The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 914: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (40)

  Chapter 914 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (40)

  The woman's hands are like white jade, which looks extremely slender and moving, but there is a scary red color in her fingertips and palms.

  It was obviously dried blood.

  Su Rui's expression was suddenly startled. It is one thing that he intends to alienate each other because of the woman's love, but in any case, he does not want to see the little fox injured.

"what happened to your hand?"

  The man anxiously clings to the woman’s tenderness, and when he examines it carefully, he feels more distressed for Su Qinghuan.

  Unexpectedly, the woman seemed to be electrocuted, and she retracted her delicate hand from the man’s palm.

  " don't need to pay attention to this..."

  A guilty expression flashed across Su Qinghuan’s face. She expected Su Rui to feel distressed, but now she didn’t want a man to know the cause of her injury.

  ——No way, in order to nourish the century-old snow-faced flower, she will regularly water her bloodstains these days.

In fact, Su Qinghuan did not deliberately go on a hunger strike as Su Rui imagined. Instead, she asked Xiaotao to make a lot of nourishing food for herself. However, it is not a way to be a blood bag every day, so she was naked-visible. Lose weight.

  Characters like Su Rui, Zhilan Yushu, if they know that they tortured themselves every day for him, they will stop their behavior if they can't decide.

After all, in the eyes of Su Rui, he was already dying ill, and now he is just supporting a sick body. I have to say whether the prescription of the medical saint is useful or not, not to mention, for so many years, who has seen a hundred years of Xueyan Are the flowers blooming and bearing fruit?

  For this kind of uncertainty, Su Rui is afraid that she does not want it. Su Qinghuan, a healthy and healthy girl, treats herself so harshly for her.


  This is the reason why Su Qinghuan can't speak.

  Fortunately, according to System 233, she can end this blood-packed life as long as she persists for about a month.

  After all, it is one thing to be willing to save Su Rui, so it is another thing to be abused every day.

  Just as Su Qinghuan thought this way, the system 233 reminded her quietly.

   "Host, what you think is really naive, is there such a good solution to the poison of Beauty Sha?"

"It means you didn’t listen seriously last time. Didn’t I tell you before? When the Xueyan flower blooms and bears fruit, you have to decoct the seeds of the Xueyan flower and drink it, and then take it two days later. Feed his own blood to Su Rui."


  Su Qinghuan shook her body when she heard it. She thought that she had to act as a human-shaped blood bag, and her scalp was constantly tingling.

  "Then after I decoct and drink the seeds, how long do I have to feed Su Rui with blood?"

   "Well, I don't know much about it, but logically speaking, it can be as little as a week and as long as a month. Anyway, it won't let your blood pack die, it will just be a little weaker."


   Su Qinghuan heard this, and her heart hurts even more.


  And when Su Rui saw that Su Qinghuan ignored her, but kept avoiding his eyes, she couldn't help but feel worried and angry.

   "At this time, what else can you hide from your brother?"

   "No one in this mansion dared to treat you harshly. If someone stabbed you like this in the palace, the wound would not be so fresh, unless..."

  The man in a moon-white robe pursed his thin lips, and when he looked at Su Qinghuan again, he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

   "Unless you pierced yourself, I guess right?"

  Su Qinghuan smiled awkwardly, and could only compliment Su Rui seemingly polite.

   "Ah, you are so smart."


  Seeing that the woman is still so stubbornly prevaricating herself, the anger in the man's heart almost rises steadily.

   "Why do you have to talk to me like this? Why do you hurt your body?"

"Isn’t it just because your majesty hurt and let me down? Even if you are not from the Su family’s own bones and blood, your father also raised you as old. He said that you should cheer yourself up? For a man to hurt his body, it’s really Unwise!"

  Su Rui rarely has such a moment of anger, but looking at Su Qinghuan’s white face at this moment, all the anger can not really be vented, and even scolding her, she doesn’t know how to speak.

  In the end, the man saw that Su Qinghuan didn't want to explain at all, and he didn't want to explain it at all. The man's heart became more annoyed.


   "Please don't be angry, it's not what you think."

   "Not for your Majesty to be sullen, but for what?"

  Su Rui didn't believe in Su Qinghuan in her heart, especially when she saw Su Qinghuan's hesitation, she felt more and more that she was right.

  ——When Su Rui was young, he knew the word love, what a sharp blade to an infatuated woman.

Su Rui’s mother was so depressed for everyone because General Su brought an unidentified baby girl home, and even accelerated the onset of heart disease, but she was already a beautiful woman in her thirties. Turn bones.



  Su Qinghuan faced Su Rui's angry eyes, the little fox looked sad, her lips moved a little, and she wanted to explain, but in the end she didn't say an answer.

  Seeing Su Qinghuan like this, Su Rui was unavoidably disappointed.

  He took Su Qinghuan’s hesitation as a guilty conscience, if it wasn’t for his majesty to be injurious, who could it be for?

  I don’t know why, I know that Su Qinghuan is your majesty’s noble concubine, and she has been favored on the surface. She should like to admire your majesty, but the man’s heart is inexplicably uncomfortable.

  This discomfort does not come from the love and sympathy for Su Qinghuan, but the man himself hasn’t figured out what it is for.

  Perhaps, Su Qinghuan was only because he was let down by his majesty, so he went to the doctor in a hurry, trying to prove his charm before intending to woo him, right?

   Then what is he to Su Qinghuan?

  The man thought of going back to the old servant of Su Mansion in the past two days, and then the things he found, his eyes became more complicated.

  ——He and Su Qinghuan once were just brothers and sisters who lived under the same roof but treated each other indifferently. They were not much better than strangers, but what is the relationship between them now?

   She keeps cutting, and the management is still messy.


  The anger in his heart became more and more intense, but the man took a deep look at Su Qinghuan. He wanted to wake her up but couldn't scold her. In the end, he just sighed.

  "Finally, I don't care about you anymore. When you grow up, you should also know how important it is to take care of yourself."

  Speaking, Su Rui brushed his sleeves and turned to leave.

  Just as Su Rui was about to keep her eyes out of sight, suddenly, Xiao Tao, holding a butterfly kite in her hand, hurried over.

   Xiaotao immediately stood in front of Su Rui, anxious in her eyes.

  "My son, you have misunderstood the lady! The lady cuts her hand every day to heal you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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