The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 923: The imperial concubine has to climb the wall (49) 2200+ words

  Chapter 923 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (49) 2200+ words

  Life is full of dissatisfaction, and often cherishes thousands of years of worry.

  In this case, it is more important to have fun in time.

  Su Rui has always lived up to this kind of intention. The man looks like a warm and cold sect, but in fact, he is the most rebellious in his bones.

  He didn't care about the secular vision, he could just throw away his brother and sister status with Su Qinghuan these years.

  In the eyes of Su Rui, Su Qinghuan was not his true sister, she was only a little better than an enemy or a stranger. What's more, now, the two people have confirmed that they are not related by blood.


In Su Rui's view, the last thing that should not be wronged in life is his own mind. Since he has figured out that his care for Su Qinghuan is beyond the normal limit, he is determined to figure out where the relationship between the two people should go. go.

  Su Qinghuan can stay at the Su’s house until two or three days after the end of the Mid-Autumn Festival. In this way, nearly seven or eight days of effort will be enough for men to recognize the heart between them.

  A man admits that he is not lacking in knowing others, and he will not avoid his own mind.

  This is great.


  Su Qinghuan did not expect Su Rui to be such a transparent person. She was almost immediately stunned when she heard what the man said.

   "Is it so fast? Just to say... I thought that because of the name of brother and sister between us for so many years, coupled with the fact that I still bear the title of concubine, it will take a long time for you to give me an answer."

  Even, giving this answer may not be sincere.

  In this world, how many men and women who obviously like someone but say against their will that they don’t love and don’t care?


  System 233 is also deeply echoed.

   "Yes, host, Su Rui is the first to figure this out so quickly."

   "I am him instead, I'm afraid I won't figure it out so quickly."

  Su Qinghuan had a trace of admiration for Su Rui in her heart. She raised her head to look at the man, and her eyes seemed to be dizzy with Qiushui, and the light was moving.

  The man smiled slightly.

  "Although I have never liked anyone before, it must be the most reluctant thing in the world to deal with men and women. I believe you have not lied, and I will naturally face my heart honestly."


  If everyone in the world is as transparent as Su Rui, I am afraid that there will not be so many idiotic men and women who hurt the spring and the autumn all day.

  Su Qinghuan is deeply concerned.

   "Listen to the Lord's words, better than reading ten years."

   "This colloquial saying is easy to understand, and it's much simpler than Daidi empowerment, Qinghuan, is it your own creation?"

  The man looked at Su Qinghuan in astonishment. He didn't expect Su Qinghuan to come back from the palace, the whole person could still have such amazing words.


   "Of course not what I said."

  Su Qing smiled and shook her head. Although this is an overhead era, and it is destined to not appear like Li Bai Du Fu and other characters, she did not want to shamelessly occupy the achievements of others like that Mu Sisi, and directly regarded it as her own private property.

   "This is what I dreamt about. It seems to first appear in "Zeng Guang Xian Wen", but the author is no longer available for research."

   "...oh? Augment Xianwen?"

  The man felt that this booklet, as the name suggests, felt like a general-purpose book. He was about to inquire about it in detail, but when Su Qinghuan's eyes lit up, he suddenly grabbed his arm.

  "Remember! I suddenly remembered that I still have one important thing to do."

  "I have a collection of peerless poems here. The authors in it have specific names. Although it is difficult to trace back to real people, it is true that every capital has amazing talents..."

  The man suddenly laughed. He felt that what Su Qinghuan said was very possible with the previous sentence that listened to the king's words is better than read ten years.

   "This also appeared in your dream?"


   "...I can't imagine that having a dream could have such a great effect. Perhaps God pityed you, and can't bear to see you end in such a bleak situation."

  The man sighed quietly.

  Although he is not a person who sits and waits for death, he will not blindly pursue gods and Buddhas, but the dream that Su Qinghuan described before is really sensational.

  Such an ending is definitely not what men want to see.

  Su Rui originally wanted to change Su Qinghuan’s name and place it in the Jiangnan courtyard. Now it seems that since Su Qinghuan has the same goal with him, and has the arrogance of not fearing death, why don’t they make a desperate move?


  Perhaps the deepest worry was also put aside, and the man's eyes looked at Su Qinghuan more gentle.

  "Since it is a collection of peerless poems, how many do you remember? I would like to take a look."

   "I remember them all!"

  Of course, the original owner does not have such a good memory, but with Su Qinghuan’s dream, everything has a layer of fantasy, and Su Rui can only follow her thoughts.

   "Oh? What do you plan to do with that poem?"

  "I want to recite it silently, and then entrust you to be responsible for printing those things, but I have one request. This poem can only be sold on the streets on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Until then, it must be kept secret."


  There are such strange requirements?

  Su Rui is slightly startled?

   "Su Mansion is not short of money, so what do you want to sell books for? Do you think strange goods are available?"

   Although Su Rui did not listen to Su Qinghuan reciting any of the songs silently, but hearing Su Qinghuan’s praise like this, he subconsciously felt that what the woman said was not wrong.

   "Ahem, of course it's not selling the book, in fact, it can be given as a gift. Anyway, the author's name is marked on it."

   "Such a strange book, really shouldn't be buried."


  Su Rui nodded, and soon began to contact the appropriate bookmaking workshop for Su Qinghuan.

  It's just that the man really didn't expect that Su Qinghuan remembered everything in his mouth, not for a moment, but really remembered all of it.

  The most terrifying thing is that the stunning degree of those poems far exceeds the imagination of men.

   "I am born with my talents to be useful, and I will come back when my money is gone..."

   "The fall of the pen is shocking, and the poem turns into a weeping ghost..."

   "Mo Chou has no confidant, no one in the world knows you..."

  Su Rui feels more and more thrilled every time she reads a line.

  Those magnificent words with a woman's hand or innocent cursive, or beautiful hairpin lowercase, are everywhere but pleasing to the eye.

   "Really every capital is a stunning talent."

   Under the amazement of the man, he became more convinced of the incredible dreams that Su Qinghuan had said.

  He originally only planned to find a housekeeper to supervise the work, but for such a stunning masterpiece, in order not to reveal it in advance, the man himself went into battle this time.


  Helian Moxuan, who was far away in the palace, had also heard of Su Rui's personal lingering in the bookstore in spite of his illness in the past few days.

  As soon as he left the morning, Helian Mo Xuanping retreated, leaving Su Rui alone.

   "Su Aiqing, how many days have you been free to go to the bookstore to print a book? I don't know what a masterpiece is that makes you so troubled?"

Isn't    a masterpiece?

  Su Rui smiled calmly and spoke.

   "Return to your Majesty, that book is a collection of poems, and there should be a finished product by the Mid-Autumn Festival. At that time, the minister must bring a book to his Majesty for tasting. There are countless good sentences in it. I think your Majesty will love it."


  Helian Mo Xuan was a little surprised when he heard that, but thinking of some of the peerless poems that Mu Sisi had recently exchanged with him, the man suddenly became somewhat uninterested.

  ——What poems can be compared to his beloved concubine, I am afraid there will be none in the world.

   "Then I will wait."

  Helian Moxuan nodded hypocritically, and was about to ask if Su Qinghuan would be better at Su Mansion these few days, when he suddenly heard the palace reminder.

   "Your Majesty, Wan Bi sent you the soup, reminding you that although the memorial is important, the dragon's body should be the most important thing."

  (End of this chapter)

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