The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 954: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (80)

  Chapter 954 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (80)

   Xiaotao saw that Su Qinghuan was so determined that she didn't continue to stop it.

  The little maid in a pale skirt looked at the drops of blood dripping from Su Qinghuan's hand distressedly, her lips moved, but she still wanted to say nothing.


   "I am willing."

  Su Qinghuan shook her head towards Xiaotao, indicating that no one can shake her determination.

   And Xiaotao, seeing Su Qinghuan’s unhesitating attitude, couldn’t help but sigh.

  “The slave-maid sometimes wondered why the lady suddenly fell in love with the grandson. The slave-servant knew that she shouldn’t ask this question more. It’s just that the lady was so good to the grandson.”

  Even when the original owner liked Helian Mo Xuan before, he didn't reach this point.

  Su Qinghuan smiled faintly at Xiaotao.

"Little Tao, when you meet the person who is worthy, you will understand that you can do anything. The person with a clear heart will be willing to do all this for you, and even give more, even with life. Don't hesitate."

  Sometimes the little fox feels that his love for Su Rui is still inferior to the love of a man for himself.

  She did all this not to make up for anything, but she really hopes that the two can be together for a long time.

  She has never been a love mind. If the person she likes betrays her, Su Qinghuan will not hesitate to abandon this relationship.

  But Su Qinghuan clearly understands that the person in her heart will never be like this.


   Xiaotao heard the words, and suddenly looked at Su Qinghuan with a little bewilderment.

   "But miss, if the eldest son really knew that you hurt his body like this, he would definitely feel distressed too."

   "It hurts for a while, and it can be exchanged for long-term health. It is worth it."

  Su Qinghuan said, and finally received the second bowl of blood.

   Seeing this, Xiaotao quickly began to apply medicine to Su Qinghuan.

   Seeing the bright red blood stains seeping through the white cloth, the little maid only felt shocked, and tears couldn't help falling from her eyes.

  "Miss, don’t you feel the pain? Little Tao clearly remembers that when you pierced your finger with an embroidery needle, you would complain for a long time."

   "Pain is painful, but it's not as good as the heart that I like to say."

  Su Qinghuan wanted to reach out and touch Xiaotao’s hair with relief, but a feeling of dizziness spread from her mind.

  ——After all, this body is just a mortal fetus. Now that he loses energy and blood, he naturally cannot feel that everything is normal.

  If it hadn’t been for Su Qinghuan to ask the system 233 to turn on the plug-in for her, otherwise Su Qinghuan would have fainted for so many days of bleeding.

"Host, you are going back to the palace, and you let yourself bleed so much, and you didn't have such obvious wounds when you participated in the lantern festival before. Then when you go back to the palace, how do you explain to Helian Moxuan? what?"

  "Do you think Helian Moxuan still cares about me at this kind of pass?"

"...It’s hard to say, mainly now that Mu Sisi is pregnant suddenly, and there is no other concubine Helian Mo Xuan really cares about in the sixth house. Even if you don’t act as a shield for Mu Sisi, you still have other functions, such as Use you to contain the Su family."

  Su Qinghuan heard the analysis of System 233, and suddenly rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Tong'er, what you said is very reasonable, but I really don't want to deal with Helian Moxuan's scum. Of course, I will find a reason to explain to Helian Moxuan. As for believe it or not, it is Helianmo. Hyun's own business."

  If it's other concubines, I'm afraid that the most fearful thing is that they have flaws in their appearance, otherwise, how can they wait for the emperor to sleep and win their hearts?

   But in Su Qinghuan's opinion, it is the best to be able to use this cold and powerful Mo Xuan.

  Who would want to accept a pet from a scumbag in the Sixth House of Sannomiya?

  She is not interested anyway.


"Miss, what do you want to eat lately? Little Tao can make you anything that nourishes blood and energy. You must take good care of your body, otherwise Xiao Tao is really scared, and the older man hasn't fallen down, but you can't do it first. NS."


  Su Qinghuan suddenly laughed when she heard Xiaotao's thoughts.

   "Little Tao, where did you talk like this? People who don't know think you want to curse me on purpose."

  "Oh, how dare the slave-maid, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, it's Xiaotao who said the wrong thing before, anyway, the young lady and the eldest son must be healthy and long-lived."

  Xiaotao shook her head in a dazed manner, indicating that she didn't mean that.

  Su Qinghuan naturally knew that she was just teasing the little girl. Seeing Xiao Taoyuanyuan's face was so cute, the little fox couldn't help but squeeze it.

   "You, we are going back to the palace soon, you can't call me Miss then, you know?"


   After Su Qinghuan’s reminder, Xiaotao remembered the name of her name, and the little girl flattened her mouth helplessly.

   "Well, little... Niang, but the slave still likes to call you Miss."

  Thinking of Su Qinghuan’s treatment in the palace, Xiaotao felt that returning to the palace was really not something ordinary people could like.

  Compared with the prosperous reading in the oppressive court, she would rather stay with the lady in the embroidered building of the Su Mansion, and go to the lantern fair and the bazaar when she has time. It is much more free and happier than in the court.


  It's a pity that things are counterproductive.

  Early the next morning, Su Qinghuan received the news that Helian Moxuan was going to bring himself and Mu Sisi back to the palace.

   Fortunately, Helian Moxuan cancelled the morning court today, and Su Qinghuan was able to meet Su Rui again in time.

  Su Qinghuan looked at the handsome face of the young man, and solemnly passed the blood he collected last night to Su Rui.

  However, the collection container has been changed. Su Qinghuan spent some points to put the blood into the glass bottle given by System 233.

  On the surface, this colored glass bottle looks unremarkable, and the color has nothing special. The texture is somewhat similar to blue and white enamel, but it is actually very fresh.

  Blood is stored in it, as long as the bottle cap is tightened each time it is used, it is not a problem to store it for one year, even if it is exposed to direct sunlight.

  "I would like to say, you remember to drink two spoons a day, there will be some fishy, ​​if you can feel a significant improvement after half a month, then it is really useful."

  It was daytime, and Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi were not far from the carriage again, and Su Qinghuan could no longer say anything to Su Ruiduo.

The handsome and innocent youth looked at Su Qinghuan quietly, staring at Su Qinghuan's eyebrows with nostalgia.

  He never knew that the feeling of parting would be so tormented.

   "Qinghuan, take care."

   "Brother, so do you."

  Su Qinghuan took another look at Su Rui for the last time, and finally gritted her teeth and ran towards the carriage not far away with her skirt.

  Helian Mo Xuan raised the curtain and glanced at Su Qinghuan, shocked in his heart.

  "Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the imperial concubine seems to have a better relationship with Su Aiqing..."

  (End of this chapter)

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