The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 955: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (81)

  Chapter 955 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (81)

  The man thought in his heart, and his eyes flashed a strange dark light.

   And Mu Sisi, who was cautiously shrinking in the corner, also naturally took the opportunity of Helian Moxuan to lift the curtain and saw the scene of Su Qinghuan and Su Ruiyi saying goodbye.

  Mussi also felt a little strange, but didn't think much about it.

  After all, even if it is rumored that Su Qinghuan and Su Rui, the prime minister of the dynasty, are not close, they are somehow brothers and sisters of their compatriots. The most difficult thing in this world to cut is the blood thicker than water.

  It’s not surprising that Su Qinghuan and Su Rui’s relationship has improved.


  But even if Mu Sisi did not see the real difference between Su Qinghuan and Su Rui, she still wanted to provoke the relationship between Emperor Dog and Su Qinghuan in front of Helian Moxuan.

   "Your Majesty, according to the concubines, I am afraid that the previous rumors in the palace are all false. The imperial concubine empress and Su Cheng are very close to each other. If the former court and the harem interfere with each other, I am afraid that it would be bad."

   Mu Sisi said, she stroked her stomach very sadly, the sadness in her eyes was beyond words.

  “Sometimes, the concubines are very envious of the imperial concubine, there is such a good brother who loves her, unlike the concubine, no matter where he is, he seems to be the lonely one."

   Just as Mu Si thought about to repeat her tricks and preach her humble family background, but there is no nepotism, a cold female voice suddenly broke her complaint.

  "Why, if my palace remembers correctly, Wanbi was selected as a show girl in the same year as this palace, right? Now so many years have passed, Wanbi has served the emperor for a long time, why would she say that she is alone and widowed?"

  "In the eyes of Wanbi, your majesty is not your husband, and the child in your stomach is not the one who makes you feel lonely?"

  Su Qinghuan looked at Mu Sisi with suspicion. Although her tone was not high-pitched, she looked like a little girl who was really suspicious and asked for advice. She had an excellent attitude, but her sharp words made Mu Sisi fall into the ice cellar.

  Mussi did not expect that Su Qinghuan would begin to tear down her stage as soon as the meeting came. The woman originally wanted to perform a sad face, but she froze in an instant.

  She smiled awkwardly.

  “Don’t betray your concubine and concubine. What the concubine said before was just because you saw the concubine’s relationship with your elder brother so close, so I was envious of it.”

"Your Majesty is the emperor, the husband of your concubine, but your concubine's heart is greedy. He always wants to see and accompany his majesty all the time. That's why the concubine feels lonely, but now he has the womb. This child, the concubine also feels that there is an extra companion in the world."

   When Mu Sisi said all this, his eyes looked at Helian Moxuan for a moment.

  Now her relationship with Helian Moxuan has dropped to a freezing point. If there is no such child in the stomach, I am afraid that their relationship will get worse. Helian Moxuan will have to say whether he will bring her back to the palace.

   But since I went back, there is no reason not to fight hard.

  She can make Helian Moxuan like herself once. If Mu Sisi doesn't believe it, she won't have a second chance.

   Mu Sisi understood that Helian Moxuan's favorite thing is a woman's gentle little thoughts, holding him infinitely affectionately.

  Since this is the case, isn’t her character not qualified enough?

  In her heart, all Helian Moxuan was alone. Even when Helian Moxuan wrote memorials in the Palace of Qinzheng every day, she was about to become a mastermind stone in Shoukang Palace.

Sure enough, after Mu Sisi confessed so much bitterness, Helian Moxuan's original expression of impatience when he saw Mu Sisi, also slightly eased a little bit.

   "You have a heart."

  Who would not like a beauty who admires herself wholeheartedly?

It's a pity that Helian Moxuan doesn't like straw bags, but now that Mu Sisi has been proved that all of his poetic talent comes from plagiarism, Helian Moxuan naturally has no way to accept that his beloved woman has become a thief for a while.

  But it’s one thing not to accept it. Now two people are often tied together because of their children.

  "Wan, since you feel lonely, then I will give you a pair of Yuruyi. In the future, when you see Yuruyi, you may also feel that I am by your side."


  And when Su Qinghuan heard the two people singing a harmony, he almost doubted whether Helian Moxuan was going to reconcile with Mu Sisi.

  I just looked at it carefully, and it doesn’t seem to be that way.

  Su Qinghuan suddenly coughed slightly.

"Wan-bi said so, and her concubines suddenly understood that Wan-bi’s loneliness was probably due to her early entry to the palace. The concubines and the only relatives in the family, the brothers of the concubines, are not like ordinary people’s homes. Intimacy."

  "But now the concubine only understands that there are so many things that cannot be desired in this world. Your Majesty was able to go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the joy in the concubine's heart really cannot be expressed in words."

   "And this is all due to your majesty's enlightenment. If it weren't for this, the concubines would still stay in the Qiwu Palace. Even if they could not untie the previous heart knot with Jingyan for a hundred and eighty years."

  When Mu Sisi heard Su Qinghuan refer her topic to her, the woman couldn't help but want to stop Su Qinghuan from continuing, but it was useless if she had to double the effort.

  Because what Su Qinghuan said was what Helian Moxuan cared most at the moment.

  The man became interested in an instant.

"Oh? What Ai Concubine said is true. I found through the window that your relationship with Su Aiqing seems to have eased a lot. Could it be that the days when you lived in Su Mansion during this period of time really untied your previous knots? ?"

  Helian Moxuan had heard Su Qinghuan complain about before, saying that Su Rui was dull and boring, stubborn in doing things, and showed no support for her as a younger sister.

  At first, Helian Moxuan was still dubious, worried that Su Qinghuan and Su Rui would unite to control the government.

  But with the passage of time, Helian Moxuan began to understand that what Su Qinghuan said was true. For so many years, except this time, and the time when Su's father passed away, Su Qinghuan has never returned to Su Mansion.

  How did the relationship between two people suddenly get better?

  This is Helian Moxuan's puzzling.

  It’s just that Helian Mo Xuan didn’t believe that Su Rui would do anything shocking to Su Qinghuan. He claimed that after two or three years of getting along, he understood that Su Rui and Su Qinghuan’s personalities were completely different.

  With Su Qinghuan's stupid and straightforward temperament, Su Rui's smart people would never really appreciate her, let alone cooperate with her.


   Seeing Helian Moxuan's excited look, Su Qinghuan's eyes rolled around, and she smiled charmingly.

   "Is your Majesty really curious? The former concubine is conditional when you say the answer. Your Majesty, when will you please Qinghuan? After we round the house, Qinghuan will tell you."

  As soon as the little fox's voice fell, the tea cup in Mu Sisi's hand fell to the ground in an instant.

  (End of this chapter)

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