The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 897: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (23)

  Chapter 897 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (23)

  Su Qinghuan, seeing Helian Mo Xuan's thoughtful look, knew that this man might be holding back some bad water.

   She reminded her timely.

   "Your Majesty, what are you thinking? You have caught the painful concubine."

  Su Qinghuan raised her head tenderly and glutinously, with a thin resentment between her eyebrows, adding to the little daughter's shame.

  Helian Mo Xuan was disturbed by Su Qinghuan, and he suddenly woke up from his plan.

  When he saw Su Qinghuan's beautiful face, Helian Moxuan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

  In the past few days, Su Qinghuan is so behaved that Helian Mo Xuan suddenly feels reluctant to think that he will give it to the man next to him.


   Just reluctant to bear it, and can't shake Helian Moxuan's plan to cut the roots of the Su family.

  Helian Mo Xuan figured this out, and then forced the unpleasantness in his heart, and glanced at Su Qinghuan lightly.

   "It will be Mid-Autumn Festival soon, when will Concubine Ai go back to her family?"

  Su Qinghuan twisted her sleeves with difficulty, her eyes greedily glanced at Helian Moxuan's eyebrows, her expression full of strong perseverance.

  "The concubine has already handed a letter to his elder brother, and he is going to leave for Su's house tomorrow morning. Only when he sees his majesty visit Qiwu Palace in person, the concubine begins to regret again. Is it too early for the concubine to return."

   "The ancients said that one day is not as good as three autumns, but the concubines have not left your majesty, why do you feel bored in your heart and start thinking about your majesty?"


  Such a greasy and earthy love story, Su Qinghuan threw it towards Helian Moxuan without money.

  The love of beauty is common to everyone. If you change to an ugly and fat man to tell you about your love, most people may feel very uncomfortable.

  But Su Qinghuan was born so beautifully, and the sentence seemed to come from the bottom of his heart, even if Helian Moxuan didn't like her, at this moment he also gave birth to a little bit of reluctance.

   "Yes, it will take a while to see my beloved concubine, and in my heart, I am very sad."

  This was originally Helian Moxuan's perfunctory sentence.

  He first heard that Su Qinghuan was leaving tomorrow, and his heart was relieved, because he was also subconsciously worried that he had been too close to Su Qinghuan these days, which would cause him to not bear to do anything with Su Qinghuan.

  But after a sigh of relief, what followed was a kind of loss that I could not tell.

  ——After the Mid-Autumn Festival came back, it was when the dark guard he sent came out to spoil Su Qinghuan.

  What happened at that time has reached a completely irreparable room.

  Even though all of this had been arranged in my heart, but at this moment, seeing the girl's admiring eyes were shining beyond the galaxy in the sky, Helian Mo Xuan was a little bit stunned.


  Who made Su Qinghuan the daughter of the Su family?

  If he changes to another family, he won’t have to kill others.


Su Qinghuan could see from Helian Moxuan’s tangled eyes that the man’s heart was twisting around, but her mouth didn’t break, but instead she leaned forward obediently, nestling her head on Helian Moxuan’s shoulders. Rubbing the man's cloak.

   "The concubine does not know the blessings that he has cultivated in a few lifetimes, so he has come to be so spoiled by Your Majesty."

   "I don't ask for anything else, I just hope that your heart is like my heart, and you will live up to it and love you."


  When she said the last line of poem, Su Qinghuan almost read it word by word, full of affection.

  For a while, Helian Moxuan only felt that something was stuck between his throat, which made him very uncomfortable.

  It's just that Helian Moxuan still doesn't understand what this possessiveness represents at this time.

  But the next moment, he was a little surprised when he remembered that Su Qinghuan had no literary talent and did not love poetry.

   "I love concubine, did you get this poem by chance? It is so exquisite."

  Su Qinghuan smiled and shook his head, calmly buried a big thunder for Mu Sisi's future performances.

   "No, your Majesty will guess again?"

  "Could it be your brother, Su Jinyan did it?"


  Su Qinghuan looked at the window door, and spoke quietly in a melancholy expression.

  "This is a collection of poems and poems that I accidentally read at home. It is full of masterpieces, but I don’t know why, the outside world has never been circulated."

  Helian Mo Xuan heard this, and suddenly became interested.

   "Oh? There is such an amazing collection of poems? Is it almost lost?"

   "Yes, let me read the entire first sentence to your majesty. This was made by Li Zhiyi, but Qinghuan asked the surroundings, and no one seemed to know who this person was."

  "I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and you live at the end of the Yangtze River. I think you can’t see you every day, and you drink the water of the Yangtze River.

  When will this water be closed, when will this hate be over? I only hope that your heart is like my heart, and it will be worthy of love. "

  The woman's voice is as clear as dewdrops, with a trace of the arrogance of a boudoir woman, which makes people unavoidable to follow her chanting, and imagine a scene where a man and woman are holding hands and holding hands and looking at each other in tears.

  Helian Moxuan finished listening to the whole poem, and he stroked his palm in admiration.

  "This word is so amazing. The Li Zhiyi mentioned by Aifei must be a bit talented, but it is really strange that no one knows his reputation."

  Su Qinghuan smiled slightly.

"In fact, this poem is not the pinnacle of it. There are also Li Taibai, Du Zimei, Su Zizhan and others in it. All of them are amazing and beautiful, but there are too many exquisite poems at a time, and the concubines don’t. Chanted it for your Majesty."

   "If you return to Su's house this time, wait for the concubine to turn to the collection of poems, and you will dedicate it to your majesty."

  Seeing that Su Qinghuan said three names in a row, and what else did they say that these three people are all amazing talents, Helian Mo Xuan didn't believe it.

  Because of the previous poem, it is amazing, but it is only small and delicate, and it is easier to move idiotic men and women, such as Helian Moxuan, an emperor with a high vision, and a preference for sparse and atmospheric poetry.

  So the previous song is not a peerless work that Helian Moxuan would have heard of it.

   But in any case, if the three people mentioned by Su Qinghuan had better poems than Li Zhiyi, how could they not have a reputation as a talented person?


  Helian Mo Xuan did not take it too seriously, only thinking that Su Qinghuan was flattering.

  He rubbed Su Qinghuan’s hair.

   "Okay, then I will wait for my concubine to present her treasure."

   "I believe your Majesty will be like a treasure at that time, and I will be surprised."

   Tsk tsk, this is what she said lightly.

  Of course, those poems are excellent lines. Throughout the ages, there has been no more amazing poet than Li Bai and Du Fu.

   However, compared to this, I don’t know how Helian Moxuan will bear it. The so-called talented girl Mu Sisi he likes is the fact that she is a plagiarist.

  Su Qinghuan is looking forward to the scene of that day.

  The two hug each other quietly, seemingly in love, but in fact they have their own things.


   And because Helian Moxuan felt a little guilty in his heart, he immediately asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to give Qiwu Palace a box of Ye Mingzhu in the morning when Su Qinghuan left.

   Hearing this, Mu Sisi directly fell a blue and white porcelain vase.

   "What?! Your Majesty has rewarded that **** again?"

  (End of this chapter)

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