The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 927: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (53)

  Chapter 927 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (53)

  Originally, after Helian Moxuan's explanation by Mu Sisi, the gloomy look on his face finally turned from cloudy to clear, but at this moment Su Rui made a stab like this, and his eyes fell again suddenly.

  Yes, Helian Moxuan is very familiar with Su Qinghuan and Su Rui's looks.

   But if it hadn’t been known that Su Qinghuan was a daughter of the General’s Mansion, Helian Mo Xuan would not associate Su Qinghuan and Su Rui together.

  No way, it’s the same thing to be born, but Su Qinghuan’s appearance is more atmospheric and gorgeous, like a flower of wealth in the world, while Su Rui is like an immortal under the moon, cold as a handful of streams.

  These two people, one gorgeous and the other elegant, have nothing to do with each other except that they are both pretty.


It can only be said that the Creator is so wonderful sometimes. Two brothers and sisters of the same blood have their own advantages in appearance. Perhaps as Su Rui said, he was born more like the late General Su, and Su Qinghuan is more like Su. Mother.

  I think back then, Mrs. General was also a great beauty who moved the capital, but because of a heart disease before leaving the pavilion, she almost did not go out of the gate. Although there are fame, there are very few people who have seen real people.

  In addition, after the wife of the general married, but at the age of less than thirty, she was already gone, and even fewer people can remember the beauty of her beautiful lady.


  Mussi did not expect that Su Rui would say this way. It was originally a pretense of anxious Shengzhi to talk about it at will. Now that she is poked by someone, she can only smile and force herself to lie.

   "Really? It may be intuitive, after all, Prime Minister Su was young and heroic and heroic, and the imperial concubine was born in a country of beauty at a young age. When the concubine saw Prime Minister Su, he subconsciously thought of the imperial concubine."

   "Then Weichen can only say that Wanbi Niangniang is too insightful."

  Su Rui smiled faintly at Mu Sisi, suddenly not malicious, but in the heart of the man, he only felt that the gentle woman with the brows and eyes in front of him was very pretentious.

  ——I don’t know why Helian Moxuan would not hesitate to use his family Qinghuan as a shield for this kind of vulgar fan, and even so cruelly joined hands to harm Qinghuan’s life.

   Thinking of the ending in Su Qinghuan’s dream, he passed away, and the little fox was also beheaded in public.


  The thoughts in his mind flashed chaotically, Su Rui's eyes flashed with a cold light, and his heart was even more disgusting.

   is just a smile on the face of the youth, but he became more courteous and gentle. He only glanced at Mu Sisi lightly, and then looked at himself as calmly as he watched his nose and nose.

  No one can pick out Su Rui's mistake.

   And Mu Sisi didn't expect Su Rui to curl her lips and smile at her. Even though the arc was extremely subtle, but the beautiful man showed her face in front of her eyes like this, she couldn't help but breathe idiotically.

   "Love Consort!"


   Hearing Helian Moxuan's cold and implied warning humiliation, Mu Sisi's body struck again.

  What happened to yourself just now?

   Although this young and promising Prime Minister Su was born like a Zhilan Yushu, but how important is her life.

   Seeing Helian Moxuan's gradually dark eyes, she couldn't help feeling anxious.

  It was also at this time, Mu Sicai became more clear about the cruelty of the imperial power system.

  If it were to be modern, even if she was lucky enough to marry a rich man, she would not worry about being beaten into the cold palace because of a word or two from the other party, and might even be divided by five horses.

   Thinking of this, Mu Sisi couldn't help feeling a faint resentment towards Helian Moxuan.

  I just looked at the handsome guy next to him a few more times, and he was about to let Helian Moxuan warn him with this look.


  The woman in the lotus-colored palace dress couldn't help being very wronged in her heart. She leaned softly on Helian Moxuan's arm, her eyes were stained with a look of worship, as if she was false and really defending herself.

   "Your Majesty, the concubines envy the imperial concubine, and there is such a brother in the family who loves her."

   "Doesn't there be any brothers in Wanbi's mother's house?"

  Su Rui said lightly.

   Mu Sisi's expression froze.

  In ancient times, people always pay attention to having more children and more blessings, especially when the official family has three wives and four concubines at most. Unless there is a problem with the body and cannot bear children, how can it be possible to have only one child?

  Mussi almost felt that Su Rui was deliberately aiming at herself, but when she saw the man’s face that looked like an immortal, she had no doubts.

  Mussi quickly settled a reasonable reason for herself.

  "Prime Minister Su misunderstood. Naturally, there are brothers in this palace, but those brothers and sisters who were born out of the palace are just concubines before entering the palace, so they are not very close to the brothers and sisters in the family."

  The woman said, and a few tears appeared in her eyes.

  She has always been good at using her life experience to brainwash Helian Moxuan. Except for her, in the palace, most of them are famous daughters, and each is better than the family.

  Even if he is the daughter of the direct daughter of the sixth grade official, what about it? How can it be compared to Su Qinghuan, who is still a general, and has a capable and handsome brother as the prime minister?


   Thinking of this, Mu Sisi couldn't help being jealous.

   Fortunately, Helian Moxuan has always been most afraid of those concubines who use their outstanding family background to make waves in the palace, which gives her a chance to blow the pillow wind.

  Compared to Su Qinghuan's famous ladies, this kind of yourself is the least threatening to Helian Moxuan's throne.

  On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore?

Those women don’t blame her for blowing this pillow wind. Anyway, everyone is the emperor’s concubine, and they have to spend their lives under Helian Moxuan. They can’t win the emperor’s favor. If you die or I live, then she will harm you. What happened to a few people?

  This is far more merciful than the Gong Dou drama she watched.


  Helian Mo Xuan immediately panicked when he saw Mu Sisi crying, but he didn't know why, Su Qinghuan's tearful face appeared in his heart inexplicably.

  The man shook his head to throw away those strange thoughts, and then took Mu Sisi and patted her on the shoulder.

   "Why are you crying again?"

   "The concubines just envy Prime Minister Su and the concubine empress brothers and sisters."

   Seeing that Mu Sisi was curled up in his arms without bones, he no longer looked at Su Rui, and Helian Mo Xuan's mentality of a big man was almost satisfied.

  He has always liked women who look up at him weakly, and then said to Su Rui.

  "Su Aiqing, I made you laugh. Wanbi is such a kind and soft temper. However, her poems and essays are quite different from her appearance. She is strong enough to make a man embarrassed."

  Helian Mo Xuan was proud, and suddenly he stroked his palm and laughed.

  "In my opinion, although Wanbi is a woman, her literary talent is far better than Aiqing!"

  (End of this chapter)

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