The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 896: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (22)

  Chapter 896 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (22)

   "This dog emperor is here again, really bad luck."

  Su Qinghuan raised his hands lazily. Not only did the original owner have a very beautiful face, but even the hands seemed to be carved from beautiful jade. They were extremely delicate and clear.

  Su Qinghuan’s voice was not loud, but it was enough for Xiaotao, the closest maid, to hear it.

   Xiaotao saw that Helian Moxuan was about to come, and her master was still so rebellious. Although she had some preparations in her heart because of the little fox's previous preparation, she still felt that her master was too bold.

   "Niang, hurry up and get ready to pick up!"

   Xiaotao was afraid that Su Qinghuan couldn't think about it, so she said to the other party in front of Helian Moxuan. It was really a gift, directly afflicting the nine tribes.

   And Su Qinghuan is naturally not so stupid, she glanced at Xiao Tao meaningfully.

   "Don't worry, your master has a spectrum in his heart."


   In front of Xiaotao’s trembling look, Su Qinghuan straightened up the skirt, like a cardamom girl who was very happy to see her sweetheart, ran straight to the gate of Qiwu Palace.

   "Your Majesty, don't you have a lot of trouble today? Why did you want to see Qinghuan?"

What Helian Moxuan saw was such a scene, a woman with black hair and snow-skinned skin, and the corners of her lips ran towards her with an admiring smile. The face of all living beings turned upside down against the sun, it was a bit less gorgeous for no reason. It's a little bit more charming than my daughter's house.

  Even if Helian Moxuan doesn't like Su Qinghuan, but when looking at the girl's affectionate eyes, he feels that his heart is extremely useful.

  Who doesn’t like beauty admiring herself?

  What's more, Su Qinghuan is still a beauty with the color of the country.


  Because of the hurried coming out, the woman was barefoot like snow, and she didn't even wear embroidered socks.

Su Qinghuan pulls a pair of embroidered shoes studded with the Pearl of the East China Sea. As she walks, her slender ankles are hidden under Su embroidered purple skirt, half-opened and half-closed, like a kind of innocent and delicate. Bewitched.

  Helian Mo Xuan saw this scene, his heart was suffocated at first, although he had seen countless beauties, but like Su Qinghuan, everything from hair to toes was beautiful, really the first one.

  Helian Moxuan felt that his thoughts were too much like Deng's disciple. He frowned slightly, then subconsciously raised his head, giving Su Qinghuan a highly disapproving look.

   "Why did Ai Fei come out without wearing her shoes and socks? How can it be seen by others?"

  The man's tone seemed to be harsh, but even Helian Mo Xuan himself did not notice, his eyes softened a lot unknowingly.

   And Su Qinghuan naturally noticed the change in Helian Moxuan's attitude. If he changed to the past, I was afraid that the corners of Helian Moxuan's eyebrows and eyes would show aversion to the original owner.

  啧, dog man.

  What blamed her for not wearing good shoes, didn't she still look at her ankles intentionally or unintentionally?

  It’s like a gentleman did it.

  Who made Helian Moxuan hypocritically refuse to touch her, but can't stand the beauty and sex?


  Su Qinghuan felt very ridiculed in her heart, but her face was still admiring. She stuck out her tongue tenderly, and her phoenix eyes were full of admiration.

   "Oh, don't the concubines wear shoes?"

  Su Qinghuan lowered his head pretentiously in surprise, and then quickly hooked Helian Moxuan's arms, shaking lightly one after another.

   "I blame your Majesty for coming. When the courtier heard the rumor from the palace, the courtier was so happy that he just wanted to see your Majesty sooner, and even forgot to put on his shoes and socks."

   "Anyway, in Qiwu Palace, there are no other eunuchs but also maids and no foreign men. Your Majesty will not cure Qinghuan's crimes, right?"

As Su Qinghuan said, she raised her head and looked at Helian Moxuan with scorching eyes. The beautiful neck was just right exposed. With the breeze, her hair was slightly messy, adding a little deceptive aura. .


   Such a tea-like coquetry in the tea, if Mu Sisi is here, it may not be better than Su Qinghuan, but it is made by Su Qinghuan, but it is innocent and charming.

  Holding her eyebrows and her eyes together, the maid Xiaotao, who was standing next to her respectfully, almost started spraying when she heard her master open her eyes and talk nonsense like this.

  ——She has never discovered that the original master’s acting skills are so good. She obviously just was in the temple and even took a bite of a dog emperor!


   Suddenly, Xiao Tao looked a little weird. She was afraid that she would laugh if she was not good, so she took the initiative to walk into the hall and began to make tea.

  Leave this space for Su Qinghuan and Helian Moxuan to play by themselves.


  And Helian Moxuan didn't like Su Qinghuan touching himself very much before. He always felt that the woman in front of her had a big chest and a beautiful face.

  Unfortunately, men are always flattered by nature. He watched Su Qinghuan shaking his arm like this, and suddenly there was an indescribable satisfaction in his heart.

  He hadn’t noticed how Su Qinghuan was such a petite and petite one, with a thin neck and a thin waist, as if he could pinch it off if he stretched out his hand at will.

  The man's eyes were dark, and before he could react, his body became autonomous and he directly hugged Su Qinghuan in his waist.

   "I will take my concubine to wear shoes."


  Su Qinghuan did not expect Princess Helian Mo Xuanhui to hug herself. This is really not like what the Emperor Dog would do. Su Qinghuan opened her eyes just right.

   "Your Majesty, this blue sky and white day, you hold your concubine like this, it's not proper."

  The man suddenly lowered his head and laughed.

   "You are my beloved consort, I take you for granted, what is inappropriate?"

  Helian Mo Xuan swallowed, looking at the beautiful and scorching woman in her arms, she only felt that Su Qinghuan had become better and better after falling into the water once.

  Perhaps because she is beginning to be likable in her words and deeds now, even with her domineering posture that she was not used to in the past, she has also converged, and it has become more exciting?


  The man's eyes were dark, if it weren't for the thought that he would not leave the Su family, otherwise he would have softened his heart to Su Qing.

  He still had time to change his plan. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, he won’t use the dark guard.

  But this slight hesitation caused Helian Mo Xuan to wake up immediately. He is now hesitating without Su Qinghuan's body. Wouldn't it be even worse if he touched her?

  Helian Mo Xuan's expression was slightly constricted, and he secretly thought.

  ——As long as Su Qinghuan was ruined by the dark guard, he would no longer have any intentions for this stupid woman.

  Helian Moxuan is a person with a habit of cleanliness. Although he owns three thousand harems, he must not allow the concubine in the harem to have an affair with the men beside him.

  Even a court lady, Helian Moxuan has never been favored, but once he was found to secretly send a purse to each other's love poems with a guard or something, Helian Moxuan directly dealt with the death penalty.

  The only person who was lenient by him was Mu Sisi alone. Who made the "guard" in Mu Sisi's eyes was Helian Moxuan himself.

  People, it is always double standard.

  (End of this chapter)

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