The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 895: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (21)

  Chapter 895 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (21)

  The original owner’s wish, apart from hoping that scumbag men and women can get the punishment they deserve, the rest is to hope that his brother Su Rui and the maid Xiaotao who grew up together can live better.

  After all, in the original plot line, the maid of the original owner died miserably for the original owner because of his loyal protection.

  At that time, Xiaotao was not even twenty years old.

  It is also sad to say.

  A girl, at the age of the most beautiful Zhengmao, was ruthlessly killed in this deep palace and was thrown to the mass grave.

  Even, there is not even a person who can give her condolences in the future.


  The original owner felt extremely guilty for this maid.

   Although it was not the situation she wanted to cause, it was also because of her that she was killed indirectly.

  Xiaotao only felt that everything in front of her was so illusory. The delicate and weak eldest lady who she served for many years and was raised in a deep boudoir could unexpectedly be the same as on the notebook. She stretched out her hand at will and clicked her acupoint.

   What’s more terrifying is that Su Qinghuan’s rebellious remarks, let alone doing them, are enough to make Su Qinghuan be cut by a thousand swords.

  After all, this is an era of the supremacy of imperial power.



  What Xiaotao wants to say is Miss, are you crazy?

  Although she could not say it, Su Qinghuan had already understood what she meant.

  The little fox smiled and looked at her.

"Don't worry, I am not crazy, nor do I want to do stupid things. Rather than sit and wait for death, of course, it is better for us to take the initiative. You are the most powerful maid around me. Whether you go or stay, I give you the right to be independent. ."

"I had a dream before, the dog emperor Helian Moxuan, let a wild man who didn't know where he came out of his room with me, I believed it, and fell two children for him, and even thought this wholeheartedly. It's Helian Moxuan's child and I."

   "And Xiaotao, such a whirlpool, you have become a victim of this court dispute."

  Su Qinghuan's voice is very weak.

   "This huge imperial city looks gorgeous, but it's just a cage that cannibalize people without spitting out bones. If you want, I can really send you away."

  "Don’t talk about how to keep you happy for the rest of your life, at the very least, you have to worry about food and clothing. You are a woman. It is best to learn some self-defense, otherwise it is dangerous to bring a lot of cash."

  Su Qinghuan's words are serious.

  She was about to settle some words with Xiaotao, when she saw the little maid who was similar to her age in front of her, tears were streaming out one by one.

   "What are you doing so much crying?"

  Su Qinghuan looked at Xiao Tao dumbly, and when she saw that Xiao Tao wanted to talk, she hesitated.

   "I can unlock your acupuncture points, but first say yes, if you make a noise, I will re-point your acupuncture points."


   Seeing Xiaotao gestured with such excitement, Su Qinghuan hurriedly stretched out his hand and released the other party's imprisonment.

  Unexpectedly, Xiaotao pulled her sleeves quickly, and then quickly fell to the ground.

"Niang, I was raised by the Su family since I was a child. If it weren't for General Su and Niangniang you took me in, Xiaotao would have been a dead bone in the imperial city long ago, or would have been sold to someone who doesn't know what pigs and dogs are inferior to. , Was beaten to death by the mistress of the house."

  Xiaotao was born with a bit of beauty, if it weren't for Su's family, it was indeed possible.

  If you are favored by the male host and hated by the mistress, a concubine room or a common room is equivalent to an inanimate object and can be sold or even killed at will.

  So sometimes, this evil ancient society doesn’t even talk about human rights.


   "What are you doing on your knees."

  Su Qinghuan sighed and quickly lifted Xiao Tao.

  The little maid with tears, nose and brain streaming out, sobbing and pinching Su Qinghuan’s sleeves.

   "The slave servant didn't want to go out to marry someone, nor did he want to get any money. No matter whether the dream of the lady was true or not, the servant lady was willing to follow her."


  Su Qinghuan, seeing Xiaotao so loyal, really doesn’t know if she should be said that she is stupid and loyal, or that she is dedicated to the Lord.

  Su Qinghuan sighed again.

  "Then you are not afraid. Just like my dream, you died lightly? You are still young, and there are many possibilities..."

   "The empress is also very young."

  Xiaotao caught Su Qinghuan’s sleeves, her eyes bright.

   "No matter what the empress wants to do, Xiaotao is willing to follow you."

  This is the second time Xiaotao has said this.

  Su Qinghuan saw that Xiaotao was so determined, she hesitated for a while, and thought of sending Xiaotao out, it may not be true insurance.

  This girl with a tendril is too straightforward. If she goes outside with a fortune and is a weak woman, she is afraid that she will be very easy to kill as a child holding a thousand taels of gold through the downtown area.

  Still put it by your side, it is easier to watch.

   "Well, in that case, follow me."

  Su Qinghuan took out the embroidered handkerchief and wiped Xiaotao’s tears.

  "You are not allowed to talk about these things. Keep your mouth tight. From now on, the two of us will grow flowers and drink tea in the Qiwu Palace. Do you know what you say and do carefully?"

   Xiaotao nodded, she could not help but hesitate to ask as she looked at Su Qinghuan’s fingers with blood stains.

   "Niang Niang, what do you do to raise this flower with your cut hand?"

   "This is for my brother."

  Su Qinghuan's eyes are faint.

"The fruit of this flower is said to be nourished with the blood of an unmanned girl, and after it bears fruit, it can relieve the poison caused by the elder brother's womb. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, I still want to try it hard. "

   "It's not as good as a slave and maid to do it for you."

  Xiaotao was a little surprised when she heard what Su Qinghuan said.

  But Su Qing smiled and shook his head.

   "No need, sincerity is the spirit, it's better for me to come by myself, you, take care of me."

Su Qinghuan squeezed her nose, and Xiaotao's heart swayed. She only felt that her master laughed so beautifully. She couldn't think of it. She was so emotional as a woman, why her Majesty could bear it.

   "Ok... OK, Niang Niang."

  I just thought of Su Qinghuan's previous rebellious remarks about looking for a wild man, Xiao Tao's cheeks were hot again.

   "Niang Niang, do you really want to do that?"

"How to do it?"

   "Oh, you mean the red apricot goes out of the wall?"

  Su Qinghuan nodded indifferently.

   "Of course, it is more than the red apricot coming out of the wall. I want this Daqing dynasty to be replaced by my Su family."


  Kang, Xiaotao almost fell to the ground.

  She stood in front of Su Qinghuan in shock, and only felt that her master was really stunned.

  However, seeing Su Qinghuan’s rebellious and naturally arrogant eyes, she actually subconsciously felt that--

  Whatever the owner does... it's all right.


   Just between the two people talking between the master and the servant, suddenly, there was a blast from outside the Qiwu Palace.

   "Your Majesty, come!"

  (End of this chapter)

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