The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 922: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (48)

  Chapter 922 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (48)

  Because of dreams?

  Su Rui stared at the woman in front of him with all eyes on the city. He never expected that Su Qinghuan could give such an absurd reason.

  Su Rui subconsciously wanted to refute, but when she looked at the sincere eyes of a woman, it was exactly what a woman had when she was in love.

  Even if it is an actor with great acting skills, it is difficult to deduce the look of the little fox just now.

   seems to have an infinite amount of affection, and it seems like a big dream three lives, facing the person in front of him more like a world away, obviously there are countless words to say, but I don't know how to use the words to hold my heart out.


  Su Rui looked at Su Qinghuan like this, and then slowly swallowed back what he had subconsciously questioned.

  The man's eyes fixedly locked the woman in front of him.

   "As long as you don't lie to me."

  He has never bothered to be a substitute for anyone, even if that person is the so-called Nine-Five Lord.

  He was even more reluctant to become Su Qinghuan’s temporary emotional pastime.


  Even, even Su Rui himself did not want to admit that it was obviously only two or three days of getting along, and the woman in front of him had an imagination suddenly brightened, completely surpassing their impression of each other in the previous seventeen years.

  He would easily get excited because of Su Qinghuan's smile, and he would also be jealous because Su Qinghuan once liked the dog emperor Helian Moxuan.

   will be even more worried because...worry that the little fox is only looking for himself with the idea of ​​dismissing loneliness for a while. In the end, this so-called feeling is just a joke.


  Now hearing Su Qinghuan’s explanation, the trace of worry in the man’s heart has gradually disappeared.

  While Su Qinghuan looked at him dumbly, her smile was strange and teasing.

   "I would like to say, brother, when have you been so insecure about your own charm? Qing Huan has been in the palace before, but I have heard that my brother has been admired by countless ladies in the capital in recent years."

  "Unfortunately, no one can pry the brother's heart, but it only adds to the troubles. Qinghuan thought that a man like his brother who has been in a bush of thousands of flowers and has no leaves on his body must be very confident in the affairs of men and women."


  When he heard Su Qinghuan calling him to be a brother, Su Rui flew across a black line on his forehead.

  When later I saw that Su Qinghuan even his brother started talking, the man immediately stopped Su Qinghuan’s nonsense.

  "Don’t call me brother again. Now since you intend to show that you have no blood relationship with your father, even if you don’t announce the world for the time being, and outsiders don’t know your internal affairs, you should pay attention to your words on weekdays."

  Su Qinghuan nodded obediently.

   "Ok, brother."


   Seeing that the woman still angered him so much, Su Rui felt a little perverse in her heart.

  Although, he never agreed to Su Qinghuan’s pursuit.

   But the two people getting along in front of them obviously go beyond the so-called sibling relationship. Originally, there was no family relationship between the two of them.

   Su Rui realized that facing Su Qinghuan’s persistent and passionate confession, even if he had never been moved by a woman, he couldn’t help but make waves in her heart.

   Thinking of Su Qinghuan’s previous run on himself, Su Rui quickly coughed again and immediately took out the shelf of instruction.

  “Also, is it used like this when I have been in the tens of thousands of flowers without touching my body? Those people who adore me are their business, I have never shown them any kind of favor or gave them any hope.”

  The man's voice is very flat, without any boasting meaning.

  But this kind of high-level Versailles made Su Qinghuan suddenly laugh a little.

   "Tong'er, how do I feel that Su Rui's words are so familiar, as if they've heard it somewhere."

  System 233 understood Su Qinghuan’s mood very well, and it couldn’t help teasing it.

"Of course you are familiar with it. You don't always claim to be the number one beauty in the six worlds, the host. It's hard to have anyone out there, and there are countless followers who love you, but you haven't tricked those people into losing their hearts and losing their hearts for you. soul."


  In the past, Su Qinghuan didn't think there was any blushing when she said this, but at the moment she heard the jokes of System 233, she couldn't help being a little bit ridiculous.

   "Hey, what I said is also the truth. Now it is Su Rui's turn to tell me like this, and I realize how ugly this sentence is."

  Like Su Rui, she never thought of deceiving other people's feelings.

And in these 3,000-plane missions, occasionally encounter some wishes that need to make scumbags regret it. It is also because the original owner is too obsessed, but one thing is true. The original owner is so disappointed in the situation, those scumbags. It's really not a pity to die.


"You do not trust me?"

  Su Rui saw Su Qinghuan looking at herself with a subtle look, and without making any comments, the man suddenly felt an indescribable panic.

  He didn't know what was wrong with him. He obviously wanted to alienate and push away this "sister" who had confessed to him inexplicably.

   But now, thinking that Su Qinghuan might have misunderstood that he hadn't been married for so many years, but was just a wandering flower bush, hunting the hearts of countless beautiful women, the man's heart was a little flustered subconsciously.

   Before Su Qinghuan could speak, he almost explained anxiously.

   "I have never had any personal affair with other ladies in the capital. I usually see each other, and I don't even speak a word."


  Su Qinghuan saw Su Rui's stupefaction, and suddenly wanted to laugh. Sure enough, he still cares about himself when he sees the man's performance, otherwise, why should he bother with himself?

  Understanding this, Su Qinghuan looked at Su Rui narrowly in her eyes, the girl's eyebrows were curved, as if a sly fox in the mountain suddenly descended, with an indescribable natural agility and charm.

   "Brother, what are you doing with me in such a panic? Could it be that you like me too?"


  Su Rui suddenly became dumb.

  Does he like Su Qinghuan?

  The man couldn't help passing a trace of confusion in his heart.

  He was convinced that before Su Qinghuan returned to his hometown, he had not seen him for so many years, and he had never cared about this cheap sister who had been mistaken for a half-father by himself.

  I don’t know what’s wrong. After returning from Su Qinghuan, even though he alienated her on the surface, he still subconsciously wanted to know what the other party did.

  Is this called a liking?

  I was still asking Su Qinghuan why he showed his kindness in such a contrasting way?

  But when...he also became such a frivolous person.

  If you like someone, is it possible to make up your mind so quickly?


  The man thought of Su Qinghuan’s bold confession before, that as a woman, she was still able to show her face.

  Su Rui suddenly understood the joints in her mind.

  The man raised his head and fixedly looked at Su Qinghuan.

   "I have never liked anyone, and I don't know if it counts as a liking."

   "If... during our time together, if you still haven't changed your mind, I will tell you my answer before you return to the palace."

  (End of this chapter)

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