The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 890: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (16)

  Chapter 890 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (16)

Helian Moxuan never expected that Su Qinghuan would say such a simple request as returning home to visit relatives. He thought that according to the character of this little Nizi, he would inevitably say something to pester him for pets, and it would be best to dominate himself for ten days. Put the kind.

  Although the concubine is generally not able to go back to visit her natal family, but no one knows during the Daqing Dynasty, Su Guifei has always been favored. When Su's father passed away, Su Qinghuan was also allowed to stay in Su's family for five days.

  You should know that under normal circumstances, if the concubine’s father passes away, there is no chance even for condolences.

  Because it is not allowed to burn any paper money within the vermilion wall tiles of the imperial city, if it is seen, it can be defined as a serious crime of decapitation.

  So it was also from that time that the people in the harem believed that Su Qinghuan was extremely favored.


   Thinking of Su Qinghuan’s departure, he would be able to have a tryst with Mu Sisi even more unscrupulously, and Helian Mo Xuan even looked at Su Qinghuan with a lot of pleasing to his eyes.

  He stroked Su Qinghuan's blue silk in a good mood, with a gentle smile on the corner of his lips.

   "I have forgotten that Concubine Ai hasn't visited her natal house for a long time. Since there is no banquet this Mid-Autumn Festival, if Concubine Ai is homesick, she will be able to go back sooner."

  Just give him and Mu Si Teng position.

  Although Mu Sisi also knew that Helian Moxuan and Su Qinghuan had nothing to do, but after all, everyone in the harem knew that Su Qinghuan had a good appearance that moved the capital before he came out of the pavilion.

  Helian Moxuan can stand it for a while, but it does not mean that he will always play Liu Xiahui to the beauty, so Mu Sisi dare not use Helian Moxuan's guarantee that Su Qinghuan will not touch Su Qinghuan as a Shangfang sword.

Mu Sisi usually wears a gentle and considerate mask, and usually doesn't dare to be too jealous in front of Helian Moxuan, but he will still blow pillow breeze to Helian Moxuan more or less, brainwashing Su Qinghuan is something a man can't touch at all. Jealous woman.

   Facing the occasional taste like the sweetheart, Helian Moxuan found it very useful.

   more and more feel that this is proof that Mu Sisi loves herself.


   But at this moment, Su Qinghuan even saw through what Helian Moxuan was thinking.

  In front of her, she wanted to be happy with Mu Sisi, but it was a pity that she wanted to get in.

Isn't    just pretending to be weaker than anyone else?

  This kind of tricks, Su Qinghuan usually disdains to perform it, if it is really true, I am afraid that Mu Sisi does not have the measure of how she knows how to handle the tea smell in tea.

  Su Qinghuan’s beautiful eyes flowed, and suddenly she leaned in Helian Moxuan’s arms chugly, and she spoke softly.

  "The emperor, you are so kind to Qinghuan. If the court concubine is not in the palace for a period of time, the court concubine may think of the emperor and become lovesick."

  Such sweet and greasy words, if you say it from the crowd, it will inevitably appear contrived, but Su Qinghuan's eyes are extremely clear, as if the eyes are full of Helian Moxuan.

  In addition, Helian Moxuan had already said that he would spoil Su Qinghuan after a while, thinking of his promise, even if he was used to seeing the imperial concubine please his own Helian Moxuan, he felt that the admiring eyes of the beauty were very pleasing.


  He would never give what she wanted.

  Looking at the woman’s too clean eyes, do you really want your guard to replace yourself and Su Qinghuan?

  Helian Mo Xuan thought of that scene, and suddenly felt a little irritable in his heart. It was just a man's decision that would not be easily changed.

  He shook off Su Qinghuan's hand suddenly, forcibly making himself a little calm and authentic.

"If the love concubine is suffering from lovesickness for me, but my concubine is not, well, I still have many memorials in the Palace of Qinzheng that have not been approved, and I will definitely not come back tonight, nor will I stay with other concubines. , Concubine, you should rest earlier."

   "Then...Is it necessary for your concubine to make some health-preserving soup for your majesty?"

  The woman's eyes were shining, as if she hadn't noticed anything that violated the taboo.

  And Helian Moxuan almost exploded when he heard the words soup soup.

  If it weren’t for Su Qinghuan’s unexpected surprise that day to give him soup, how could he break the indescribable scene of himself and Mu Sisi in the Palace of Qinzheng?


  The man's heart tightened, and he shook his head subconsciously.

   "No, Concubine Ai should take care of her body first..."

Seeing Helian Mo Xuan's slightly pursed lips, and the obvious discomfort, the woman seemed to have just realized that she had said something wrong, she let out a soft utter, and her eyes were filled in an instant. Tears.

   "Your Majesty... Your concubine did not deliberately want to bring soup, but your concubine was wrong. Your Majesty, please don't think too much."


  Is this woman a little crying bag?

   Seeing the woman sobbing low, while carefully pulling at the corner of her dress, Helian Mo Xuan silently glanced at Su Qinghuan's tears.

   "Okay, okay, don't cry. If you cry any more, you will become a tearful person. When did I say to blame you?"

   "I used to be with Sisi..."

   Realizing that he should not be too intimacy with Mu Sisi, Helian Moxuan quickly coughed twice and changed his name.

   "The things that I used to be in the Palace of Qin Zheng with Wan Bing were indeed uncontrollable for a while. You would be scared at the time, and it was because I was not as good as my self-cultivation..."

  The man hadn’t finished speaking, suddenly, a slender hand stretched out, blocking the man’s lips.

   "No, it's not like this."

  Su Qinghuan wiped her tears with her other hand suddenly, and then whispered very embarrassedly.

   "The concubine is too arrogant. The concubine only cares about his own feelings, but ignores that his husband, as the emperor, should be kind to the Quartet."

"The concubine used to be a petty person because he misunderstood that your majesty refused to spoil me. Now, your Majesty’s Jinkou Yuyan, the inner knot of the concubine’s heart is instantly opened. The concubine and Wan concubine were next to the Royal Garden that day, so they started a quarrel. , Which led to the concubines that Wan concubine pushed."

   "I want to come, but the concubine is too incomprehensible to speak, and annoys sister Wanbi."

"The concubines are too careful. The ladies who think that they are well-educated should not do such things with your majesty. Now they feel that they are concubine. Your majesty is the emperor. He is the emperor. He wants to favor anyone and where he wants to. It's up to the concubine to talk too much,"

  Su Qinghuan looked self-blaming, but he was saying that Mu Sisi had no demeanor, and he rubbed it secretly and despised Helian Moxuan's behavior.

  But the woman's expression was too innocent, and her tone of voice was too soft. On the contrary, Helian Moxuan didn't let Helian Moxuan hear the implicit ridicule, and only focused on one important point.

  The man frowned and asked Su Qinghuan quickly.

  "You said that you were in the Royal Garden that day, and it was Wanmen who pushed you?"

  Ming Ming Mu Sisi told him that it was Su Qinghuan who accidentally stumbled and fell into the lake...

  (End of this chapter)

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