The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 928: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (54)

  Chapter 928 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (54)

  Helian Mo Xuan looked at the woman in the lotus-colored palace dress in her arms tenderly and affectionately, and there was unspeakable pride between her eyebrows and eyes.

   "My wan 嫔, together with literature, can also be called an unprecedented strange woman."

  Moreover, Mu Sisi seemed to be very shy. He didn't like others to praise her for being famous. Even if there were such good poems, Helian Moxuan would not be passed on.

She said that she was born in Mu Mansion since she was a child. Because she is a daughter and a concubine, she has always been concealed and clumsy. She never shows the limelight, nor does she want to fight for a secular name. Those poems usually she and Helian Moxuan Two people just appreciate it secretly.

  There is no need to spread everywhere outside.

  This humble color makes Helian Moxuan even more feel that Mu Sisi is a beauty in the world.

——Except for the first encounter with Mu Sisi in Qingxueyuan who mistaken him for the little guard, which made him feel how gentle Mu Sisi is, this is actually only enough to move Helianmo's profound meaning, far more than just letting him. Helian Moxuan cited the point as a bosom friend.

  There are definitely many beautiful, gentle, generous and virtuous women in the palace, at least on the surface they all behaved like this to Helian Moxuan.

But even the long-lost concubine Shu is just good at playing the pipa and writing two poems of grievances, and even the poems of grievances are not as evocative as the grievances that Mu Sisi wrote in her hand. endless.

  ——Beautiful bead curtains, deep sitting and moth eyebrows. But seeing the tears wet, I don't know who to hate?

Just hearing Mu Sisi reciting these few words, he instantly compared the small tunes of Concubine Shu, Helian Moxuan almost instantly sketched a thin-clothed beauty sitting on the jade curtain in his mind. Below, silently wept into beads.


   Such a strong sense of the picture, as well as the relentless modification, made Helian Mo Xuan look at him with admiration.

  Not to mention the masterpiece "I will enter the wine", Helian Mo Xuan can hardly imagine what kind of person he would like to say casually, "You will not see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never return."

  It's a pity that they didn't have any famous long river called the Yellow River in the Daqing Dynasty.

  However, Mu Sisi had already explained this to her a long time ago. She saw this scene in her dream, and saw that the long river was covered with mud and sand, and the river showed a pale yellowish yellow.

   So she felt in her heart, so she woke up and wrote "Jiang Jinjiu".


  Because of Mu Sisi’s explanation, even if Helian Moxuan feels that this poem is completely different from that of an ordinary woman, even the current writers cannot write such a masterpiece...

  But after all, Helian Moxuan felt pity and love for Mu Sisi in his heart, and he had never heard other people chanting, so he felt that Mu Sisi was a treasure.

  There are many beautiful women in this world, just like that noble concubine Su Qinghuan, with an alluring skin, but inside it is a rash.

  This kind of woman Helian Moxuan is used to seeing her. She is really empty in her belly. Although she is not ignorant of big characters, she can't be agile and informed.


  Su Rui heard Helian Moxuan praise Mu Sisi so much, and even said that she was proud of this woman, and the man couldn't help but frown slightly.

   "Oh? What does your Majesty say? Can't you think that Wanbi is so talented?"

It's not Su Rui's arrogance and arrogance. Women are not allowed to overpower him, but it is true that Su Rui is able to worship the prime minister and is also known as the most outstanding one of the young talents nowadays. He is naturally a little talented.

Moreover, the Daqing dynasty did not suppress women in the same way as the previous dynasties, and did not fully agree that women's ignorance is virtue. This is why many men and women travel together in a feast of flowers. In the banquet, there are many poems by talented women. spread.

  If it were the most unsung woman in the capital, then she would be the maternal daughter of the Marquis Mansion. Even she fell deeply under Su Rui's dark blue official uniform.


  Because Su Qinghuan reminded Su Rui to pay attention to Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi in the past few days, he deliberately explored the background of this sixth-rank official concubine.

   Mu Sisi's person, apart from having a pretty face, which is generally recognized as a cowardly character, there is really nothing conspicuous.

  Before she came out of the cabinet, she had never heard that this woman liked to chant poems and make fu, let alone be able to beat all the heroes.


   "Why, Su Aiqing doesn't believe it? Or is Su Aiqing too arrogant, and she is not allowed to overwhelm her beard and eyebrows?"

  Helian Mo Xuan had already guessed Su Rui's skeptical attitude, and he embraced Mu Sisi with a laugh, and felt that the person in his arms was a rare treasure.

  Especially thinking that so many ancient famous lines must be appreciated by myself, a hundred years later, he was buried with Mu Sisi in the imperial tomb. It must be a good story.


Su Rui knew that although Helian Moxuan liked beauties, but Se Lingzhi was not so faint to praise the talent of a woman at will, out of curiosity, the young man in dark blue official uniforms respectfully approached Helian Moxuan. Hand over with Mu Sisi slightly.

"Weichen dare not be so arrogant, but weichen is also a person who loves talents. Even if he is at home, he likes to invite other literary friends to chant a few words. I dare not say that there are most of the Daqing dynasty talents, but there are indeed many talents. scholar."

   "Now that your Majesty praises Empress Wanbi so highly, it is naturally difficult for Weichen to hide his curiosity. I hope that your Majesty and Empress Wanbi can open their eyes to Weichen."

   "Okay, today I will let you open your eyes!"

  Helian Mo Xuan didn't like Su Rui's use of the name of the literary gathering to win over the Chinese officials, but at this moment he couldn't break it again, so he intentionally or unintentionally stepped on Su Rui and those civil officials.

  Let them see, what is meant by the heavens and the heavens, there are people outside the world, the so-called Daqing talents, I am afraid that the power of the whole country will not be better than a little girl.

  And this woman is exactly the thought of his cherished love.


  Helian Mo Xuan was extremely proud of his heart, and instantly opened a secret compartment in the bookcase of the Palace of Qinzheng, and carefully took out one of the "Jiang Jinjiu" books he had written by himself to Su Rui.

   "Su Aiqing, come here."

   "Weichen thanked your majesty."

  Su Rui walked over curiously. When he saw the lines of poems splashed with ink on it, the man’s pupils suddenly shrank sharply.


  This turned out to be!

  When you see the words above clearly, even if Su Rui has always been calm and calm, she can't help feeling like a stormy sea at this moment.

  How does this song "I will enter the wine" exactly the same as the collection of poems Qinghuan showed me that day?

  It was just that Li Bai's name was rubbed by Su Qinghuan at that time, but here, it was stamped with the seal of Helian Moxuan's jade seal, and Mu Sisi, the boudoir name of the so-called poet.


How could this be?

   Did Qing Huan know that Mu Sisi was here to steal other people’s verses?

  Su Rui's eyes were dim, and he subconsciously grasped the scroll tightly...

  (End of this chapter)

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