The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 937: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (63)

  Chapter 937 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (63)

   "Who allowed you to talk nonsense like this?"

  When he heard Su Qinghuan cursing their lifespan, the man's eyes seemed to gather violent storms.

  Actually, after so many years of illness, Su Rui knew that he might not be able to protect him for a hundred years from the fetal poison brought from the little mother's womb, but he couldn't see Su Qinghuan say such a thing.

  It's not because he was said to have been on his mind, but because he was afraid of her. Why should he be like him to curse himself well?

  Even a person like Su Rui's appearance is as gentle as jade, and inside is paranoid and gloomy, he never thought that if one day he passed away unfortunately, he would drag his favorite person and be buried with him.

  He only hopes that Su Qinghuan can be safe and happy every year, and if he can, it would be nice to meet a man who cherishes her for loving her in the future.

  It’s just a careful person like Su Rui. If there is such a day, Su Rui does not hope that Su Qinghuan will bring his favorite people to his grave to pay homage to him during the Qingming Festival every year.

  He is very jealous and possessive. He wants Su Qinghuan to be happy, but it is better for Su Qinghuan to come and see him alone.


  Holding this thought, Su Rui's eyes were reddish, and she couldn't help but hugged the woman's waist, as if he wanted the little fox to melt into the bones and blood, he would kiss her——


  Su Qinghuan never thought that Su Rui would have such a domineering and powerful side.

  Her eyes widened, and before she could react, the man had snatched all the oxygen in her mouth, forcing the little fox to wrap his arms weakly around the man's waist.

  The air was ignited all of a sudden, and it seemed like a thousand years.

  Young men and women hug each other like this, as if they will never be separated.

  The vine wraps around the tree, and the tree wraps around the vine.


  The man has a very good scent of cedar, which is very cold. If he is usually far away, he can't smell it at all.

But at this moment, Su Qinghuan was able to clearly capture it, and also mixed with a very faint medicinal fragrance. After all, Su Rui had to take medicine all the year round. Perhaps it was because of the long exposure. Even himself, it seems that he has naturally carried this kind of medicine. The breath is cold and frightening.

  "Qinghuan, close your eyes."

  Su Qinghuan heard the man's helpless and narrow voice. She knew in her heart that the boy was very bad-hearted, and she was obviously laughing at her previous thing that she could not breathe and could only cling tightly to his arm.

  Frustrated, the little fox couldn't help but stared round his eyes. He looked like a sly Persian cat, so smart and intriguing.

   "I don't, I don't want to..."

  Unexpectedly, the man suddenly pulled a silk scarf next to him and blindfolded the woman's eyes.

  In fact, the cloth strip is made of mulberry silk, and it is woven with gold and embossed flowers, but it is still very thin and can show a dull light.

   But at this moment, his eyes were bound by the man, and his vision was a little vaguely unclear. Su Qinghuan suddenly felt a little inexplicable shame in his heart.

  She gave Su Rui a shy look.

   While the man was not paying attention, he suddenly broke free of Su Rui's shackles, and even relied on his own ability to click acupuncture points, and suddenly stopped Su Rui.

   "You, naughty ghost."

  Su Rui shook his head and laughed. In fact, because of his inferior body, it is best not to tap the acupuncture points for too long, otherwise the blood will not circulate and it will be bad for him.

  But the man did not break this incident because he indulged Su Qinghuan. He just watched the woman clapping her hands with a smile, picked up the silk paw with arrogance, and swayed and shook it to his side.

   "Have you seen it, now you know the price of bullying this lady? I'm going to treat her like a man now."

   "Okay, come on."


  The man's cooperation made him look like he would be caught in a hand if he didn't tap his acupuncture point. Su Qinghuan suddenly felt a little more frustrated.

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Su Rui diagonally, not believing that Su Rui could be so well-behaved.

   She deliberately picked an Alizarin Red Sipa, deliberately to make Su Rui annoyed.

  Unexpectedly, Su Rui still smiled faintly, looking at her with infinite indulgence, as if she was just a naive child.


  Su Qinghuan was a little speechless in her heart, and immediately ignored the three-seven-one and tied the alizarin red silk to the man's eyes.

  I just didn’t expect that the more embarrassed person would be Su Qinghuan himself.

  Because of his frailty, men have never liked seeing the sun. They are born extremely white, and the eyebrows are as delicate as pictures. At this moment, the eyes are blocked by the red silk kerchief, a pair of peach eyes are looming, and the eyelashes are longer and more flexible.

  In the cold, there is a bit more fascinating taste for no reason.

   is like the fallen fairy in the legend.

  Like a fairy, like a demon, like a seduction.

  This is the first time Su Qinghuan has seen a man who can combine these two extremely contradictory temperaments, and Su Rui Suri loves to wear white clothes, but presumably, this red will definitely set him off.

  Su Qinghuan's eyes flashed stunningly, and she couldn't help muttering.

  "I would like to say, brother, if you are a monk, wear a red robes again, I’m afraid I don’t know that many girls will worship under your monk robes."


  Su Rui's heart was suddenly speechless and funny.

  "Your Jinyan brother didn't marry you, why should he become a monk?"

   "It seems to be right too."

  Thinking about this, Su Qinghuan took the Sipa off Su Rui's face along the way, and then relieved Su Rui's acupuncture points.

  Unexpectedly, she had just finished this, and the man suddenly turned away from the guest, and tied her hand with the silk kerchief that the woman took off.

   "Now that I know, what happened to my brother, who offended me?"

  Actually, Su Rui didn't really like Su Qinghuan's calling himself, and always felt a bit rebellious. However, when Su Qinghuan called him twice, he felt as if he was scratched by a cat's paw, which was uncomfortable.

  He deliberately wanted to embarrass her.

  But Su Qinghuan was not afraid, just learning the calmness of a man before, letting Su Rui tie her hand and blinked her eyes grinningly.

  "I would like to say, brother, what do you scare me into, didn't you say you want to wait for the day when the cultivation is completed? You definitely won't do anything to me, right?"


  Su Rui glanced at Su Qinghuan helplessly.

  "You, you are not allowed to speak and do things like this to others in the future. Do you think I am a patient or a man in my bones?"

  If there is not the last trace of reason remaining in his heart, I am afraid that he is a saint, and he will be crazy about her and crazy about her.

Unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan glanced at him provocatively.

   "Then I want to see the man side of Jinyan brother."


"This is what you said?"

  Su Rui's eyes were dim, and her throat couldn't help but slid.

  In fact, a long time ago, before his death, the medical sage told Su Rui not to contaminate matters between men and women. Although it was not too clear, the man knew what it meant.

   But at this moment, watching Su Qing’s radiant smile, Su Rui finally couldn’t hold back the throbbing in his heart and tore down the curtain...

  (End of this chapter)

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