The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 936: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (62)

  Chapter 936 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (62)

  When she saw the big young man, who had always been like a fairy under the moon, had half-retreated, and was still so close to Su Qinghuan, Xiaotao's eyes were round, she staggered back half a step, and the book in her hand fell to the ground in an instant.

   "Ah! Miss, the servant girl didn't see anything!"

  Xiaotao lowered her head in a panic. She was a little panicked and wanted to quit, but Su Qinghuan stopped her in time.

  "Wait, Xiaotao, don't get me wrong, Jinyan and I are just looking at his injury."

  Su Qinghuan winked at Su Rui, and the man was naturally slightly annoyed by the uninvited guests who came to disturb him at this time, but seeing the crooked eyebrows and narrowing appearance of the person in his heart, even if there was anger in his heart, he was invisibly smoothed.

  The man gave Su Qinghuan helplessly, his hand fastened the belt on the placket quickly and gracefully, and then he said to Su Qinghuan gently.

   "You, too, doted your own maid too unruly."

  Where is there such a maid who is so unlucky to open the door so excitedly?

  However, this also shows that Su Qinghuan and Xiaotao, the servant girl, are really good at master and servant. No wonder, Su Qinghuan would say that except for the two of them, only Xiaotao knew about the things in her dream.

   Although Xiaotao has a more straightforward temper, such a big event is coming, and it will not be so stupid as to spread around, or the backhand is to stabbing the owner with a knife.


  Su Qinghuan blinked at Su Rui.

  "I would like to say, you didn’t kiss you just now, so you suffocated your anger and had nowhere to spread it?"


   was so revealed by a woman, a man who has always been cold as jade, but at this moment he really doesn’t know what to say.

  He was sitting in danger, but he glanced at Su Qinghuan indifferently.

   is just between the eyes and eyes, but there is an unknowingly indulgent feeling.


  He has nothing to do with Su Qinghuan. It doesn’t mean that it really can’t cure her, but he just doesn’t want to do it.

   And Xiao Tao saw the crooked appearance of the young couple like the old man and the young lady, and she felt that her eyes were about to stare out again.

  She expected to walk towards Su Qinghuan eagerly, and salute Su Rui somewhat cautiously.

  "The slave and maidservant were ignorant before, so please don't be punished by the eldest son. If the eldest son is with the young lady next time, the slave maid...The slave and maid will keep it in mind next time and will never open the door casually."

  How to say this is a bit of no silver three hundred taels here, as if he and Su Qinghuan really did something very shameful.

  The man felt helpless, he looked at Xiao Tao faintly.

   "You don't have to mention this again in the future."

   "Okay, okay, grandpa."

As Xiao Tao said, she was not sure if she was hated by Su Rui. Although the old man didn’t look like such a stingy person, he was a magnificent prime minister after all, and he was hit by herself like this. It's a little scary.

   Xiaotao couldn't help but look at Su Qinghuan as if asking for help.



   Seeing Xiaotao’s pitiful eyes, Su Qinghuan glanced at Su Rui happily on the spot.

   "Okay, okay, don't you put on such an iceberg face, I haven't seen other people, Xiaotao is almost scared by your expression and dare not speak."

   "Poor mouth."

  Su Rui doesn't feel that he has deliberately put on a score now. He usually doesn't like to laugh. The man looked at Su Qinghuan helplessly, and then said lightly to Xiaotao.

  "Now that the collection of poems is printed, give it to me."

   "Okay, please also look at the eldest son and the young lady."

  Speaking, Xiao Tao carefully presented the collection of poems, and then walked towards the door in three and two steps, and brought the door to the two of them very intimately.

  Waiting out of the courtyard gate, Xiaotao sat leaning under the swing frame, thinking of Su Rui's expression of anger and prestige, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

  "Why does the young lady like the big son?"

  Although the eldest son is indeed born as good-looking as the immortal Linfan, but between the eyebrows is only a distant view, not indecent-playing cold meaning.

  Calculating, Helian Moxuan, as the emperor of the true dragon, would not put on airs because of the need to always please Su Qinghuan, and he seemed to be closer.

  But...Thinking of what the young lady said, Xiao Tao also felt that your majesty was really thinking too deeply, at least the eldest son would not use the young lady's mind like this.

  Thinking about this in her heart, Xiaotao silently prayed that Su Qinghuan and Su Rui could cultivate a positive result.

  As long as the lady is happy, she will naturally be happy as a maid.


  Su Qinghuan vaguely felt as if someone was talking about herself behind her back, and she couldn't help but sneezed.

   "What's the matter, is your body uncomfortable?"

  Su Rui originally wanted to open the scroll and take a closer look. When she saw Su Qinghuan sneezing, she stared at Su Qinghuan in a daze, and subconsciously wanted to pat her on the shoulder to make her feel smooth, but Su Qinghuan gave her a faint smile.

  "Where do I need to be so nervous? I'm not a kid. It's probably Xiao Tao who is still thinking about what we have just done, so I sneezed with feeling."


When    was mentioned, Su Rui couldn't help but move her eyes down and put it on the girl's moist and fresh lip color.

  The girl’s lips are like Wodan, her face is like Shunhua, her hands are slender and her hair is slender, even if she doesn’t use such exquisite clothes and jewelry, she seems to be the most beautiful picture in the world.

  The man's throat moved slightly.

   " look so good."


  Su Qinghuan didn't know why Su Rui mentioned this suddenly. She raised her head in a daze. Before she could understand Su Rui's meaning, she suddenly felt the man step closer, and the tip of her nose leaned close to herself.

  The man’s thin lips were only a moment away from her, but they didn’t move down, they just lingered on her cheeks, as if they were about to kiss her at any time.

  Obviously, the lips of the two people did not touch each other, but Su Qinghuan's heart somehow came up with the words ear-cold-grinding. She always felt this way, and her heart seemed to be hooked by some small hook, so uncomfortable.

  She raised her eyes embarrassedly, and looked at Su Rui with clear eyes.

   "Really, do you want to kiss me?"

  "The most beautiful fruit will always be picked on the day when the melon ripens."

  The man suddenly put down these words without thinking, Su Qinghuan was startled, and he felt that Su Rui had left him suddenly.

   is just an arm's away, how can it be considered a bit beyond the ordinary limit, but Su Qinghuan feels a little annoyed when he thinks of the kiss that was suddenly far away.

  "Do you want to wait until the day when we officially get married? I don't know how long it will be. In case, it's just like in the dream, neither of us will survive... Uhhh!"

  Su Qinghuan hadn't finished speaking, and suddenly, she felt a pair of powerful arms around her waist.

  Thin lips are covered.

  The scorching breath swept away the air in her mouth...

  (End of this chapter)

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