The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 921: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (47)

  Chapter 921 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (47)

  Su Rui has her own pride. In the study, when she vaguely felt that Su Qinghuan might like him, the man just regarded Su Qinghuan’s goodwill as the waywardness of his little daughter.

  He laughed at it and never took it to heart. The only way to deal with it was to avoid meeting Su Qinghuan as much as possible.

  In Su Rui's view, as long as it takes a long time, Su Qinghuan will naturally abandon that absurd idea and choose another lover to accompany him.

  But because I see that Su Qinghuan, in order to save him, even cuts his palm every day, just to take blood to nourish the century-old snow face flower that is useful in the legend but has never been certified in reality.

  The man’s seemingly impenetrable heart is still rippling in shock.


  At this time, Su Rui believed that Su Qinghuan’s liking for him was really not just talking, but it really made her use her mind and even hurt herself to save him.

  As long as people are not really hard-hearted, they will be moved by such sincere and persistent love.

   But even so, Su Rui still has an unspeakable knot in his heart.

  ——Although Su Rui does have the capital to make women like him, he has a cool and handsome appearance that has been born after a moon and an immortal, as well as the talent of the world, an outstanding family background, and the qualities of self-cleanliness, these are enough to make women favor him.

   But Su Qinghuan’s identity is different, who is she? Obviously, Su Rui and Su Rui grew up together in Su's family since they were young. Although the two people are not close to the point where they meet each other, they are in a state of alienation and indifference.

  I haven't seen each other for two or three years, why did Su Qinghuan fall in love with herself when she came back?

  People in the world have always been afraid of rumors, leaving aside Su Qinghuan as a noble concubine now, even if she is not a noble concubine, can she boldly confess to Su Rui just knowing that she is not the son of Su's father?

  So many people's saliva stars have to drown Su Qinghuan's body.

  Su Rui was originally a maverick. He could think of killing the king and rebelling. Naturally, he didn't care about these worldly rumors.

  But as a woman, Su Qinghuan’s moral shackles on women by the secular world have become more serious. Can she really not care?


  Even though these ethical imprisonments were set aside, why did Su Qinghuan suddenly fall in love with herself?

  As soon as they came, the two were not in love with each other at all.

  Before Su Qinghuan ever came out of the cabinet, she and Su Rui were in better condition than they were strangers. This time it was two years since Su Rui saw Su Qinghuan last time.

  Who will suddenly feel affection for a man who has not seen each other for two years?

  Secondly, the option of love at first sight is even more ridiculous.

  After all, they have known each other for so many years, and this reason is too unconvincing.


  The only relatively reasonable explanation is that the woman wants to find another emotional sustenance because of her emotional injury.

  And Su Qinghuan has only met a few men like Su Rui and Helian Moxuan in the short span of more than ten years, and the options are even more minimal.

  Comprehensively, only Su Rui is the best candidate.

  In this world, in order to get rid of the loneliness of a lost love, are there few examples of quickly empathizing with others and treating other people’s feelings as child’s play?

  What's more, some people just want to prove their charm and want to make the former regret it.


   Even though Su Rui is now making waves because of Su Qinghuan, he never wants to be such a meaningless substitute, hurting others and himself.

   "Qinghuan, don't you think that your so-called love is too turbulent and too ridiculous?"

  Hearing Su Rui’s questioning, Su Qinghuan felt speechless, and she was immediately stunned.

  But the next moment the little fox burst into laughter.

   "Do you think I am using you as a stand-in for the dog emperor Helian Moxuan?! How could it be possible!"

   "Do you really think it's impossible?"

  Su Rui looked at Su Qinghuan deeply.

  Thinking that Su Qinghuan once liked Helian Moxuan so much, and even hurt herself so much for him, and begs for everything, Su Rui felt the pain of falling in his heart, and even countless hostility.

  The man's phoenix eyes squinted slightly, and he subconsciously attributed this hostility to his pity for Su Qinghuan.

  As everyone knows, when a man makes a major emotional change to a woman, it represents the beginning of his liking.


  Su Qinghuan asked herself when she saw Su Rui, she suddenly had a headache.

  How to explain to make Su Rui believe that she really likes him?

  ——From the logical point of view of a normal person, what men say is naturally very reasonable.

  If the roles of two people are reversed, Su Qinghuan will also question why others fall in love with him when they turn their heads, and he is still such an embarrassing righteous brother.

  But the little fox was dumb for a moment, but didn't know how to explain it.

  At this time, the little fox understood why he used to face his seventeen-year-old apprentice when he was in the plane of cultivating immortals. He always felt that the other's love was just a child’s game, and he was ignorant for the time being.

  Unexpectedly, Feng Shui will take turns, but now she has changed to her, which is questioned by others.


  But feelings are inherently unreasonable. What she can use to persuade Su Rui is nothing but sincerity.

  Su Qinghuan's expression was bright, and she simply met Su Rui's eyes. What she was afraid of was that men always hesitate whether their friendship is true or false.

  "I would like to say, you believe me, I, Su Qinghuan, walked in the world, and I never thought about using someone as my stand-in."

  "Love is love, hate is hate. You must be strong in decision-making to live your life well."

  Su Qinghuan’s tone is very calm and determined, but the arrogance that comes out of her words is really rare for women in this era.

  Su Rui was stunned for a moment by the Fengshen revealing between Su Qinghuan’s eyebrows and eyes.

  Yes, he has his own pride, and Su Qinghuan, who is a daughter of the General's Mansion, naturally has her backbone.

  The man took a breath and looked at Su Qinghuan deeply.

  "Then why do you like me? Such a sudden love, always give me a reason?"


  Love is love. Do you need a reason?

  Su Qinghuan knows that this is too much like the deceitful Quotations of the Sea King.

  She simply confessed, just trying to polish it into a reasonable answer.

"Brother, do you remember that I died once in my dream? Before that, I didn't like you, but then maybe it was because of the soul out of my body. I not only saw this life, but also dreamed of countless past lives. ."

   "In my dream, you and I are lovers. They have used different looks and traveled through this world with identities, but I knew it was you."

   "It may seem ridiculous to fall in love with you because of a dream, but what I saw was too deep into my bones. This is my truest answer."

  (End of this chapter)

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