The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 889: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (15)

  Chapter 889 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (15)

  Su Qinghuan and others were originally Helian Moxuan's words.

   "What the emperor said is true?"

  She raised her head vigorously, her eyes as clear as stars in the sky, and that brilliant smile, few people could refuse.

   And Helian Mo Xuan couldn't help being infected by Su Qingjiao's charming smiling face for a moment, thinking that he was planning to find a dark guard to favor Su Qinghuan, he rarely felt a little guilty for Su Qinghuan.

  Helian Moxuan removed his inner defenses and gently spoke to Su Qinghuan.

   "Naturally, it is true. Just think about it. Is there anything you want lately?"

  Su Qinghuan bit the corner of her lip and looked at Helian Mo Xuan Dao seriously.

  "The concubine felt uncomfortable in the past few days. Maybe it was because of anger with Wanmei that day that she fell into the water and hurt her body."

   "The concubine heard that there is a hundred-year-old snow face flower in the treasury. Can the concubine send that snow face flower to himself?"


  Helian Mo Xuan obviously did not expect that Su Qinghuan would be thinking about a flower.

  The flower was ordered by the first emperor to find it before his death. It took a lot of effort. However, due to the poor service of the gardener in the palace over the years, it is said that the Xueyan flower has now withered.

   "What does Aifei want that thing? Others just say that the flowers and fruits of the snow face flower have the effect of prolonging life, and the flower has already withered, I am afraid that it will die after a while."

  Su Qinghuan thought of Su Rui’s illness, but reluctantly pulled at Helian Moxuan’s hand.

  "Your Majesty, give me the Xueyanhua. I heard that the Xueyanhua is the most nourishing woman's face. Maybe the flower is also affectionate. Will he be moved by the concubine's sincerity and rejuvenate?"


  This woman really doesn’t know if she should be innocent or stupid.

The corners of Helian Mo Xuan's lips twitched slightly.

  The gardener in the palace has been engaged in the maintenance of garden flowers for more than 20 years. How could it be that Su Qinghuan can be compared to a charming woman like Su Qinghuan who is raised in a deep boudoir.

  If the gardeners in the palace can't support them, Su Qinghuan thinks that she can touch the snow-faced flowers with a real emotion, which makes people feel a little weird.


  Anyway, the Xueyan flower is now half-dead, and Helian Mo Xuan himself doesn't believe in the medicinal effect of a flower, so he quickly agreed to Su Qinghuan.

   "Well, since Concubine Ai likes it, then I have no reason to disagree. On the next day, I will ask Xiao Dezi to send that snow face flower."

   "Your Majesty is so kind to his concubines! How lucky is your concubine to be your favorite one."

  Su Qinghuan covered her lips smugly, her eyes gleaming, and at that moment, the smile of the woman almost made Helian Mo Xuan a little guilty.

  ——His favorite woman is not Su Qinghuan, but Wanbi Mu Sisi.

  If he didn’t want to use Su Qinghuan, this domineering and arrogant woman, as a shield for his sweetheart, how could he spend so much thought to please a woman who he is not rare?


  The daughter of the Su family, Wei Shi was also raised too naively.

  In the past, Helian Moxuan only thought that Su Qing was shameless and odious when he relied on his family to beg for favor. But today, men think Su Qinghuan is a little silly and cute.

  But what Helian Mo Xuan didn't expect was that Su Qinghuan took advantage of him not paying attention, so he quickly rushed towards him, holding the man's waist tightly.

"Your Majesty and your concubines have thought about it. It will be the Mid-Autumn Festival soon. Anyway, didn't your Majesty say that everything will be simplified this Mid-Autumn Festival and no royal banquets will be held? How about taking advantage of the good time to stay in Qiwu Palace? "

  Su Qinghuan blinked at Helian Moxuan shyly.

   "The concubine really wants a child with your majesty. If you are a man, you must be as wise and martial as the emperor, tall and handsome, if you are a daughter, the concubine also likes her very much, and you must spoil her as a jewel in your palm."


  Helian Mo Xuan didn't expect Su Qinghuan to think about Mid-Autumn Festival at this time.

  He had already agreed to Mu Sisi during the Mid-Autumn Festival, that he would take her out of the palace with her in micro clothes, and go to see the folk fighting poem meeting together.

  Mussi’s last song "I will enter the wine" really surprised Helian Moxuan from the beginning to the end.

  The only thing that puzzled Helian Mo Xuan was that Mu Sisi also mentioned several names and places. Throughout the Daqing Dynasty, there were no such celebrities and regions.

   However, Mu Sisi later explained to Helian Moxuan that the names of those people and places were what she saw in a dream when she accidentally got drunk.

   Such a magnificent scene, such a good sentence that is hard to see through the ages, Helian Moxuan felt that the feeling in his dream made sense.

  He was emotional at the time, if Mu Sisi is a man, I am afraid that he is so literary that he will be compared to Su Rui, the current prime minister who is known as the world's number one talented man.

  Especially in the opening chapter, "You do not see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never return, you do not see Gaotang Mingjing's sad and white hair, and the morning is like a green silk at dusk."

  Even a man can’t imagine how talented people can blurt out such quatrains.

   And Mu Sisi only gave Helian Moxuan a shy look at the time, and kept modestly saying that his talent was not as good as Helian Moxuan.

Of course Helian Moxuan is very useful. He has seen Mu Sisi's words. It is really...wrongly written. Some words have been simplified inexplicably. Helian Moxuan can only see Mu Sisi by guessing. What are you writing?

  The brushwork is also very soft and weak, but even if it is, it can't hide the talent and momentum of the whole piece of "Jiangjinjiu".


  So Helian Moxuan copied the poem again for himself, and was praised by Mu Sisi for this great opening and closing handwriting, which gave the whole poem the soul.

  Helian Mo Xuan was happy in his heart, so he thought that he wanted to take Mu Sisi to participate in the folk Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Fair. Mu Sisi was responsible for writing poems, and he was responsible for the transcription. It must be a perfect match for the two, and they will surely win the top spot.


   Originally, Helian Moxuan planned to let his secret guard sit in the Palace of Qinzheng instead of himself, pretending to approve the memorial for the whole night.

  But Su Qinghuan said so now, Helian Moxuan began to hesitate again.

  After all, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a big day. If I let the dark guard turn over the sign of Qiwu Palace, the other concubines in the palace will have to bite their teeth, and pay great attention to the movement of Qiwu Palace.

  The more people pay attention, the easier it is to reveal themselves. This is why Helian Moxuan is so difficult.

  "It’s not that I don’t want to be with my concubine on the Mid-Autumn Festival. I am afraid that at that time, I could not hold a banquet and have fun with many concubines, but you will have fun with my concubine in Qiwu Palace, which will be controversial."


  Su Qinghuan suddenly sneered in her heart.

  Does this boy bring less criticism to the original owner? Obviously, you just want to go out to play with Mu Sisi, right?

   However, Su Qinghuan's face was not obvious, she bit the corner of her lip, pretending to be generous and authentic.

   "If this is the case, the concubine should not be embarrassed by the emperor, but the concubine wants to go back to her natal house near the Mid-Autumn Festival and pay homage to her father. How good does the emperor think?"

  (End of this chapter)

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