The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 956: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (82)

  Chapter 956 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (82)

  Mussi didn't expect that Su Qinghuan could actually say things like the round house under all the eyes!

  The cup in her hand cracked instantly.

   "Your concubine, please respect yourself!"

   She glared at Su Qinghuan with splitting eyes. Originally, Mu Sisi was very afraid that Su Qinghuan would really be favored. After all, Su Qinghuan’s family background made Helian Mo Xuan jealous, but the essence of human beings is controlled by face.

  The so-called love of beauty is common to everyone, and the true nature of a man is even more widely known.

   Mu Sisi was really worried that once Su Qinghuan and Helian Moxuan had a substantial development relationship, she was afraid that her current status would no longer be maintained.

  Moreover, Helian Moxuan is so disgusted with her at the moment, I am afraid that he will not be willing to do anything with Mu Sisi at all, not to mention that there is a dragon fetus in her belly.

  The success or failure of things in one fell swoop, it is of course the best to be a boy, but even a princess is enough to keep Mu Sisi's current reputation and status.

  Because of this child, she can no longer do indescribable things with Helian Moxuan, otherwise, what if the child falls?

All kinds of struggles in the harem also originated from this. Flowers do not have a hundred days of red, and people do not have a thousand days. Even if you are a beautiful beauty now, who can say that after ten or twenty years, it will be able to maintain this What about the beauty of one in a million?

What's more, like Helian Moxuan, as the Nine-Five Venerable, he sees so many beauties every year, of all kinds, such as Xiaojiabiyu, or ladies, and even beautiful and hot Western dancers, in various styles. Let you choose.

  Only relying on a pretty face, who dares to say that he can live forever?

  Children are the key to allowing people to gain a foothold in this harem. Even in the previous dynasty, if the imperial concubine had no heirs and the emperor passed away unfortunately, then the imperial concubine would be buried!

  The concubines with children can survive the disaster, so this is why Mu Sisi must have a child.


   Just as Mu Sisi was mad with anger, she saw Su Qinghuan's eyes wide open in surprise, and she innocently leaned her head on Helian Moxuan's arm.

   "Hey, does the empress Wanwan feel that this palace is so indecent? But serving your majesty is the honor and dignity of the concubine. If it weren't for the early death of the father of this palace, perhaps this palace would have been consummated with your majesty."

   "Maybe in these two or three years, this palace and the emperor have had a chubby child."

  Speaking, Su Qinghuan looked at Helian Moxuan very sadly, like a coquettish long-haired lion cat, rubbing against Helian Moxuan's shoulder very obediently.

   "The emperor, did you say that the concubine was right?"

   When Su Qinghuan said this, in order to make her acting more realistic, she watched Helian Moxuan the whole time, and she also had to pretend to be as weak and innocent as a heart-to-heart.

  If she said, she really wants to turn her head to see what Mu Sisi's expression is now.

  Mussi was always good at pretending to be weak and green tea, but unfortunately, there is always one mountain in this world. In front of her thousand-year-old fox fairy, no one can pretend to be a big-tailed wolf.


Rao Helian Moxuan admits that he doesn't like Su Qinghuan, but he sees such a beautiful woman leaning on his side obediently, looking at him with those two veins of affectionate eyes like crying, even though it is a hundred steelmaking , Will also be very soft-hearted.

  He even Mo Xuan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently stroked Su Qinghuan's temples.

   "It was I who made my concubine be wronged."

  Su Qinghuan shook her head softly.

"No, until now, it is also the concubine's willingness, saying that the blooming flowers are the most beautiful, and all the beautiful things are worth waiting for. The concubine has been waiting for the day when he reconciles his majesty. According to the concubine, choosing a day is better than hitting the sun. , How about today?"

  She is so determined to be disgusting.

  Anyway, Helian Moxuan didn't plan to make any substantial progress with her. Su Qinghuan wanted to see if Helian Moxuan rushed to find a guard to do ridiculous things with her.

  Anyway, the little fox is not afraid of soldiers coming to cover the water.

  During this period in Su Mansion, she also specially asked Su Rui to customize a lot of spices for her, which seemed very ordinary, but mixed together, it was enough to paralyze people's will.

   But ordinary people can't find out what's wrong with this spice. If you really want to ask, shouldn't she mix it up wrong?


  The most wonderful thing is that those spices will also have a certain hallucinogenic effect, which is enough for ordinary people. As a close guard of Helian Mo Xuan, I am afraid that his skills will not be able to find out.

   But even so, the system 233 guarantees Su Qinghuan that it is absolutely safe to faint the other party anyway. As for the extent to which Su Qinghuan can hypnotize those people, it depends on the little fox's own ability.


  Helian Mo Xuan stared at the beautiful face of the little fox, and for a moment looked at her diamond lips, almost bowed his head and wanted to kiss him.

  I always feel that but I haven’t seen each other for a while, this stupid woman looks much more beautiful.

   But it is clear that the five senses have not changed, and they are also talking about difficult words, but I don’t know what happened, it just hit the man’s heart, making him feel a little itchy in his heart.

 It’s a pity that Su Qinghuan’s sentence rounded up the room tonight, and Helian Moxuan suddenly poured cold water into his pocket.

  This woman is Su Rui’s sister and General Su’s daughter. How could she be misled by beauty for a while?


Those who have achieved great things should not be indulged in such a false appearance.

  Helian Mo Xuan immediately sat in distress, trying to make himself look more awake.

   "I love my concubine, it's not that I don't want to stay with you in the Qiwu Palace tonight, but if I have done a good deed with my concubine so hastily, I am afraid I will be wronged by my concubine."

   "But the concubines are not afraid of being wronged. The concubines have waited for this day. I don't know how many days have been waiting. Year after year, the concubines only think that they can be your majesty's real woman one day earlier."

   Su Qinghuan was chatting with Helian Moxuan without anyone else. She herself was vomiting in her heart, but she looked like she could not live without Helian Moxuan.

  If Xiao Tao is here, I am afraid that her eyes will pop out.

  She originally felt that her own lady’s acting skills have been soaring recently, but it is very rare to be able to perform to this day, which is extremely exaggerated but not objectionable, as if a natural admiration without showing any performance elements.


  Helian Mo Xuan suddenly hesitated seeing Su Qinghuan's persistence.

   "This... if Ai Concubine insists on making her room tonight, it's okay."

   Hearing Helian Moxuan's words, Su Qinghuan hadn't expressed his opinion yet, Mu Sisi had already rushed over frantically.

   "Your Majesty, don't do it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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