't the girl fall?

 It’s a pity that Helian Moxuan came across Su·Shadow Queen·Qinghuan, who is more exquisite in acting than him.

  It was only a second, and the big tears of Dou's eyes fell from the beautiful face of the woman in an instant.

  Su Qinghuan's beautiful eyes constricted slightly, and he lowered his head sadly.

   "Your Majesty, a wise man like you, I'm afraid you won't be as weak as a concubine."

"The concubine in the past two days...I dreamed of my father. I don’t know why. The concubine always thinks that the dream of death is so real. Maybe the concubine is real. I just passed my eighteenth birthday, so I don’t know. Heaven leaves this world."


  Why still people like to curse themselves to death?

  Helian Mo Xuan was very speechless in his heart.

  I just saw Su Qinghuan’s tears in her eyes, and she couldn’t say what she originally wanted to reprimand.

  The man hugged Su Qinghuan and gave a few words of comfort.

  "When a woman is sick, she has to think more. It is not a good thing to be sentimental. I am the emperor. I said that if I can live to be a hundred years old, you can live to be a hundred years old."

  Sure enough, this boy is a dog man, who is casually coaxing, and he comes with his mouth open.

  Su Qinghuan hugged Helian Moxuan's waist somewhat in a panic.

"The concubine was afraid of his own fortune. Even the concubine's father, who had such a healthy body at the beginning, was a military commander, but when he passed away, he passed away. The concubine did not even see his father's end because he entered the palace. Take a look."

   "In those days when you knew that your father had passed away, if your majesty hadn't been with your concubines, your concubines wouldn't know how to survive."

  Su Qinghuan said, and sniffed, looking at Helian Moxuan very seriously.

"The first wish of the concubine is that if the concubine dies one day, the emperor, don’t forget the concubine. You can look up at the moon in the sky on the birthday of the concubine, and the concubine will be very happy. NS."


  The woman's voice was simple and sincere. Helian Moxuan even had a certain illusion when he was looked at by Su Qinghuan's affectionate water eyes.

  She is her world.


  Even the dog emperor who thinks he has always disliked Su Qinghuan’s life, can't help but be slightly moved by Su Qinghuan at this moment.

   "What a silly girl, I have said that you will live a long life, why are you still thinking about things here?"

  Speaking, Helian Moxuan scratched Su Qinghuan’s nose, his voice was so soft that it almost dripped water.

  But Su Qinghuan was not blinded by the handsome appearance and gentle words and deeds of the man. She sniffed, stretched out her hand, and squeezed the man’s big palm very seriously.

   "Your Majesty, please promise me, okay?"


   "Well, good, I promise you."

  When Su Qinghuan’s wrists were wrapped around, Helian Mo Xuan was shocked that the woman’s wrist was so thin, as if he would cut it off at will.


  Helian Mo Xuan carefully swept Su Qinghuan’s beautiful eyebrows at this time. Although she still didn’t change her prime, but it was true that Su Qinghuan saw a lot of clearness, and even the always arrogant eyebrows added a bit of sorrow.

  She was supposed to be the most proud pearl of the Daqing Dynasty. At this moment, this pearl seemed to be caged with a layer of sorrow like a moonlight, a touch of distress.

  A beautiful and weak white lily is always easier to provoke a man to pity than a proud red rose with thorns.

  This is a common problem for men.

  If the original owner is not so coquettish, but knows how to show weakness from time to time, and all kinds of please Helian Moxuan, perhaps Helian Moxuan's attitude towards the original owner can be better.

  Sure enough, he was cruel like a dog emperor, and couldn't help sighing at this moment.

   "Well, well, I promised you, what about the second wish?"


  Su Qinghuan looked at Helian Moxuan solemnly, with shame in his eyes, but the expression of wanting to say it still made Helian Moxuan's heart vigilant.

   "Ai Concubine, don't you know..."

  Before the man's words were finished, Su Qinghuan leaned softly in the man's arms, soft and boneless, even Mo Xuan had goose bumps all over his body.

   "The emperor, let Qinghuan give birth to a child for you. The concubine sees that other concubines in the harem are pregnant, and the concubine really wants a child with the emperor."

   Seeing that the woman still wanted to continue speaking, he was excited to outline the blueprint for the future, and Helian Moxuan felt a headache.

  Especially Su Qinghuan’s fantasy is very unrealistic, how could he be willing to have children with Su Qinghuan?

  This kind of woman is just a used chess piece. He doesn't even want to round the house, let alone have an heir with the other party.


   Just when Helian Moxuan wanted to find a reason to refuse, he saw Su Qinghuan looking at him with crescent eyes, her voice soft and delicate.

   "The emperor, wouldn't you still say that the concubine was too young at that time? But the Wan concubine of Shou'an Palace was three months younger than the concubine."


  Helian Mo Xuan watched Su Qinghuan vigilantly, for fear that Su Qinghuan would say something that was pushed into the water by Mu Sisi this time, asking him to severely punish the other party.

  Unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan shook his arm with a sweet expression, like a pitiful little coquettish.

   "The emperor, please promise your concubine, the concubine is really big, you can go to bed."


  Helian Mo Xuan hesitated for a moment. It is impossible for him to conquer Su Qinghuan, but further delay is not a solution.

  At this moment, the man thought of a terrifying idea.

  ——A deadpool he cultivated is very similar to his birth, and once makeup is put on, it can reach 70% to 80%.

  If the lamp blows, can Su Qinghuan recognize it?


  The man's heart was like this. For some reason, when I scanned Su Qinghuan's beautiful face and thought of Su Qinghuan crying and saying that even if she died, he should not forget her scene, Helian Mo Xuan felt a little hesitated again.

   However, this trace of pity was extremely weak, and was quickly cut off by Helian Mo Xuan.

  How can such a woman's benevolence be the one who has achieved great things?

  The gloom in the man's eyes flashed away, he pursed the corners of his lips, and quickly hugged Su Qinghuan gently with his backhand.

   "Okay, then I'll take your concubine to recuperate in a few days, I'll just turn over your sign, okay?"

  (End of this chapter)

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