The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 915: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (41) 2200+ words

  Chapter 915 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (41) 2200+ words

  Xiaotao has always been unwilling to see her master suffer any grievances. She seems to be more anxious than Su Qinghuan, the client, for fear that Su Rui will misunderstand the kindness of Little Fox.

   "Grand Prince! Although Miss had some distance with you before, but after so many years, Miss gradually figured it out."

   "She really wants to be good for you, because some people say that if you want to bring a hundred years of snowy beauty back to life, and still blossom and bear fruit, you must use it every day..."

Before Xiao Tao finished her words, Su Qinghuan's ears turned red, and she gave Xiao Tao a somewhat stern look.

   "Little Tao, what are you talking about! —"

  The original owner has never been favored by the scum emperor Helian Moxuan. Of course, it is a good thing for the little fox, but it is always embarrassing for the little fox to discuss it in such a stately manner.

   And Xiaotao instantly understood why her master had stopped her, she was heartbroken, and she knelt down in front of Su Qinghuan and Su Rui with the butterfly kite, knocking her head twice.

"Grand Prince, Xiao Tao grew up in Su Mansion since she was a child. She has been exposed to the light of Su Mansion in food, clothing, housing and transportation, and she is also inseparable from some other official ladies. Xiao Tao knows that the young lady does not want me to tell the truth, but Xiao Tao I really can't bear to have a rift between the two of you."

"Do you know why the lady is so thin recently? It's not because the lady is unwilling to eat well. I heard other servants say that you told the housekeeper that you want to give the lady extra meals, and the chef is not allowed to treat her harshly. In fact, it was a wrong idea. ."

  "My lady has been eating seriously these days, but the hundred-year-old snow face flower needs daily nourishment by the girl's blood. The lady has no choice but to cut herself again and again."

   "Xiao Tao wants to suffer for her, but she feels that it is more appropriate for her to come, and what she says is sincere."


  Su Qinghuan saw Xiaotao kowtowing her head and crying for her in tears so solidly. Apart from being moved, the little fox was helpless.

  Why is this girl always so straightforward?

  Little Fox sighed, she stretched out her hand, trying to get Xiao Tao up.

  "Little Tao, don't say anything, why bother to others here."

   "No, the servant girl can't get up. The servant girl wants to speak clearly for the lady today."

   Xiaotao sniffed, and looked seriously at Su Rui, who had been stunned a long time ago.

  "Lord, did you know? The young lady really wants to get along with you."

"But the eldest son doesn't give a chance at all. These days the servant girl and the young lady live in this garden, but the eldest son has avoided the young lady at all except when he returned home on the first day. "

"I know that I shouldn’t talk too much about this, but the servant can’t bear the grievances of the young lady. The young lady is really a very good person. She hurts her hand and is unwilling to take credit for you. , But what about you?"


  Su Qinghuan has never liked selling miserables, and even if there is, there is more or less acting.

   But seeing Xiao Tao's tears gathering, Su Qinghuan's heart was full of complicated warm currents.

  She saw Xiaotao insisting on kneeling down, and the woman couldn't help her with her hand. She sighed and handed a silk embroidered handkerchief to Xiaotao.

   "Wait, you are almost a little cat. I usually don't see you with sharp teeth, but today is good. In the face of the kind words, I will say everything that should not be said."

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Xiaotao helplessly, but couldn't bear to criticize the maid, only that the ancient strict class system was really harmful.

  She has no doubt that if she and Xiao Tao are in trouble, if only one can live, Xiao Tao will choose herself without hesitation.

  But in fact, she can't afford this kindness.

   Seeing the silk embroidered handkerchief handed over by the little fox, Xiao Tao burst into tears and smiled. She rubbed her knees and stood up again, and gave Su Qinghuan and Su Rui a somewhat embarrassed look.

   "The slave and maid don't know why, I have said so much today, and I hope that the eldest son and the young lady will not be offended by them."

   "Fuck you?"

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Xiaotao teasingly.

  I was about to say something, and suddenly I felt a dark and heavy line of sight condensed on me.


  As soon as the man spoke, his voice was a little hoarse that he couldn't tell.

  When he saw the dense pinholes in the woman's hand, the man's heart seemed to be stung by something, and he felt uncomfortable.

  "Do you hurt yourself like this in order to make the century-old snow blossoms bloom and bear fruit, is it worth it?"

  "Don’t you know that the so-called detoxification formula was only developed by the medicine saint who tried to figure out the poison formula of Beauty Sha before he died, but it is still unknown whether it will work."


  Su Qinghuan had long thought that men would blame themselves, but now seeing Su Rui’s complicated and slightly astringent eyes, she knew that her contribution was also a burden for men.

  The little fox smiled slightly.

   "Sincerely, haven't you heard a word, sincerely, Jinshi is open? Even if it is only 1% hope that I can save my brother's life, Qinghuan will not hesitate."

   Seeing the man’s thin lips move, as if he had something to say, Su Qinghuan suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed his fingertips against the man’s lips in the man’s surprised eyes.

  The woman raised her red lips and her smile was as bright as a flower.

  At that moment, it directly burned the man's eyes.

   "...hush, brother, you don't have to feel burdened for me at all, it's all Qinghuan's voluntary."

   "If I am infected with this kind of poison, I believe my brother will try his best to treat me."

  Su Qinghuan has never thought of threatening Entuta.

  But she was eroding the man's space bit by bit, letting her words and appearance be there.

  She knew that if she didn’t say or do anything, she would try to restrain herself as much as she could, and would not think about anything she showed her love.

  But she wanted to let herself be under the man's eyelids, stirring a river of spring water, so that the man had to think of her in his heart and his eyes.


  The woman's voice was very relaxed, even with a slight smile, as if it was not a painful thing to nourish the snow-faced flower with blood.

  An unspeakable emotion was in Su Rui's heart. His expression was stagnant, and suddenly he saw Su Qinghuan handing him the butterfly kite.

  "My brother, when Qing Huan was young, he always wondered why you didn’t want to talk to me, so there are many small pleading notes on this paper kite."

   "But now Qinghuan is big, I know that many things cannot be forced, but at least, let me try to eradicate the poison of Beauty Sha, okay?"

  "Is that why you must pick up that kite?"

  Su Rui took the paper kite in a daze, and saw that under the butterfly's wings, two pages of small notes were hanging down.

  The letterhead on the left and the right read two sentences impressively.

  ——Why did that big **** Su Rui refuse to pay attention to me?

  ——If he is willing to change his evil right now, this lady reluctantly forgives him.


  Sure enough, it looked like a woman's tone.

  Even though he clearly wants to befriend him, his words are so domineering and coquettish.

  If it is normal, Su Rui may only laugh, but at this moment, the man does not know why, but his heart is a little sour.

  Su Rui's eyes were hot, and she blurted out uncontrollably.

   "Qing Huan... You asked me to find the old servant of Su Mansion. I found Steward Lin. He admitted that you are indeed not father's child..."

  (End of this chapter)

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