The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 957: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (83)

  Chapter 957 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (83)

  Su Qinghuan pretended to be surprised and took a step back, seemingly helpless, grasping the window edge of the carriage with his hands.

   "Why Empress Wanbi said this? In the eyes of Empress Wanbi, besides you, other concubines in the sixth house are not qualified to be favored by your majesty?"

  The tea smell in the tea came out of the little fox's mouth, but it was very natural.

Mu Sisi never thought that Su Qinghuan would one day follow her own way to frustrate her, and what makes Mu Sisi most exasperated is that even if she dislikes Su Qinghuan so much, she has to admit at this moment that the beauty of a woman is so beautiful. Fascinating.

  Even her tone of voice, even if most people think it is false, but when you see Su Qinghuan’s stunning face, you will subconsciously bring you into the emotions that Su Qinghuan gave.

  How can such a beauty lie?

  What's more, just looking at her face, even if she was the same woman, Mu Sisi was also in a daze subconsciously.

  If it weren’t for the thought that she now has nothing to rely on except the child in her stomach, I’m afraid that Mu Sisi can’t wake up so quickly.

   She gritted her teeth, and hurriedly pitifully toward Helian Mo Xuandao.

   "Your Majesty, the concubines do not mean that..."

Before Mu Sisi had finished speaking, Su Qinghuan robbed him of it.

  "Since Wandi didn't mean that, how about the emperor, the concubine and you tonight?"


   Mu Sisi glared at Su Qinghuan again with anger. She firmly tugged at her sleeves, feeling that the flimsy skirt might be torn by herself.

   There was a faint sound of cracking silk coming from the air, but the three people present did not put their minds on this trivial matter.

"Your Majesty, your concubine understands that as an emperor, you need the Sixth Palace of Grace, both rain and dew You, go to Shou'an Palace tonight."

   Mu Sisi was talking, and there were tears in her eyes.

  If it’s normal, I’m afraid Helian Moxuan can’t help but hug the beauty first, and feel relieved.

 It’s a pity that Su Qinghuan has been selling badly, Mu Sisi has been favored countless times, and she is pregnant, and Su Qinghuan is still like a girl who has not been out of the cabinet.

What's more, when it comes to beauty, Su Qinghuan wins, and when it comes to children, Mu Sisi is not the only one in the harem who has children, and Helian Moxuan does not lack the kind of woman who wants to have children for him.

  And what happened in Wangjiang Tower before was really a lingering shadow in Helian Moxuan's heart.


  The man thought this way, the only hint of sympathy for Mu Sisi also instantly turned into a cloud of smoke.

   Even though I felt that Su Qinghuan was nothing more than a sloppy beauty, at the moment it was used as a prevarication for Mu Sisi, but Helian Moxuan was also able to use it.

"Wanbi, why are you making trouble unreasonably? The doctor outside the palace has already said that the image of your fetus is very stable. If I stay in your palace, I am afraid that it will spread in the harem the next day. I am going to announce that you are pregnant in a few days."

   "And today, I will go to the imperial concubine's palace to rest."


An anxious look appeared on Mu Sisi's face, she wanted to struggle again, but Helian Moxuan had already given her no chance to speak.

   "I'm tired, you don't have to talk more."


   Seeing the man’s cold glance, even if Mu Sisi was unaware of her interest, she wouldn’t have to keep on rushing to bore Helian Mo Xuan at this time.

  She knew that she was wrong, but she did not expect that the love of the emperor could turn her face ruthlessly like this.

  If Helian Moxuan was really just a little guard at the beginning, how about even if he silently put a green hat on the emperor?

  It’s better than now Helian Mo Xuan kicked her away like this, completely ignoring that the two of them already had a common blood.


   Mu Sisi was infinitely wronged in her heart, but Su Qinghuan chuckled in her heart, just looking at her with a smile.

   "Don’t be angry, your majesty, your majesty only agreed to go to the Qiwu Palace in this palace because today’s time is special, and my palace begged blindly."

   "If Wan Bian has the heart, I can let your Majesty go to the Shou'an Palace more in the future."


  This woman is too shameless-shame!

  Personally, what happened to Helian Moxuan and her round the room!

  I don’t know how to write the word “checkpoint”! ?


Mu Sisi stared at Su Qinghuan with almost fire-breathing eyes. She completely forgot at this moment. She deliberately planned the first encounter in Qingxue Garden, but it was not because she was deliberately approaching Helian Moxuan, so as to have something to do with him. Indescribable development?

   But now that this method has been used by others, Mu Sisi is about to jump with anger.


  Everyone’s heart is more or less a double standard, but Su Qinghuan sees Mu Sisi's extremely angry look that he can't help it, don't mention how happy it is.

  "Tong'er, did you see that, if Helian Moxuan was not here, I suspect that Mu Sisi might have been fighting with me on the spot."

   "Host, only Mu Sisi has this body, and she doesn't know anything about other life-saving techniques. If she fights with you, isn't this the loser?"

  "Oh, Tonger, you know this truth, but Mu Sisi doesn't know it!"


  Helian Mo Xuan was upset inside, so he didn't want to talk to Mu Sisi any more, and he didn't want to say anything to Su Qinghuan anymore.

The little fox in front of him is like a good piece of fat. Even Helian Moxuan, the emperor who is used to seeing beautiful people, is always amazed and wants to covet into his bag, but every time he thinks of his future, he hesitates again. NS.

As soon as Helian Moxuan turned his head, he saw Su Qinghuan looking at him with admiration. The little fox's face was beautiful and charming. At this moment, the eyes filled with hearts seemed to be his appearance, but it made the man feel a different kind of heart. Shame.

  As if he was the drop of ink about to be stained with white paper, ruining Su Qinghuan's purity.


  Helian Mo Xuan's heart became more and more anxious.

  As soon as he entered the palace gate, Helian Moxuan first asked Su Qinghuan and Mu Sisi to return to their respective residences, and he went to the Palace of Qinzheng, opened the mechanism, and went to a place where there was a cave.

  There are many dark guards practicing martial arts.

  There is one of them, which is quite similar to Helian Moxuan's birth rate, but because of his year-round martial arts training, he is more burly.


   "Nineteen, come here."

   Helian Mo Xuan thought about it for a long time, and finally beckoned to the nineteenth-ranked guard.

   "I want to send you to do something..."

  (End of this chapter)

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